
No need to become a sage

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I have already said that you can do anything after becoming conscious that you are the God. You are God and Creator of your reality. Recreate, make it great. Personality, the ego, your perceptions, your body, your mind and being. Make it the way you really want it.

But I want to say that you don’t need to become some sage or something. Fuck that shit. I’m telling you that you can be conscious of God and that you are God, and at the same time you can be yourself and experience duality and existence fully. Have a good time, smoke some weed, fuck as many girls you want, meet and make genuine connection with other individuals. Just create something, have a vision. 

You don’t need to use decades to become a sage, you have all of reality right in front of you and you can play and have fun in it. Immerse in NON-duality and immerse in duality both, make the best out of both worlds. There is a place where everything is One, then there is the precious personal. Make love with that, immerse yourself in that. You can attain the best of both worlds with full awarness.


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@SoonHei That is true my good friend. Most of your reality cannot be changed, like your visual field etc etc. Mostly it also is an unfolding by itself and you can be a witness to that. But after becoming conscious that you are God and that you don’t really exist, you can change stuff you don’t like about your ego or personality. Very much.

You will become more aware and conscious, very less fearful and anxiety full. All I’m saying is that the ego and person can be transformed for the better, also the way you relate and connect with others. Better, even legendary. Depends on how far you want to take it. That has been my experience at least. I’m still working on it everyday and I have already meet some amazing beings and shared great experiences and connection with them. 


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4 hours ago, Highest said:

I have already said that you can do anything after becoming conscious that you are the God. You are God and Creator of your reality. Recreate, make it great. Personality, the ego, your perceptions, your body, your mind and being. Make it the way you really want it.

But I want to say that you don’t need to become some sage or something. Fuck that shit. I’m telling you that you can be conscious of God and that you are God, and at the same time you can be yourself and experience duality and existence fully. Have a good time, smoke some weed, fuck as many girls you want, meet and make genuine connection with other individuals. Just create something, have a vision. 

You don’t need to use decades to become a sage, you have all of reality right in front of you and you can play and have fun in it. Immerse in NON-duality and immerse in duality both, make the best out of both worlds. There is a place where everything is One, then there is the precious personal. Make love with that, immerse yourself in that. You can attain the best of both worlds with full awarness.


After having a Non-dual glimpse I thought "if reality is already perfect and effortless, whats the point of personal development?". And what i've realised is that even if reality is perfect, that doesn't mean that you're not gonna suffer and have neurotic thoughts.

It's great if with Non-dual awareness you can do all the things you mentioned and the sort. It's probably what's ideal. But it's not easy to get to that point. It usually requires a lifestyle that revolves around purification. 

I like you saying you don't have to spend decades meditating to grow properly. It doesn't have to take that long to develop mindfullness and have glimpses of God awareness. But since people already know that, maybe I'm missing something about what point you're trying to make. 



Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@Mikael89 I don’t claim to be elightened, I’m simply conscious that I am the non-dual One (God). That doesn’t mean I have to become a guru or sage. I have consciously choosen to experience duality and existence fully, and transform the ego and person for the better. Once again, you don’t understand.

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25 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Lots of talk about your personality, ego, "your being", your mind, your body. And then also smoking weed, having a good time, emotions, fucking girls.

Yeah.. nothing to see here.

mh your highhestness, for me it also sounds kind of empty. i don’t say you need to be a sage but completely inspirationless... you don’t have to be like that either.

Edited by now is forever

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4 minutes ago, Highest said:

@now is forever Be like how?@Mikael89 How do you define enlightemnent and being enlightened? 

you just want to be/do what 99% of all male beings want to do/be - that might be nice if you reach it but it’s boring and inspirationless. yes go fuck as many girls as you want leave nothing but wasteland, do whatever your ego desires - but understand, that’s not god. that’s the devil wanting to play god. “and after me the flood”.

Edited by now is forever

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40 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Lots of talk about your personality, ego, "your being", your mind, your body. And then also smoking weed, having a good time, emotions, fucking girls.

