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There is only One

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This One which one becomes conscious of cannot be described, but It exists. You cannot see it because it’s formless. But you can become conscious of the One who is all, become aware of it. You will become conscious that God exists and is You and everything the moment you experience and become conscious of God, in the very second. That’s what non-duality is. It comes is various degrees however, so it can be different for many and also the same consciousness and understanding for many. But Only God Alone is existent, that’s why God is literally Everything.

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I call it God because only it alone exists. It can do anything because there is only It. Everything is it, it’s completely unbound or unlimited because it already is Everything.

You can also not point to it because it is the pointer and that which is being pointed at. It’s totally empty and formless so you can only be aware and conscious of it. And that means everything


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@Highest you can't even be conscious and aware of it for that is finite.

Infinity cannot be spoken of or thought of.  Every thought you have of it isn't it...because the thought is finite.

You have to BE it.  You have become one with your true self.  Pure being.  Pure consciousness.  You ARE GOD.

It's that simple.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 It’s consuming me everyday. And btw you are being IT when you are conscious of IT, thst’s my experience.

20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Highest you can't even be conscious and aware of it for that is finite.


,Consciousness of the NON-dual One is just another dimension. Not finite or Infinite. It’s direct aware consciousness of Truth: That I am God. It’s beyond the mind. You fucking become conscious of it and know that it is Truth.

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