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My life purpose. Becomming a PUA?

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I have been gaming for a while now. Starting to get some real result. I know sex will never fulfill me. And yes I have seen Leos pua rant many times.  A lot of what he said is valid. Treat women with respect
etc and I love women. Some PUAs hate women because of pain and past trauma. I have just never know how to talk to them. It just feels extremely empowering. This is just so much more than that. I am fascinated by the game
itself. I went through life purpose course. I hate when Leo says it is manipulation. Yes but everything is manipulation. In fact, Leo is trying to manipulate us to become more conscious etc. I think it has more with the place it is coming from.
I can't see myself doing anything else tbh. I am not doing this because I want to impress my guy friends I think that is stupid. So can my life purpose be a pua and teach other men how to do it? and setting the right values?

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Of course dude! I know someone who does exatly that and its working great. I saw a study which said that more people than ever, are solo, so there is definitely a big market. Just be aware of dogma and ego.

Why do you ask? Literally anything can be your purpose.

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I think that learning how to connect and have better relationships with women is an authentic desire. I believe you can be good with women without becoming a PUA as long as you understand female attraction and practice authenticity. Authenticity is highly attractive to a women. You may not be able to get every girl out there but it's not about quantity, it's about quality. Have you read the book: Models?

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