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The Problem with Actuality

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Hey Guys, 

So I have had an awakening and understand being and what it really is pointing to. However I find that doing tasks or using my phone put me in a state of duality, because I no longer and seeing what is actual, I am in my mind identified state of consciousness. Should I try to always be in the non dual state or accept the dual state when doing tasks and go back into it afterwards. The reason this bothers me is because being gets in the way of learning and studying. I hope that makes sense.

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Yeah, you can go back to duality than to non-duality if you can, no problem. My non-dual state has become so ‘’strong’’ that I can shift to it in seconds after being immersed in duality, mostly when interacting with others. I’m fully there, immersed in it. Then I go back to the non-dual state in a blink of an eye. God can attain the best of both the world of duality and non-duality, with full awarness.

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@Anton_Pierre That is wisdom itself.  Wisdom is awareness of your true nature while in your small self - the ego.

It is true that pure being cannot study.  It cant do anything accept be.  That is your true self..isness.  Pure being.

In order to do egoic things you must split non-duality into duality for the sake of that the ego can exist.

Wisdom is the ability to be self aware that even when in a dualistic state your true nature is Oneness and that in order for you to experience infinity you must create the illusion of duality.

When dual you will be dual but self aware that this duality is but an illusion.

Make sense?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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