
is there a difference between conscious and unconscous thoughts?

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Is the difference between unconscious thoughts, the constant inner self-talk, and conscious thoughts, thoughts that I have to put an effort into thinking or is this just an illusion?

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Im not sure what you mean by unconscious thoughts. If you mean its like you are thinking but you are not really there vs. conscious thoughts were you actually pay attention to what you are thinking. These seem to be not completely unconscious vs conscious but rather on scale.

The mind is an answer generating tool. I would say it might be more effective when you use it more consciously.

But that of course implies a kind of judgemental outlook on life, which favors your survival and purpose.

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Unconscious are typically those which we are unaware of (thoughts of ourselves/Identity) they can create a veil for how we perceive reality.  

conscious thoughts which are either of practical use or are in observation of self thoughts (these typically end when we are aware of their invalidity/false division and possible disruption to the emotional state) 

often times thoughts of the self are carried on in “movement” due to our judgement of these thoughts, so when I say observation I mean that which understands how the movement of thought/self is in play “feeding” its own continuation 


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