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28 cm unbuffed

Making decisions in life

3 posts in this topic

So, according to Leo's videos, there are a lot of wrong with making your decisions according to logic, morality etc. But (i know there is no golden rule for that), what do you guys think about this topic in general?

Like - when it is ok to make choices based on feelings (when understanding your feelings is like one of the hardest things as a human), when to trust your intuition (which we have no clue about too), etc, etc.

You can never be sure about anything, until you life throught that, I get it, but what are golden rules for life, for just making our decisions these couple percents better? Your thoughts? Would love to hear something about that from you guys.

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I've found that the faster I make decisions, generally, the better my decisions are. The more I trust myself and act quickly, the better decisions I make. Our bodies are basically biological computers and they are constantly computing things in our subconsciousness. By trusting your intuition, you're able to tap into all this computing power.

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29 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

 but what are golden rules for life, for just making our decisions these couple percents better? Your thoughts? Would love to hear something about that from you guys.

That's the whole beauty of life that there're no techneques to live life. 

You want a somekind of guideline a "golden rule" when there is none.

But how to make descisions then? By using awareness... Omg this is so beautiful. 

This state is a quality of a sage. They don't know anything at all, their minds are empty. But whatever happens to them, whatever situation arises they know how to react to it spontaniously. They do that not by using any techneque or morality or ideology or "golden rules" but simply by sheer awareness that they have the moment something happens they know how to react to that effortlessly. Even when the situation that never happened before in the entire history of life they know what to do in that moment because it just happens automatically to them. They are like water. You put them in whatever situation they will adjust. You put them in whatever shape they will fit perfectly. But someone who is full of concepts and techneques is like ice cube never fits anywhere :D

Life always always always knows what to do. Only intelect doesn't know what to do. That's why the highest teaching in spirituality is drop your techneques, drop your moralities, drop your phylosophies and become life, not a bundle of concepts, ideas, images, identities that we call ourselfs to be but simply life. And life is inteligence that knows everything.


There's a very beautiful example i read a long time in sadhguru's book about inteligence vs intelect.

He says bee have 100times smaller brains then humans. But bees know how to create a bee hive which is the highest level of engineering. Even today's scientics cannot create such a sofisticated design like bees can create. How does it do it? It's not like he's carring any of this information in it's head, bee doesn't read any books about how to create a bee hive, it doesn't have any experience of doing it any techneques nothing. It is all done by sheer life's inteligence.



Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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