
Using Sedona Method To Remove Resistance To Dissolving Ego

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I just finished watching and taking notes on Leo's video "Understanding Resistance," where he talks about using the Sedona Method to remove specifically resistance (but this can apply to any undesirable emotion). I've known about this technique for maybe half a year, but I haven't used it too terribly much. To be honest, I sort of forgot about it until I was reintroduced to it again just now. Having used it in the past, it is very effective.

I have found that I don't want to dissolve my ego. After having watched this video, I realize that more specifically, I have resistance to letting go of my ego. My notion of ego is quite strong. Thoughts such as "I must destroy my ego" have indicated to me that 1) I take ownership of the ego by using "my" and 2) I feel as though it's something real that I need to combat, not something illusory that needs to be let go.

With the Sedona Method, I'm wondering if it is feasible to dissolve resistance in this sense, with the end goal making it easier to let go of the ego and pushing closer to enlightenment. I'm also concerned about potential pitfalls with trying to use the Sedona Method in this very particular case, because according to my understanding (I haven't read the book by Hale Dwoskin), it only works with emotions and hasn't been talked about as a tool for enlightenment work.


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Hi @Mitch

Sedona Method is not only for emotions.

You can use it to release / let go aspects of your ego, aswell.

I recommend the Book by Dwoskin. There are many different processes in the book for different aspects of undesireable manifestations.

Secondly, the western meaning of ego differs essentially from the ego as it is described in the east.

I recommend this blog post, it's long, but it's worth the read.

Yoga and Ego: Sophisticated Ego, How to Face Your Inner Self
(Recommended reading also for people who "fight" their ego.)

However, use Sedona Method if it's resonating with you. I am using a form of this technique myself and with some of my cochees.

Kind regards,

Edited by Isle of View

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@Isle of View

Thanks a ton, this looks at first glance to be extremely helpful. I'll be in the process of reading that blog post. I happened to just come up with the idea of using the Sedona Method for the ego this morning after watching how it was applied to emotions and wondered if it could be directly applied here.

By letting go of ego, I mean to completely let go, not just one part of it. How I think of ego is as a sense of self and identity, which is something that enlightenment says should be dissolved. I will have to take a look at Dwoskin's book.

Thanks again.

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8 minutes ago, Mitch said:

By letting go of ego, I mean to completely let go, not just one part of it. How I think of ego is as a sense of self and identity, which is something that enlightenment says should be dissolved. I will have to take a look at Dwoskin's book.

Read the blog post. It will leave you with new insight.

Ego is a reference point for your unique experience of existence.

It will dissolve naturally as you expand your awarness to wider aspects of existence.


Kind regards,


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How do you use it?


I didn't really get it, when Leo told about it.

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28 minutes ago, Isle of View said:

Read the blog post. It will leave you with new insight.

I have finished reading it and have reread it a second time so I could take notes.

Part of my problem I think was that I held the view that I was supposed to "dissolve" the ego. Naturally, I thought that I should slowly identify with fewer things until there was nothing to identify with. I never once thought that I could go the opposite direction and include more things in my sense of self.

As I was reading it initially and reflecting on it, I felt some resistance to even fathoming expanding my sense of self. It was weird, almost like shiver ran through my body. This could be a trick by the ego due to my expectation of learning something from this article, but the feeling certainly did happen.

Very powerful, thank you for sharing.

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You are welcome @Mitch .

Beware of those who tell you you shouldn"t embrace life to the fullest.

They want you to be unhappy as they are themselves.

Kind regards,

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I recommend you listen to this part of Leo's video on "Understanding Resistance," where he explains the Sedona Method well.

