
No need to become a sage

109 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

That's the current bullshit which the current bullshit me is believing in.

But that doesn't mean what you people say isn't bullshit. It's also bullshit. ?

The only people who don't say bullshit is enlightened people.

So you're saying all what you believe is bullshit, except when you say that only enlightened people aren't saying bullshit ?

That's a little bit selective don't you think ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Joseph Maynor

1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What is this supposed to mean?  Does this mean look at this image and everything is ok?

I feel like the image is supposed to represent Sadhguru staring into your eyes and saying "Come on Shiva, stop hiding. You can't fool me." or maybe Sadhguru is staring at you to convey the words "Are you for real dude?". 

I love the gag, Shin always brings some humour to these threads. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@lmfao Thank you for clarifying. My message is simple. After you become conscious of the non-dual God and all your separation between ‘’you’’ and the NON-dual is gone, you can now attain the best of both worlds, the non-dual and the dual (creation). You can be immersed in creation, the world and you can in a blink of an eye return to the NON-dual state whenever you want. 

I choose to be in both places, immersed fully in both. Just live and experience, connect fully with other beings. And do all this with full awarness. God (You) can attain the best of both realities, be fully in duality and non-duality.

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7 hours ago, Highest said:

@now is forever You think I’m full of myself, how so? ??

no what it meant was you don’t have space for anything except you, how small that you might be depends on perspective, a great person might not care and see that there is a lot of wasteland. because all you create is lines - you don’t let anything enter as your ego is a fixed mindset bubble that needs to defend itself against its own inferiority complex. that’s why you are fucking around, while instead the worlds shadow is fucking around with you.

you are trying to teach something that doesn’t fit with actualized org and behave like a teacher. regarding weed - it’s certainly an interesting plant especially in sense of cbd oil and some other substrates regarding pain relief and other medical functions. but the shaman of this forum already stated several times that he wouldn’t use habit forming substances. and certainly would have interfered until now. i‘m sure you already got your portion, but still you are trying to teach it to others because - yes you are so full of yourself you don’t even try to understand the difference in getting wasted yourself and trying to teach that shit to others.

well you are so fully inflated to yourself that you even try to squeeze into unattended spaces.

as there is no authority to stop you, the only authority to change yourself is yourself. see the dilemma?

Edited by now is forever

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On 2/25/2019 at 6:23 PM, Highest said:

You don’t need to use decades to become a sage, you have all of reality right in front of you and you can play and have fun in it. Immerse in NON-duality and immerse in duality both, make the best out of both worlds. There is a place where everything is One, then there is the precious personal. Make love with that, immerse yourself in that. You can attain the best of both worlds with full awarness.

Which is precisely what sages do. Sages don’t tend to just play on one end of the paradox where they never suffer. 

Of course you’re free to do whatever you want (in a sense). The desire to become a sage for me isn’t about having some title. It’s about having enough of a vision down the road about what I value most and what I’m going to want to contribute as a result of the work that will need to be done. You can be fully awakened to God and that is what you are but once you sustain that level of consciousness throughout your daily life, living for your own selfish agenda that doesn’t impact anybody else despite the fact that it’s an illusion tends to not be that satisfying anymore. Living for just pure comfort and hedonism and it’s all for you on the relative side of things just stops making sense. For me, I don’t want to speak for anyone else, I feel amazing when I give all of myself to someone and there’s that devotion. Whether it be with a person and I go grab them a meal and pass that on to them, $10 a hug and a conversation or picking up trash along a trail and then looking at the trees and hills and feeling a love for that and thinking ‘what if my work was like that for the world?’ 

I’m with you in a lot of ways. If someone for example is enlightened and they’re cool with being a life coach or programmer and they never ever talk about what they know and that’s what they want to do, man that’s awesome. If that drive isn’t there to talk about spiritual matters, then throw that idea in the trash. 

The main thing I think is missed about sages is that they don’t just play on one end of the paradox of never feeling pain or suffering. Christ I think is an inspiring example of that. Even people like Sadhguru today I think are great role models of that. These people serve and give beyond themselves. They aren’t some nondual know it all keyboard jockeys who talk about how everything is all an illusion and there’s nothing to do. 

Edited by kieranperez

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@now is forever once again you assume things about me when you don’t know me at all. You are simply mistaken and I didn’t really understand what you wrote.

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11 minutes ago, Highest said:

@now is forever once again you assume things about me when you don’t know me at all. You are simply mistaken and I didn’t really understand what you wrote.


Blablabla I'm smarter and more woke than you.

Pull off the golden nothing from your ass.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin You misunderstand. No one is more awake or conscious than anyone. Only what the individual is conscious and aware of. In my case it’s God, I don’t know about you.

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3 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

This topic is something i was thinking about a lot while creating my life purpose course.

I love self-development, and it is and always will be the most important thing in my life to become enlightened, but I'm not guy like Leo, I mean, my mind is not that analitical, i prefer getting the most simple conclusions and getting my results the simplest way. And i have some trouble saying the things that I "know" about, with language, i prefer symbols, that's why i got interested in pursuing arts.

All of that reminds me of my personal "hero", Leonardo da Vinci, guy who was probably the greatest genius of all times, 10/10 in left hemosphere of the brain and 10/10 in right hemosphere of a brain, so why can't you be somewhat like him - have a best life here, on Earth and also become enlightened?

Also - that's the way Leo took, and the way Abraham Maslov is talking about - grinding to the top, going through all of the spiral stages, finding out what really makes you happy from each of the stages and letting go stuff that you don't find good for you. 

Of course - you can first try to become enlightened, but isn't it like hard anyways, when there is tons of things on your mind all the time, urges and responsibilites of everyday life? Isn't it just natural to grow yourself fully - in Maya and your True Self at the same time (they are one btw, sooo).

What do you guys think? I'm really curious about your perspective on that.

because leonardo davinci might have been really sage like, at least he was close to a higher source of being - and i don’t think he just enjoyed life. and also yes, in a sense maybe he did but he worked hard for it, living basically at the edge of the middleages, and certainly was not sleeping with women, what for sure didn’t make his life easier in these times. there is a difference in being an artist and being one of the greatest artists in history - and living such an easy life is still not possible without having donors or buyers who make life affordable. until then you have to strive high to even get to the point that someone with money fancies your art - unfortunately there are not a lot of rich people with taste for real art so the way to the top is not one without sacrifices. you need to strive to get to the top without caring if you‘ll make it there. just art for arts sake, only to get a chance. it’s usually not just happening to you - and for those people who get it for free, they often have real spiritual problems and various layers of hollowness. they often struggle with it because they loose earth contact (rising fast, falling fast - a rollercoaster ride)

Edited by now is forever

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