It's also rare that someone enlightened starts to talk about God.

Yeah.. nothing to see here.

What's wrong with getting a little puff and fucking bitches? Although not at the expense of life purpose and other things. Although I'm slightly confused by what the message of the OP is. 

13 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Okay. Well, enlightenment is the only thing which matter. As long as you aren't enlightened you are automatically deluded/asleep and can believe and even experience all kind of nonsense. This is the same for everyone.

The degree to which someone is enlightened is a scale. The degree to which someone is low or high consciousness is a scale. Everyone has insights and know truths, even if they haven't fully embodied them. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@now is forever I fucked a girl a week ago, I hadn’t done that for at least 8 months prior to that, I was immersed in consciousness work. So no, my interest is not in fucking girls, I only took it as an example. What I do is not what 99% of people do. I am conscious and all I want is to recreate a better, good and kind ego and personality after I became conscious that I am the One and that I don’t exist at all apart from the NON-dual One. I want to genuinely connect with people, not to exploit them in any way. 

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7 minutes ago, lmfao said:

What's wrong with getting a little puff and fucking bitches? Although not at the expense of life purpose and other things. Although I'm slightly confused by what the message of the OP is.

yes why not kill somebody and then just go do some kriya? it will certainly help with spirituality!

Edited by now is forever

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3 minutes ago, Highest said:

@now is forever I fucked a girl a week ago, I hadn’t done that for at least 8 months prior to that, I was immersed in consciousness work. So no, my interest is not in fucking girls, I only took it as an example. What I do is not what 99% of people do. I am conscious and all I want is to recreate a better, good and kind ego and personality after I became conscious that I am the One and that I don’t exist at all apart from the NON-dual One. I want to genuinely connect with people, not to exploit them in any way. 

i don’t know why i even spend time here reading the sadness after you have spent so much time here. actually i get disgusted by some of you guys just by the way you are talking. and it’s not changing a bit - that’s the real sadness.

today some guy in a bus thought he could ask me if i wanted to go to his place with him - his shirt was dirty and he had a hairy back and it might wouldn’t have been a problem in a more nice conversation or even if i knew him for a while, but in this situation i just was disgusted. 

still told him i was honored even though he wouldn’t have understood the sarcasm anyways.

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14 minutes ago, lmfao said:


What's wrong with getting a little puff and fucking bitches? Although not at the expense of life purpose and other things. Although I'm slightly confused by what the message of the OP is. 

Indeed, nothing wrong with that. Two individuals sharing a good experience. nisargadatta maharaj used to have sex snd smoke like a motherfuck.

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8 minutes ago, now is forever said:

i don’t know why i even spend time here reading the sadness after you have spent so much time here. actually i get disgusted by some of you guys just by the way you are talking. and it’s not changing a bit - that’s the real sadness.

today some guy in a bus thought he could ask me if i wanted to go to his place with him - his shirt was dirty and he had a hairy back and it might wouldn’t have been a problem in a more nice conversation or even if i knew him for a while, but in this situation i just was disgusted. 

still told him i was honored even though he wouldn’t have understood the sarcasm anyways.

Lol. No game from his side whatsoever, no intellect.

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1 minute ago, Highest said:

Lol. No game from his side whatsoever, no intellect.

yes exactly.

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@Highest thinking you are already it - you’ve already lost in the intellect game. nonduality also means your woman picture tells much more about your spirituality than your belief that you are one - because that’s what you then really are. the way you treat women is only the way you treat yourself.

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@Mikael89 My search is over, but I can become more conscious and understand God basically forever more, it never ends.

About fucking girls, I took it only as ONE example of how one can live and experience creation. It will help improve the person a little bit, not much. Other aspects are in play, but I know how to improve it in my own way.

It’s however not the final goal or truth at all. That is becoming directly conscious of one nature as God, fully. I have choosen to live in both the dual and NON-dual reality, because I can and with full awarness.

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@Highest where did you get this info about nisargadatta maharaj? I know he was a smoker. But he advocated strict moral code and devotion. 

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