The Sedona Method can be used to release anything, not just emotions and works in a four-step self-questioning process as follows:

  1. Get in touch with whatever it is you want to release. In the case of an emotion of resistance, allow yourself to actively feel that resistance, don't run away from it. Identify fully with the resistance and get a clear sense of it.
  2. Ask "Could I let this go?" In your head, ask yourself if you could let go of whatever it is you are releasing. In the case of resistance, ask something like "Am I physically able to let this go?" Answer "yes" or "no" to this question. If you find that the answer is "yes," then proceed to the next step. If the answer is "no," that's okay, try to re-identify with the emotion of resistance and try the process again until you feel authentically that the answer is "yes." It is crucial to note that even if you feel as though you need to answer "no" that you are still making progress. The act of internalizing how it is you feel causes you to get a sense of clarity over what it is you want to release.
  3. Ask "Would I like to let this go?" Again, in your head, ask yourself if you would like to let go of whatever you are releasing. Another way to phrase this question is "Do I want to be at peace or stay identified with this?" This is another "yes" or "no" question. Answering "no" is acceptable, but you'll often find that as with the last step, "yes" is the answer. Again, if you answer "no," keep reflecting on the thing you want to release and try the process again.
  4. Ask "When would I like to let this go?" By this step, you've figured out that you can in fact let go of whatever you want to release and that you want to do so: it's now a matter of when. The best answer to this is "right now," since you are only limited by what you choose to be limited by and can release anything whenever you see fit. Of course, you could still answer something like "never" or "not yet," but then it's best to repeat the process over again.

If you've successfully completed the process, it is recommended that you redo the process again, perhaps 3 to 4 times, in order to be thorough. As soon as you find it hard to do the first step, which is to identify with what you want to release, you're done. This is because if done properly, you will have released whatever it is that you are supposed to now try to identify with.

At first, Leo warns that like using any tool, you won't be very effective at employing it right away. It will take time to become good at using this method, but results are quite long lasting if done right. I'm only just getting into using this method again as I see the massive potential for use with enlightenment, but this method worked for me when I used it in the pass to get rid of laziness that I felt I had.

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On 17-4-2016 at 9:58 PM, Mitch said:


I recommend you listen to this part of Leo's video on "Understanding Resistance," where he explains the Sedona Method well.

The Sedona Method can be used to release anything, not just emotions and works in a four-step self-questioning process as follows:

  1. Get in touch with whatever it is you want to release. In the case of an emotion of resistance, allow yourself to actively feel that resistance, don't run away from it. Identify fully with the resistance and get a clear sense of it.
  2. Ask "Could I let this go?" In your head, ask yourself if you could let go of whatever it is you are releasing. In the case of resistance, ask something like "Am I physically able to let this go?" Answer "yes" or "no" to this question. If you find that the answer is "yes," then proceed to the next step. If the answer is "no," that's okay, try to re-identify with the emotion of resistance and try the process again until you feel authentically that the answer is "yes." It is crucial to note that even if you feel as though you need to answer "no" that you are still making progress. The act of internalizing how it is you feel causes you to get a sense of clarity over what it is you want to release.
  3. Ask "Would I like to let this go?" Again, in your head, ask yourself if you would like to let go of whatever you are releasing. Another way to phrase this question is "Do I want to be at peace or stay identified with this?" This is another "yes" or "no" question. Answering "no" is acceptable, but you'll often find that as with the last step, "yes" is the answer. Again, if you answer "no," keep reflecting on the thing you want to release and try the process again.
  4. Ask "When would I like to let this go?" By this step, you've figured out that you can in fact let go of whatever you want to release and that you want to do so: it's now a matter of when. The best answer to this is "right now," since you are only limited by what you choose to be limited by and can release anything whenever you see fit. Of course, you could still answer something like "never" or "not yet," but then it's best to repeat the process over again.

If you've successfully completed the process, it is recommended that you redo the process again, perhaps 3 to 4 times, in order to be thorough. As soon as you find it hard to do the first step, which is to identify with what you want to release, you're done. This is because if done properly, you will have released whatever it is that you are supposed to now try to identify with.

At first, Leo warns that like using any tool, you won't be very effective at employing it right away. It will take time to become good at using this method, but results are quite long lasting if done right. I'm only just getting into using this method again as I see the massive potential for use with enlightenment, but this method worked for me when I used it in the pass to get rid of laziness that I felt I had.

Thank you, I couldn't understand from Leo's explanation. :D

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