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Kriya Yoga and visualising chakras + prana? Are chakras real?

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I've only very recently got the book Kriya Secrets Revealed, I'm on lesson 8 so far. I've liked it all so far. I've liked Ujayi breathing in particular. 

Last few lessons of the book have been about visualising chakras, and visualising energy moving through your spine. I've done a few exercises and they've been good for calming down monkey mind. 

My question broadly is, what do you make out of chakra's in Kriya Yoga theory? Has anyone here had any deep experiences with chakras? As far as my experiences ago, ive had my forehead tingle a lot on a few occasions and I've also felt weird sensations on the upper part of my spine when doing normal meditation.

Are these chakras "real"? Or does the prana and chakra model simply provide a good foundation for visualtion and breathing exercises, exercises which calm the mind? Like when it comes to chanting for example (whether it be "ohm", "mu" or any sort of sutra or mantra) my view is that these words are chanted not for their inherent meaning but that these words have sounds which serve as a good point for developing mindfullness. 

All of Kriya Yoga seems to have chakra theory underlying it. It's a bunch of concepts. But if these concepts have tangible weight, like say nutrition or psychedelics for example,I want to know.

The thing I've noticed about chakras is that the idea I have that a particular chakra has a specific spacial location is based upon a concept I've heard, not based on direct experience. The book tells me a chakra is at the base of my spine, so I focus on the base of my spine. I sense "something" there and project some sort of meaning onto it. The problem here is that I could arbitrarily pick any other location on my body (e.g. My legs), sense something there, and project some sort of meaning to it if I wanted. The only thing I've had direct experience with is forehead tingling and a broad upper spinal tingling. 

Another thing is that when I'm doing deep meditation, I feel as though the visualition of chakra's perpetuates the illusion that I have or am a body. Which I why I see Kriya Yoga as something I'll do before regular meditation, and not as a replacement. It especially seems to perhaps perpetuate that illusion if I'm falsely projecting meaning onto my sensory experiences. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Does it even matter? Do the practices, Kriya Yoga doesn't require you to believe in anything in order to work.

  On 2/28/2019 at 6:21 PM, lmfao said:

The problem here is that I could arbitrarily pick any other location on my body (e.g. My legs), sense something there,

That's true, but you are missing something big here. You will sense something, but this "something" will be drastically different in the legs and at the points called chakras. Although, initially, there may not be a lot of difference.

As you progress in practice, your sensing will become of "higher resolution" and you will naturally understand why the concept of chakras was created and what purpose it serves. It was not taken out of thin air but from observations made by people far more advanced in concentration practice than you.

Edited by Girzo

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It does not really matter it's also more of just a map of where some energies passes/get stocked rather than an actual entity, I think

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Who told it's not real? All the ignorant people who never meditate are talking nonsense all the time and you buy it.

All the sages say it's real... Show me one sage who says it's not true.

There are many people on this forum who experiences energy vibrations everyday in their body. it's not even a big achievement. It's more like a child's play actually.

It's not a imaginary concept or placebo effect. Once you activate it, it vibrates like an earthquake. It took me only about 1,5years of Mooji self-enquiry practice to start feeling some evergy vibrations in my belly and on the forehead. As I became to do Sadhguru's Yoga then the energy bacame very intense throughout the whole body. Now it's just an everyday experience to me. 

It's not even mystical or anything. Just read shamanic breathing mega thread people who have no experience of kriya are able to activite some their energies to some level.

That thing that you experienced on your spine could be hold as one of the manifestations of prana and a small evidence (I guess idk). Prana can express itself many ways. It can express as heat in the body, or waves of heat or cold energies passing through.( Happens often to people) sometimes it expresses like a tingling sensations like needles in the body, usually it just vibrants like an earthquake.  There are many ways, many dimensions it has. Sadhguru says energy has 10dimensions of manifestation. But he also says you can do 1000things with your energy :D so i don't know really :D

If you want to experience this you have a huge chance to do it on March 5th.. stay up until midnight and do your meditation or kriya whatever you do. It's a phenomenal day which happens once a year where the energy in the body is going to be most intense. This is an opportunity to confirm prana to yourself.

Actually that prana and chakras exist is even proveable simply by logical thinking.... But I'm not going to go there now.


Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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I've developed the ability to control my own individual chakras and of others around me. Is really simple when you are sensitive enough. 

But don't go into the BS of fixed shapes and the literal stories from religious books. They are in reality organs in your body that are part of the basic parts of the brain. To use those parts, that we call subconscious mind is the process of destruction and shattering of your personality and the world as you know it now. After you discover what the hack are your own organs and how to control them.

Yes it's possible to control Breath, Temperature, Heartbeat, Emotions, everything really. Even those around if they are dormant. 

From experience i can tell, the most awakened human can influence the less awakened. So is not that crazy in thinking if you awake to such a degree you can literally influence the course of the world. Just by having a direct opinion on how the world should, be aware enough of your own harmony and this is achieved. Being the reason so much fake news around, and they usually happen, because many people buy that and their grain of influence, build huge mountains of influence upon everyone. 

Edited by Hellspeed

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@lmfao Chakras are a real thing. I'm not into kriya yoga so I can't speak about the technicalities of visualizing them and doing chakra exercises etc. All I can say is I've had activity or purging in areas corresponding to chakras for over a year.

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When I was experiencing very difficult emotions of grief which manifested in chronic pain I had a reiki healing massage which was a real turning point. My heart and throat chakras were blocked. Its a real thing. 

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