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Living in a fantasy

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As an introvert, I stay alone most of the time but recently I've realised this became problematic for me. I started living in my own imagination more than in the real world. I fantasise about anything and everything. 

So much so that it also influences the way i will relate to other people. I project things on them, things that they are not. 

Living in this self made bubble prevents me from confronting the real world. Now i cannot trust my mind anymore. But why does a mind do this? Why do our own minds trap us in this way when really it should have our best interest first ? 

And if i cannot trust my own mind, what can i trust? 





Edited by Elia

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41 minutes ago, Elia said:

But why does a mind do this? Why do our own minds trap us in this way when really it should have our best interest first ? 

The mind wants to survive, it doesn't care about you or me per se, it only cares about its own survival.

45 minutes ago, Elia said:

And if i cannot trust my own mind, what can i trust?

Don't trust anything. Doubt everything until you're left with the undoubtable Truth.


You're not the only one that's living in a fantasy, life itself is a fantasy, a dream.

Start meditating if you haven't already. Watch the thoughts without interrupting them.

Start doing self-inquiry if you haven't already. Remove the illusion layer by layer.

Try to become present. Stop thinking about the past and the future.

Use this simple actuality exercise:

Bring a banana or any other object.

Put it in front of you, that's the actual sight experience of a banana.

Put it behind you, now it's just a thought.

Put it back in front of you, it's an actual sight experience again.

Touch it, feel it, focus on it, etc... experience it in every possible way.

Remove all the experience, and try to remember how it was. That's fantasy and illusion.

Smell the banana, strip it, eat it, chew it, do all of that on a slow pace. That's the actual experience.

Go back and forth with this exercise, and watch Leo's video: "Direct experience vs concept" for more help.

Also don't multi-task. Stop multi-tasking if you already do it.

I hope that helps. Good luck.

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2 hours ago, Elia said:

As an introvert, I stay alone most of the time but recently I've realised this became problematic for me. I started living in my own imagination more than in the real world. I fantasise about anything and everything. 

So much so that it also influences the way i will relate to other people. I project things on them, things that they are not. 

Living in this self made bubble prevents me from confronting the real world. Now i cannot trust my mind anymore. But why does a mind do this? Why do our own minds trap us in this way when really it should have our best interest first ? 

And if i cannot trust my own mind, what can i trust? 





There is not “my mind”, there is Mind. Try to find the edges, the separation - there’s isn’t.

Mind ALWAYS has your best intention at heart.

Stop fantasizing randomly, and start visioning. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how mind responds. Though there is no mind, nor causation, and of course, no response. 

But try it and see. 



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You shouldn't trust your mind. It's good you're aware of it's deceptiveness. Why does it mislead you?  Like it was said already: Survival. The mind is wired to maintain a sense of separate self. 

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Direct experience vs concept

Create your direct experience & stop overthinking,
Start creating what does it mean for you to be you
Stop living in fantasy of others if they means shit to you
Create your own fantasy

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