
How to improve many skills in life simultaneously?

15 posts in this topic

Title isn't very informative.

What I mean is, I have a lot of things/skills to improve on. Example: Communication, Leadership Skills, Critical thinking, Humor etc.

How could I work on them simultaneously? Is it even okay to work on them simultaneously?

Should I just work on one skill for sometime(Maybe 6 months) and then move to other? What should I do?


Thank you for your time.

- Json.

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Yes absolutely! I think you will have better results if you work on your self holistically like this, everything is interconnected.

For example, your leadership skills will improve as you communicate your intentions better. Your communication skills will improve as you learn to better lead people through the story/idea you are telling.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@jsonte Make it your LIFESTYLE. Focus on the PRODUCTIVE activities in your life and everything will fall in place.

One day I met a girl and she told me to do "everything at the same time". It sounded a little counter-intuitive to me at that time, but now I understand it better as I focus more on the entrepreneur lifestyle. BTW the girl worked as some kind of marketing CEO in the russian division of the PEPSI company, so I guess she knew a couple of things about business/life, etc.

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8 hours ago, jsonte said:

What I mean is, I have a lot of things/skills to improve on. Example: Communication, Leadership Skills, Critical thinking, Humor etc.

All those things can be improved by raising your awareness and doing consciousness work. 


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I guess, I wasn't clear.

I wanna know how you guys manage time learning/studying/practicing these skills? I have a day job as a software developer. And I love writing programs and solving problems. My career demands me to keep studying new things constantly. I like it too; but it takes time. How do I spend time on other skills? It seems impossible.

I need to practice a skill for an hour a day - but I have so many of them to improve. How do I go about it on every day basis?


Thank you for your time.


@Salvijus, I am sorry, I couldn't fail but notice your answers on other threads too and I think you aren't being much helpful. When you read a question, I think you need to understand what mindset a questioner has, what perspective they are coming in from and this needs a lot of empathy. Just a honest feedback and suggestion. Thank you for your time.

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@jsonte loool :D

Let me try again then :D

You have to understand what is the root problem here why do you su struggle to communicate, to express yourself?

Why can't you think clearly, with a mental clarity and pearceing perseption and critical very clear understanding of the situation?

Why can't you be more humorous, relaxed, natural, and spontanious?

Why do you struggle to inspire people and be their leader and lead people to greater good? 

See... To inspire people, to lead them is not a skill. It's a consciquence of your development. If your critical thinking is very sharp, your mental clarity is much better then others then you can be a guide to them. How can you be a guide to someone if you yourself have 0 mental clarity? So being a leader is just a natural consiquence when you have much more clarity about given situation, in that situation you'll become a leader.

Now how to develop this mental clarity and perception. Well that's where meditation and consciousness work comes in. It's all about becoming more mindfull, more insightfull, less identified with your mind which is the core principle of having more mental clarity.

You see when you're too entangled in your thoughts and emotions, you cant see anything. Once you detach from the mind, through meditation, yoga, whatever practice that you do. Then you have a much better view of how things really are. That's what mental clarity/critical thinking is.

Let me use an annalogy to make you understand how this works. Let me ask you is earth round or flat? Well in your experience you cant tell. Honestly it feels flat in your current experience. But if you fly higher off the ground you start to see that it's actually round. If you fly to the cosmos then you can clearly say, yes earth is round there's no question about it. 

Same way with your mind. Once you're inside nothing is clear to you. You're confused about everything. Once you move higher everything becomes more and more clear.

So okey what do we got so far. Being a leader = natural consiquence of having more mental clarity then others = you need to do consciousness work, raise your awareness.

Now communication. Struggling with communication has a few problems. 

1. Emotional blockages, past traumas, etc. For this there are specific methods, yogic tools preferably. But not necessarily. Like being in nature or doing osho dynamic meditation or doing some psychedelics(which I'm strongly against and they have 1000problems attached it) can give you emotional purging, cleansing etc. Do some therapy or osho dynamic meditation. That's the best advise for you. The best advise would actually be to learn proper yogic sciences specifically designed for these things but osho dynamic meditation is also good.

2. Emotional disconnection. Meaning, you're not aware of your inner feelings thus you find it very hard to express yourself. Does it happen that you want to say something but you just don't know how, you're confused, you don't understand what's happening to you, you don't know how to express what is going on in your head.? It happens like to 99perc. people that I met.

All this is because of not being mindful of emotions and feelings. There's a serious lack of awareness. When you're absolutely aware of inner situation. Then you'll notice that your ability to express yourself is phenomenally grater. Right now It's like you're trying to play music but you're tone deaf. You'll be a very lausy player. 

