
No need to become a sage

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34 minutes ago, Highest said:

@Aeris You assume it’s a dream when in fact for me it is actuality. Keep assuming, keep pretending you know me. It’s fun.

@Nahm You do understand that you are the Infinite God which became finite individual to experience creation and duality? That is what you currently are and after becoming conscious that you are God and that you do not exist apart from God or as a separate entity apart from the no-dual One, you can transform yourself, become fearless and do almost anything. That is at least my experience. God is here to experience duality but can experience non-duality as well. I choose to immerse myself in both. 



I assume nothing, you're full of shit, total egoic enlightened at the core, try your godhood, cut your arms with a knife, nothing to fear

Edited by Aeris

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@Nahm Of course. But the One has taken many forms, we do experience duality. Do you suggest to become completely  non-dual and relate with the world in that way?

@Aeris More assumption from someone who doesn’t know shit about me. I will ignore you from now on, this is my last post to you. 

@Shin That includes you as well.

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if the guy was enlightened and wanted to fuck girls, or smock weed what's the matter, there's nothing wrong with anything, right and wrong is duality, isn't it ? Duality is mind stuff, thinking that some enlightened person should behave this or that way is delusion

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21 minutes ago, Dumb Enlightened said:

if the guy was enlightened and wanted to fuck girls, or smock weed what's the matter, there's nothing wrong with anything, right and wrong is duality, isn't it ? Duality is mind stuff, thinking that some enlightened person should behave this or that way is delusion

no no no. there is real practical stuff, stop believing everything is delusion, all of you.

if you slap everyone in the street. You'll be killed soon or later.

that's practical you fucking idiot. no karma ? yes do that, we get what we seed.
if you seed misery and that you're a literal piece of shit, and you know it, you'll soon enough get everything you are and project to reality.

project hate, and then, take your crops , enlightened genius, go fuck everyone and everything, you'll see if there is no "evil" no "good".

there is some physical virtual law to reality, there is no "nothing nothing". it just that those laws cannot be projected into tongues words.


if you smoke you'll have the soar of smoking, it's not a dream, it's fucking real, you'll maybe not die because of the theory behind why smoking destroy your body, but in practicality, smoking really really kills you, and makes you a toxic being. ( especially the craving ) .
give all the names to phenomena, but phenomena are very real.

Edited by Aeris

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14 minutes ago, Aeris said:

no no no. there is real practical stuff, stop believing everything is delusion, all of you.

if you slap everyone in the street. You'll be killed soon or later.

that's practical you fucking idiot. no karma ? yes do that, we get what we seed.
if you seed misery and that you're a literal piece of shit, and you know it, you'll soon enough get everything you are and project to reality.

project hate, and then, take your crops , enlightened genius, go fuck everyone and everything, you'll see if there is no "evil" no "good".

there is some physical virtual law to reality, there is no "nothing nothing". it just that those laws cannot be projected into tongues words.


if you smoke you'll have the soar of smoking, it's not a dream, it's fucking real, you'll maybe not die because of the theory behind why smoking destroy your body, but in practicality, smoking really really kills you, and makes you a toxic being. ( especially the craving ) .
give all the names to phenomena, but phenomena are very real.

Definitely, you're right, if you want to stay alive you shouldn't do certain things, if you don't want problem you should respect the laws, that's obvious, if you want to play the game follow the game's rules.

But, labeling things right or wrong, that's ego. 

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1 hour ago, Highest said:

@Nahm Of course. But the One has taken many forms, we do experience duality. Do you suggest to become completely  non-dual and relate with the world in that way?

@Aeris More assumption from someone who doesn’t know shit about me. I will ignore you from now on, this is my last post to you. 

@Shin That includes you as well.

That includes everyone actually ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Dumb Enlightened I am conscious that I am God and can do whatever I wish. Smoke weed, fuck girls, whatever. And I will because I can. Nothing wrong with that as you said. One day, the non-dual state will be full, one day, the dual world will be complete and mastered. I know this, I am aware of it because it has already started. 

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5 hours ago, Highest said:

@Odysseus I’m simply God’s individual experience and existence. I just want to make the best out of it. For me, most importantly for others.

god does not have an individual experience. if you still discern between i and others you don’t even know what nonduality means. as there is nothing inside of you that is yours to begin with. but you don’t see that as you are really lost in the mirror of yourself - the question is why you think you are so special? what did you do for it except entering a world? maybe driving a big car, fucking girls, smoking weed? indeed it’s really special!!! i would start following  your highhestness for that alone, you’re not even nothing because you already define yourself perfectly with shallowness. and sorry to say it it’s really just what 99% of all males do who think they are something.

you‘re not even an orange ? as this orange has a red coloring and looks a lot like a pill. it’s just hidden.

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23 minutes ago, Highest said:

I am conscious that I am God and can do whatever I wish. Smoke weed, fuck girls, whatever. And I will because I can. Nothing wrong with that as you said. One day, the non-dual state will be full, one day, the dual world will be complete and mastered. I know this, I am aware of it because it has already started. 

I'm sorry to say, but this is starting to look like zen devilry. Be careful... It's often when you think you're the most "protected" by your consciousness of the nondual that you're actually most vulnerable to your egoic desires. 

