
No need to become a sage

109 posts in this topic

@Jkris I read he liked sex and of course smoking here: nondualityamerica. Paste it on Google and the whole site will come up.

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In my opinion becoming a sage happens to people, not necessarily it's a choice that they make. Or even if it's choice, it's the one that occurs most obviously to them. On this pursuit, probably they get so much sucked into the self enquiry, that the surroundings, the societal demands start to become a botheration, a hindrance in your way.

Imagine that you're deeply engrossed in solving some puzzle, and someone keeps coming and talking some nonsense to you. What do you do? You go to a room and lock yourself up, or go out where none will interrupt. While some people can also keep the puzzle aside, address what's being said to them, and then go back to the puzzle, while some others would simply keep solving the puzzle without indulging actively into the conversations. There are many other possible responses to the interruption.

Now a person is driven to solve this 'existence' puzzle. 'Becoming a sage', 'ignoring the pursuit completely and going back to normal life', 'continuing the self enquiry while living a normal life', are some of the responses from different people. Most sages themselves recommend that there's no need to leave your normal life, no need to practice celibacy etc. But the point is they too realized this while they chose the other path right?

Whichever path you take, you still are God. You realize it, Great! (By realizing I mean not understand, but embody it. Experience it. BE IT.) If you realize it, it's enlightenment. Then even your regular life wouldn't cause pain. You'd know the games the ego plays, even if it still plays them. It's being aware, that it's the ego, and not you.

If you've chosen to become a sage and then you are enlightened after that, you still don't regret it, because you realize, that you're God!

Once you're conscious, fully aware that you're the God, and are non-dual, everything is the same! Simply Being it!!

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@Mikael89 Enlightment comes in degrees. But it’s basically direct consciousness of one’s true nature as God.

Don’t worry about me dear, I’m conscious of the non-dual One (God) and that I’m none but It. Worry about yourself, become conscious my friend. One day you will become conscious that you are God, one day ❤️?

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@Tistepiste What I can remember is that it kinda raised me to a new level of consciousness, new reality. I renember time slowed down very much like it stopped. And all the people around me (I was in a store when this happened) became One energy or some kind of conscious energy. It happened instantly, some seconds then it went back to normal. But I saw it.

I know it’s a strange experience, I tried to explain it the best I could xD

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How rude :P 

What about those who think are the highest stage on SP? Think about the kids!!! hahahaha

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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1 hour ago, Highest said:

@Mikael89 My search is over, but I can become more conscious and understand God basically forever more, it never ends.

About fucking girls, I took it only as ONE example of how one can live and experience creation. It will help improve the person a little bit, not much. Other aspects are in play, but I know how to improve it in my own way.

It’s however not the final goal or truth at all. That is becoming directly conscious of one nature as God, fully. I have choosen to live in both the dual and NON-dual reality, because I can and with full awarness.

What you say is an important lesson: you can't separate ego, the "illusion" and being because it would create another dualism. 

Reading your post I feel that you are deluding yourself. You may have become conscious of something to a certain degree - or not, I really can't say. Maybe to the relativity of your old "reality". But you're still talking in absolutes saying becoming a sage is useless, fucking girls "will help improve the person a little bit" and you want to transform yourself. If you claim that you've become conscious of God, please don't use infinite consciousness to justify your relative reality. You're mudding the water for people who conceptualize enlightenment and finally you're exploiting the Absolute for your relative reality. 

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@Odysseus I’m simply God’s individual experience and existence. I just want to make the best out of it. For me, most importantly for others.

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Our shared experience of the word god is a word.  It could be used to refer to anything by anyone at any time, with no way of knowing for sure  what anyone is really talking about or if they are referring to the same thing.  So when someone says "i've figured  out what god is", what does that even mean.  someone can go out and be looking for god, but what is the thing they started with and questioned what it was.  Did they just start with a word, like they heard the word god and thought it must refer to something important so they must find out what it is.

If 1000 people use the word god they are talking about different things within their own minds.  Some people may have come to known something of importance and then used the word god to describe it.  This does not mean that you can then use the idea of god and find the same thing, because the word god was just used to represent it, and if you tried to do it backward you will just be finding something to attempt to fill the role of what you had heard.


If you are looking for something real it won't be summoned into existence by an idea.  it already would have to exist.  You can just look for what is really going on, and it doesnt have to correspond to any idea you had before or any thing you were looking for a solution or answer to.


I don't think you do or create anything.

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8 hours ago, Highest said:

I have already said that you can do anything after becoming conscious that you are the God. You are God and Creator of your reality. Recreate, make it great. Personality, the ego, your perceptions, your body, your mind and being. Make it the way you really want it.

But I want to say that you don’t need to become some sage or something. Fuck that shit. I’m telling you that you can be conscious of God and that you are God, and at the same time you can be yourself and experience duality and existence fully. Have a good time, smoke some weed, fuck as many girls you want, meet and make genuine connection with other individuals. Just create something, have a vision. 

You don’t need to use decades to become a sage, you have all of reality right in front of you and you can play and have fun in it. Immerse in NON-duality and immerse in duality both, make the best out of both worlds. There is a place where everything is One, then there is the precious personal. Make love with that, immerse yourself in that. You can attain the best of both worlds with full awarness.


his ego is up the roof, the roof itself it starting to crumble on his own weight.

it means you're maybe full of shit. just maybe.


3 hours ago, now is forever said:

@Highest thinking you are already it - you’ve already lost in the intellect game. nonduality also means your woman picture tells much more about your spirituality than your belief that you are one - because that’s what you then really are. the way you treat women is only the way you treat yourself.

I treat them like queen.


Edited by Aeris

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@Mulky I’m refering to the NON-dual One. When you become conscious of that One, you will know what God means and is.@Aeris You can think and assume whatever you want, it means nothing to me, zero. This is just my way of dealing with stuff, I go in duality then back to the non-dual state in a blink of an eye, that’s how I live. And I’m in bliss just because of that. Fullly aware of both places, fully immersed in both. 

Edited by Highest

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it should better means something to you.
dreams is not actuality.

When hitler started to tell, no one dictate me, he was living in a non dual bullshit aswell.


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You are conscious you are God....

”at the same time you can be yourself”? 

“And experience duality....”

Reality is “in front of “you” “?

”Immerse in nonduality (not two) and duality (two).....”both worlds”...?

If ”Everything is One”....then what is “the precious personal”?

Who “makes love with that”?

Who “immerses”, who is “your”, who is “self”, what is “that”?

Who “attains”, what are “both worlds”, what is “full” awareness?

If you are all that is, why the distinction between “becoming a sage”, and “girls and weed”? 




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@Aeris You assume it’s a dream when in fact for me it is actuality. Keep assuming, keep pretending you know me. It’s fun.

@Nahm You do understand that you are the Infinite God which became finite individual to experience creation and duality? That is what you currently are and after becoming conscious that you are God and that you do not exist apart from God or as a separate entity apart from the no-dual One, you can transform yourself, become fearless and do almost anything. That is at least my experience. God is here to experience duality but can experience non-duality as well. I choose to immerse myself in both. 



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21 minutes ago, Highest said:

@Nahm You do understand that you are the Infinite God which became finite individual to experience creation and duality? That is what you currently are and after becoming conscious that you are God and that you do not exist apart from God or as a separate entity apart from the no-dual One, you can transform yourself, become fearless and do almost anything. That is at least my experience. God is here to experience duality but can experience non-duality as well. I choose to immerse myself in both

Nonduality = not two.



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Of course you don't want to become a sage,

You would have to fix your condescendant and arrogance problem ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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