There's great annalogy about this if you're somewhat musician. All the tone deaf people when they sing ir play they are very confident that they are playing in tune (i was one of them :D) untill someone records them, then they realize omg I'm totally off the tune. But they cant hear it. They think they are in tune. The same thing happens with people who don't have emotional connection and awareness. They think they know themselfs well, they think they understand what they feel untill they do some self-reflection then they realize don't understand themselfs at all :D

You see. For example, what's the difference between jazz player and a tone deaf person trying to improvize playing music? Well the reason jazz player is able to improvize and express himself sponteniously, playfully, effortlessly like a breeze because he did decades of ear training, sensitivity training. That's the whole difference. When a person is tone deaf only noise comes out of him. The same goes with people who don't have emotional awareness..they think they do but when they try to express themselfs only noise comes out. When you do lots of mindfulness and rise your sensitivity your expression with people will become like jazz, effortless, spontenious music will come out of your mouth.

3. Reason why people struggle with expressing themselfs is bad coherence between left and right brains. In other words, bad articulation or verbal skills this is the least of your problems. It can also be improved by meditation, excpesially kriya yoga.

Okey humor. Humor is basicly the same as communication or expression of your feelings. If you're relaxed and spontenious, natural, authentic people will find you pleasent. And your actions will always be appropriate to the situation. Don't try to be funny person. These people are a headache who try to be funny all the time. Just be honest and in harmony with yourself and life around you. Then your expression will always be right and appropriate. When it's time to be silly you'll be silly. Move with a flow. For this you need serious serious serious consciousness work. Years of meditation, Yoga, kriya, whatnot... To be spontenious, in harmony in life is the one of the major focus in spirituality.

Okey so see.... All those things communication, leadership, humor, mental clarity/ critical thinking is just a consciquence of your consciousness development. That's why I said. You asked how to work on them simultaneously, i sayed do the consciousness work. It's a solution to everything in life. It's number 1thing in life that will bring you success in whatever feald you're trying to achieve success.

Okey, this should be enough to at least give a taste of what it means to raise your awareness, do consciousness work :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 3/1/2019 at 7:07 AM, jsonte said:

Title isn't very informative.

What I mean is, I have a lot of things/skills to improve on. Example: Communication, Leadership Skills, Critical thinking, Humor etc.

How could I work on them simultaneously? Is it even okay to work on them simultaneously?

Should I just work on one skill for sometime(Maybe 6 months) and then move to other? What should I do?


Thank you for your time.

- Json.

Hi, check this podcast 



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@Salvijus Okay, that makes sense. If I understand correctly, what you are saying is, root cause of all these is "awareness". Not being aware or being not aware enough. I ll put myself through 45 days consistent conscious work alone and see how things start to change around. I think you are right about this because I have had this experience myself but I had forgotten its important. I am grateful to you for reminding me that. So, thank you. :) 

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@jsonte wow. That's a very great idea you made :)

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@sidaz10 Thank you for sharing this. It was interesting and opened up new possibilities. I ll followup as I go through this in depth. 


This has been helpful @all. :)

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If you are in a state of relaxation, you will automatically improve many skills at once, effortlessly.

If you aren't in that state, you won't progress in any area, despite how much effort you make.


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I would say that Consistency plays a HUGE role when you're trying to improve at any skill. 

Like they say, "Repetition is the mother of skill."

You can ONLY get better with time and practice, thats how you're going to be competent at anything ! 

Watch this video on Why Consistency is so important - 


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@jsonte I believe for more goal-oriented skills like self-esteem, marketing, etc. I would focus on one of these projects at a time, really focus, sit with one book, and go deep in that. However there are smaller habits like cooking healthy meals, exercising, visualizing, that I feel can be done alongside these more bigger projects. 

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First start from a pragmatic view , you have limited energy and time right now , you cant do 100000 task a day lets say , so thats a clue for your place in the universe and the whole of universe's laws at work , each part of the universe needs its right , now when you try to develop from this point you will choose to do limited things a day ,

For me im trying to develop my character , i have a lot of dimensions to develop like responsibility , masculinity which also consists of many adjectives like roughness , confidence etc ,

Now when i try to practice the whole of masculinity i find that my brain's processing power cant handle embodying all the new characteristics at once , i will have to think for five minutes to prepare each sentence that contain all the new stuff in my interaction , from this point i decide to practice each one at a time , first i choose one skill like confidence and i practice it during the first five minutes of my interaction , then i switch to another , that way i practice alot of them , note: i choose the skill to practice that rhymes with the situation

, after some time skills that you practices becomes combined in your character , the brain will find a way to balance them and combine them

, so definitely not all new skills at once , give each skill your focus and consciousness and contemplation , while putting them close in order and not 6 months in between ,

Now , take it from a life point of view , when you learn , you learn the thing you consider "part of my life" , if you dont consider it that way it will be registered in your mind as a temporary and not relevant to you .

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