Carlos Casteneda talked about this in The Teachings of Don Juan. There are 3 obstacles for a man on the path of knowledge. The first is fear. I believe you have overcome that, as you are conscious of nonduality (God). The second obstacle is actually the hard-won prize from defeating the first obstacle: clarity. You can rely on your clarity so much that you use it in places that you shouldn't. To overcome clarity, one should almost look at it as if a mistake. Question everything about it. Learn when to use it and when not to. Stay humble. This is part of the sage's path. If you stop here, you will surely be defeated. If you happen to overcome the second obstacle, clarity, then you will be faced with the final boss: power. A man who fully succumbs to power will be permanently defeated. You must have a teotlized heart by this point, able to withstand any temptation. Notice that you are not safe or free from responsibility at any part of this journey. You ARE a sage whether you like it or not, and there are real dangers along the path. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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You are God, just have fun. Experience and be the best version of yourself. Do whatever you like. The ego not apart from God. There is nothing wrong if I speak from the ego. Even as the ego I am completely honest when I say I am God. Be the NON-dual One and be the individual which you are. Make the best of both worlds, be fully there in both places. This is my whole message. 

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8 minutes ago, TheAvatarState said:

I'm sorry to say, but this is starting to look like zen devilry. Be careful... It's often when you think you're the most "protected" by your consciousness of the nondual that you're actually most vulnerable to your egoic desires. 

Carlos Casteneda talked about this in The Teachings of Don Juan. There are 3 obstacles for a man on the path of knowledge. The first is fear. I believe you have overcome that, as you are conscious of nonduality (God). The second obstacle is actually the hard-won prize from defeating the first obstacle: clarity. You can rely on your clarity so much that you use it in places that you shouldn't. To overcome clarity, one should almost look at it as if a mistake. Question everything about it. Learn when to use it and when not to. Stay humble. This is part of the sage's path. If you stop here, you will surely be defeated. If you happen to overcome the second obstacle, clarity, then you will be faced with the final boss: power. A man who fully succumbs to power will be permanently defeated. You must have a teotlized heart by this point, able to withstand any temptation. Notice that you are not safe or free from responsibility at any part of this journey. You ARE a sage whether you like it or not, and there are real dangers along the path. 

Thanks for sharing, I was thinking which book to read next and The Teachings of Don Juan just smiled at me from my book shelf this morning. Now you convinced me - gonna start today :) 

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12 minutes ago, Highest said:

You are God, just have fun. Experience and be the best version of yourself. Do whatever you like. The ego not apart from God. There is nothing wrong if I speak from the ego. Even as the ego I am completely honest when I say I am God. Be the NON-dual One and be the individual which you are. Make the best of both worlds, be fully there in both places. This is my whole message. 

yes and waste the world! polute it! trample it with feet! smoke weed and think you are green because you already smoked something more green than you are! you can‘t be the message while embodying something else because you are a message, a statement in every step you take. if you don’t even understand the conflict between becoming turquoise and still living in an orange world you didn’t even step into green yet.

even though you got the last message right - you still did not understand what that entails when people try to live that, completely. and is it even your message? think of where you got it from and humble yourself.

Edited by now is forever

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@TheAvatarState I’m not how I look in this forum. Believe me you would meet a whole other person, and I would connect with you so fully that you would think we knew each other forever. I’m a very kind person actually. I just like to be honest and direct in this forum. Many would look at it as ego and that’s not something I can do much with.@now is forever I have greater plans than just smoking and fucking girls, I have a strong long-term vision for many things.

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4 minutes ago, Highest said:

@TheAvatarState I’m not how I look in this forum. Believe me you would meet a whole other person, and I would connect with you so fully that you would think we knew each other forever. I’m a very kind person actually. I just like to be honest and direct in this forum. Many would look at it as ego and that’s not something I can do much with.@now is forever I have greater plans than just smoking and fucking girls, I have a strong long-term vision for many things.

yeah there are many like you.

it doesn’t matter you know, either you are a devil or you are a god. but both can have facettes. and you are still far from it - if you‘d understand nonduality really you‘d understand that. but you don’t. and thats why you are stuck. you think you already understood everything. while you just replaced your ego with god - but that’s selfdeception.

Edited by now is forever

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2 hours ago, Highest said:

Of course. But the One has taken many forms, we do experience duality. 

The One can not “take” anything. There is no “thing”. There is no “experience of duality”, that, is a thought, which you - awareness, are aware of. That thought, “duality”, would have to believed, taken as Truth, for there to be, “duality”. No thought is Truth, You are Truth. The thought, is you. The thought is not a separate “thing”, which can or can not be “believed”. 

1 hour ago, Shin said:

Do you suggest to become completely  non-dual and relate with the world in that way?

“You” / “Nahm”, is Your abstraction, Your thought. There is no “Nahm”. There is no “suggestion”, there is no “becoming” - You are already “completely nondual” - complete, because You are “nondual” - One - THE One

There is no separate “you”, which “relates with” a separate “world. 

You are not a person who was born into a world. Look to your direct experience of being born, and you will find that cabinet is empty. There is no experience of you being born, because you were not born into a world. The world is within you. 



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@now is forever You are mistaken dear, I am actually conscious that I am God and that there is only God. This came about after several non-dual experiences and awakenings both sober and high. I’m not lying to you and have no reason to.

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@Nahm I see. I feel you are a very conscious man ? altough I don’t completely understand the way you write (english is my third language actually).

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2 minutes ago, Highest said:

@now is forever You are mistaken dear, I am actually conscious that I am God and that there is only God. This came about after several non-dual experiences and awakenings both sober and high. I’m not lying to you and have no reason to.

yes you are so selfaware of that, that you can‘t see how you can’t see anything else anymore, no facettes of maya not seeing that you always return to the weed to over and over get this vision again. you can‘t see what’s god because you are consuming to be god, you consume god and get consumed by your consumption. see what you are giving to yourself alone to see what you give back to god. and see the emptiness of nature.

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