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You (God) can attain the best of both worlds (the dual and non-dual)

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@Highest I don't understand these terms nondual world and dual world. My theoretical understanding is either you can be in nothingness and cannot function from that state. So necessarily one has come out of nothingness to function in the world. ?

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1 minute ago, Jkris said:

@Highest I don't understand these terms nondual world and dual world. My theoretical understanding is either you can be in nothingness and cannot function from that state. So necessarily one has come out of nothingness to function in the world. ?

What world are you in when thinking stops?

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I think I understand what you mean. 

I interpret your post as saying that this distance you felt between your "lower self" and "higher self" is now gone, correct?

I recently tried 2c-b and became highly aware that I was directly connected with Truth whereas before I had this mental habit of treating my ego and God as separate even though I knew it was one. hard to explain.

Like I was imaging Me ------------ God. Almost as if there was a distant link of some sort, but in actuality Me/God are right on top of each other.

But I'm still in need of development and integration.

edit: I could just be projecting my experience. 


Edited by SgtPepper

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@Highest i think you've done some self-reflection and you've got somewhere with it. But it's not the finish line.

If you go to some monestary or ashram in India you'd spend decades of hardcore spiritual practice everyday nonstop grinding. years after years after years until you're like 40years minimum. These 4years you're talking about is nice but you should not stop. You should move forward. That's the biggest danger that people fall into.


Very beautiful quote from sadhguru warrning us of the danger to think we're enlightened too early.

"The danger, Sadhguru tells us does not lie in being in the dark; that can be dispelled for anyone who genuinely desires it, but in settling for an easy brilliance, a spurious radiance. The danger does not lie in seeking urgently, but in arriving cheaply."

"Don't polish your ignorance," he warns. "It may shine"




Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Joseph Maynor It’s not a belief. It’s something you become conscious of. I’m conscious of it right now and it’s everything. A seperate entity or ‘’me’’ is the grestest illusion.

@lmfao As far as the True Self everything is indeed perfect. When it comes to actualizing visions that becomes easy once you become conscious. But Yeah it is limited to physical laws etc.

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8 minutes ago, Highest said:

@Joseph Maynor It’s not a belief. It’s something you become conscious of. I’m conscious of it right now and it’s everything. A seperate entity or ‘’me’’ is the grestest illusion.

I'm glad you're participating on the Forum.  There's been a lot of very smart people on here lately.  We're gonna all learn from each other and need to stay open-minded, including myself.  We all need to make ourselves open to being influenced by others.  We're like artists that need to be open to influence, no matter how confident we come to believe we have the one right answer to everything.  And I'm included in this as well.  We need to be smart and humble at the same time, a paradox that requires subtle balancing.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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6 hours ago, Highest said:

@Joseph Maynor Yes, but what I vision and imagine is something that can be done. Not for most people, but I can do it if I wish because I am conscious of the most obvious: I am God.

Yeah, I got it.

Edited by Odysseus
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11 hours ago, Highest said:

@Serotoninluv Why can’t I be conscious of God and that I am It, and at the same time live fully in the dual world? 

I didn’t say you couldn’t. I said my sense is that you've had some direct experience at a deeper level and are at an immature stage of development with it, This is quite common since the self likes to contextualize and take ownership of experience.

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9 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

I didn’t say you couldn’t. I said my sense is that you've had some direct experience at a deeper level and are at an immature stage of development with it, This is quite common since the self likes to contextualize and take ownership of experience.

For me, I've recently had two great weeks, I was the most aware through them in my entire life (not saying that I realised higher truths or anything, but I was just hyper aware). I thought it would not stop, but rather to grow more and more, but then suddenly, I am now having the worst flu in my entire life. I guess that's my ego reacting and refusing to die.

I couldn't be able to maintain awareness anymore, so I took a rest.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@28 cm unbuffed My goal is to share understanding and expand consciousness. Why do I claim that I am God when I know and are conscious that I am It just like I know I have hands? I cant explain it but it just to create understanding and consciousness, or maybe to enguaraqe people.

Edited by Highest

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14 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

For me, I've recently had two great weeks, I was the most aware through them in my entire life (not saying that I realised higher truths or anything, but I was just hyper aware). I thought it would not stop, but rather to grow more and more, but then suddenly, I am now having the worst flu in my entire life. I guess that's my ego reacting and refusing to die.

I couldn't be able to maintain awareness anymore, so I took a rest.

That sounds like some meaningful direct experience. Depth is relative. Based on your personal experience, it was deep. That is the key thing.

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@Highest Sounds like a wonderful realization. :)

When fear drops away it's a big relief for the system. All imagined limitations drop away. It always go deeper though but it always feel complete. That is humbling to realize.

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@WelcometoReality It’s a genius realization. Indeed, when fear dies that’s a big relief. I can look at a woman for example and vision ‘’I want you’’ and get her number after talking and stuff in minutes. Not because I look good or put on some confident mask. It’s because fear is dying.

Like you said, all imagined limitations drop away. But there are other kinds of limitations which need work and simply drop away completely.

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@SgtPepper No distance between the higher and lower self, yes. Your 2c-b experience sounds awesome and it is real and true. There is indeed no seperation between you and God, because there exist actually no ‘’You’’ in reality apart from it. You see? You are It. You are God! ??

Edited by Highest

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You realize that is no turning back to duality after discovering and healing the body/mind! 

Lower and higher selves are a chitchat for those who have not reached non-duality on a practical manner. 

Edited by Hellspeed

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55 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

You realize that is no turning back to duality after discovering and healing the body/mind! 


Maybe you should say discovering God. But you are simply wrong, you can return back to duality fully. With full awarness that it is duality and ultimately an illusion. But you can still live in the dual world fully. That is at least my actual experience.

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@Hellspeed But you are right, there is no self whatsoever. Not to talk about a separate self or entity, or being a human biological creature with a brain which creates reality. That is the greatest illusion. It’s not even a illusion, it’s pure delusion.

Edited by Highest

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