
How has your first enlightenment experience changed your life?

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I'm looking for a little motivation for my spiritual practice.  I've never had an enlightenment experience and would love to hear about your mystical experiences and how they've transformed your life.  

This would be great if we could get a whole bunch of examples for motivating others as well.


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Well enlightement experience is like motivation itself you get it see how good it is and then it leaves you but they are so good that you wish only that nothing more...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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It is a very unique experience. Feels like you are the only one seeing or feeling that. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Matt23 for me it was very subtle. The change happened over several weeks. I noticed all of a sudden that there was no me.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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It took me years. Now I am literally conscious that ‘’I’’ don’t exist. I am not separate from God, literally and completely. No distinction, no anything ??

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With the transcending of the "I-body-mind", even if for only a brief moment, there is the direct experience of one's eternal boundless nature, beyond the limited boundaries of body and mind. There is an awareness of this body as form, contained in formlessness, and the direct knowing that the "I", or "little me" and all of it's beliefs, ideas, conceptions etc., that also arise and dissolve within this permanent unchanging awareness, is just imagination without substance. That in reality, through our direct experience, we are formless consciousness that has no beginning and no end. Whatever karmic baggage one may be left carrying is then "seen" with a more refined level of perception and heightened awareness than before and this loosens the grip.

One can now clearly see and differentiate from what is "me" and what is not "me" and allow the attachments,desires,etc.,to dissolve. As this happens ,we become more of "That" and less of "what is not That", until there is nothing left of "what is not that" to be drawn by and attach to. There is the dissolving away of identification with what was once believed to be "I/me" and/or the false egoic identity. Along with all it's untrue/false ideas, beliefs, concepts and clouded perceptions.

In seeing that there is no personal "I/me" that dies, as it never existed in the first place except as a conceptual idea or thought, who or what then dies?
To be or experience oneself as that which is ever aware, existing here-now,  substantially "real", and devoid of any thing-ness, including the thought or idea of being a separate personal self or "I/me, is to know what is ultimately True,timeless and everlasting. 

Edited by who chit

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I had an epiphany, I knew that God was everywhere and everything. It was mind blowing. Everything looked more "alive", even rocks and trees where aware or had life. I saw the connection among everything... it was amazing, but... it began to fade away.

Those are just glimpses, don't search for them. If they happen, just say thanks and keep meditating and doing self inquiry...

They can become a trap too...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Dear friends all are answering the first part of the question i. e about the enlightenment experience. 

Request to answer how it changed your life ???

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For everyone who think their're enlightened.

"You're just trying to decorate your individuality with whatever words come to you" #Sadhguru


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Not much, made me pursue spirituality more and motivated to establish consistent daily practice.

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9 hours ago, How to be wise said:

@Matt23 for me it was very subtle. The change happened over several weeks. I noticed all of a sudden that there was no me.

which one, subtle or all of a sudden?

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Mine happened whilst watching Leo's "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most Shocking Truth" video, and it was incredible. I just started laughing as I looked at "my" hands, realising for the first time it seemed, something that was so obvious it had completely eluded me - that I didn't exist! (not in the way I thought I did anyway) My ego was gone and I was in a blissful state of peace for about 10 days. 

The experience has changed my life because I now know that enlightenment is a real thing. I am not fully enlightened, but I know that I have glimpsed the Truth and I know that it's something I can continue to work towards.

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4 minutes ago, EvilAngel said:

Mine happened whilst watching Leo's "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most Shocking Truth" video, and it was incredible. I just started laughing as I looked at "my

The experience has changed my life because I now know that enlightenment is a real thing. I am not fully enlightened, but I know that I have glimpsed the Truth and I know that it's something I can continue to work towards.

Why do you say you are nit enlightened and just had a glimpse? Meaning ego returned again. 

And what insights you got due to that? 

Do you still have continous thoughts or free from thoughts? 

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6 minutes ago, Jkris said:

Why do you say you are nit enlightened and just had a glimpse? Meaning ego returned again. 

And what insights you got due to that? 

Do you still have continous thoughts or free from thoughts? 

Yes, ego returned again. Or at least there still seems to be an "I" that suffers. I still have a stream of thoughts, although I find I can quiet my mind much quicker these days. 

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8 hours ago, Jkris said:

Dear friends all are answering the first part of the question i. e about the enlightenment experience. 

Request to answer how it changed your life ???

Primarily that they gave me something to remember in times of doubt - that these things did happen so maybe I'm not chasing a pipe dream

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@SerpaeTetra it was a subtle change, but when I noticed it I already had the awareness. I just noticed that I had my permanent experience changed.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@Matt23 I can not be insulted by anyone, nor hurt, injured, sad, frustrated, depressed, anxious, angry, mad, jealous, envious, resentful, bitter, pissy, revengeful, bothered, begrudging, nor any other ‘asserted’ unrest. It was eye opening. 



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22 hours ago, Matt23 said:


I'm looking for a little motivation for my spiritual practice.  I've never had an enlightenment experience and would love to hear about your mystical experiences and how they've transformed your life.  

This would be great if we could get a whole bunch of examples for motivating others as well.


@Matt23 as of late, I have been experiencing some very very deep states, however I've made a vow to myself to completely let go of knowledge and just flow completely from what I feel in the present moment. With kryia yoga, then self enquiry immediately after, then vepaasana as well...6 months in and I'm starting to notice the reoccurring tangable feelings of just the deepening of my awareness I guess, whatever that means. All I do is look for the self, trust god for the rest. I find it works best, literally not thinking about anything at all haha. I've been able to become aware of what some of the rare actual Christian Mystics call "God's voice" and being able to affect things in your life just by focusing for 10 minutes. I started a business in 2 weeks, going to do loads of professional posters laminated all around the local area...I'm gonna teach piano. That's how powerful this voice has been. For me, I've never experienced one singlar point in time that I can say "that was a powerful spiritual awakening experience"...however, I feel this voice telling me that I will yse kryia yoga and 5meo DMT to attain enlightenment. Or at least get closer. I have some in my room, it's HCl so I was going to snort it...however I feel as though this is a better method as opposed to smoking it because I find smoking substances have a far heavily comeup. And my mind can be a, dodgy place like. So I'm gonna have to be careful make sure I'm in a class mood. I know I'm gonna be a bit scared like. Probably a lot actually. But yes I'm starting to experience the Bliss and noticeable change in personality, my lifestyle is much cleaner, I am talking seriously to a really nice looking girl and I like her, and this piano business and meditating and just all the brilliance of god

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In my case was not to be so attached to material things, also to know that we are all one made me have less conflicts with other people.

Accept a lot of situations that seems "stressful" but they are not in reality. And it opened me to investigate ideas that before I wouldn't even explore, be able to see a situation from a lot of different points of view. And that gave me an understanding of why others react differently to the same situation.

Also it helped me to be more calm and aware.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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