Eric Tarpall

The most painful aspect of being an incel

48 posts in this topic


On 26.02.2019 at 6:10 PM, Salvijus said:

Lol. You're just a victim of marketing.

Do you feel bad because you never been skydiving ? I bet it feels amazing, but the desire to do it is absant.. 

This is just marketing basicly.

what are you talking about? xD creating relationships with other humans is one of major thing in life that gives you happiness, fulfillment and meaning ... unless you're one of those outcast who meditate in cave and isolate themself,
as you can see he has bad attitudes to opposite sex - obviously that is not the way to go about it ...


@tenta I don't have to proof anything, that's what his is ego wants - looking for confirmation of his victimhood,
"women are bad - it's not my fault - there is nothing I can do about it"
at this stage all the energy is concantrated on proving and confirmation his right to be a victim, there is no thoughts about solutions ...
imagane if even half of that energy would be spend on solutions - what his life can look like than???
and we are doing it here or there (different area but still) so good question also would - where do I behave, thinking like that ??? and that is not easy to admit
if you tell him or show the truth (or even different possibilites) - do you think he is going to accept it, just like that? that he is wrong,
that his beleives are false? meanwhile they server his ego survival very well until this point
that will almost never happned (instant enlightenment are rare) - mostlikely there will be resistance, and than either he accept it (and new possibilites opens up) or neglect it and go back to what is already known and familiar
in dating realms
you're your worst enemy
nothing stands in the way beside yourself
I've seen in in my friends, in my wingmens, in myself
You have to face your own inner deamons and false believes, nobody can't do it for your,
and women are not responsible for your attitudes towards them,


@Eric Tarpall

On 26.02.2019 at 4:57 PM, Eric Tarpall said:

I don't know what elase means.

if you want to have power = taking responsibility is the way
you can star by reading the game - neil strauss

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6 hours ago, tenta said: is awful and the moderators are stage red/orange children who ban random people for fun.

Nice bait my dude.

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4 hours ago, OmniYoga said:

if you tell him or show the truth (or even different possibilites) - do you think he is going to accept it, just like that? that he is wrong,
that his beleives are false? meanwhile they server his ego survival very well until this point
that will almost never happned (instant enlightenment are rare) - mostlikely there will be resistance, and than either he accept it (and new possibilites opens up) or neglect it and go back to what is already known and familiar
in dating realms
you're your worst enemy
nothing stands in the way beside yourself
I've seen in in my friends, in my wingmens, in myself
You have to face your own inner deamons and false believes, nobody can't do it for your,
and women are not responsible for your attitudes towards them,


The ego will rather die than admit its beliefs to be wrong, pride is one of the strongest ego emotions, why do people kill themselves ? it proves that the ego rather literally kill itself than look inside in see all of its bullshits.

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6 hours ago, Coco Money said:

DISCLAIMER: Use this method on your own risk. The author of this method has no responsibility for you actions. 

@Eric Tarpall Easy solution: BE YOURSELF with a woman and DON'T TRY to "get laid" or something like that. Just talk to a girl in a "normal" way like you're talking to a friend. This stuff is super simple I assure you it works like magic not only for me but also for my friends.

Women just want someone who is true, who is real. Don't try to lie, you'll get nowhere. Be true, authentic and the things will happen on its own, trust me.

Also don't be scared to touch a woman when you feel the time is right ;)

Have fun man.

she try to litteraly get laid with me, very obviously, I didn't resist

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On 28.2.2019 at 0:42 PM, Markus said:

@Eric Tarpall . Another thing you can do is read and watch women's perspectives on life. What their problems are and how they feel. It will probably be uncomfortable but there's a lot of growth to be had in that. Try to genuinely, without placing yourself in the middle, understand women better. Because just like you have reasons for the way you're doing, they do as well.


can you recommend something?

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@MM1988 No particular recommendation, just check out some feminist youtubers/speakers/authors or sites.

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@Markus @MM1988
that is half retarded, women in genral are lacking of self-awareness, + they are indirect, they don't say things straight
what was found in pua community through trial and error process
is that what woman says logicaly what she wants, is not what she emotionally respond to ...
so you gotta be awere of that, and finding meaning bettwen the lines ...

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@OmniYoga It's a good idea to read everyone, as words are given meaning by the emotions behind them. There are generally differences in the ways men and women tend to express themselves. From the male point of view it could seem to you like women are more dishonest, but that's because you don't see the world from where they're coming from. Humanity at large lacks honesty and self-awareness. The PUA community and the manosphere do not measure high in those attributes either.

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