
What is God video and reconciling life purpose and enlightenment

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I saw the video on what is god and I’m having a hard time reconciling having a life purpose and enlightenment. It seems that life purpose and goals are just things to satisfy the ego so it can feel better about itself, since in the end nothing inherently has meaning except that which our ego gives it. Isn’t seeking to get the things you want in life a waste of time if you also want to become enlightened? It seems contradictory to feed the ego with accomplishments while trying to realize that it’s all bullshit lol. 

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Not true its not contradictory having a life purpose is to serve others with your passion so it makes it more strong with enlightement

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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23 hours ago, Ghauss said:

I saw the video on what is god and I’m having a hard time reconciling having a life purpose and enlightenment. It seems that life purpose and goals are just things to satisfy the ego so it can feel better about itself, since in the end nothing inherently has meaning except that which our ego gives it. Isn’t seeking to get the things you want in life a waste of time if you also want to become enlightened? It seems contradictory to feed the ego with accomplishments while trying to realize that it’s all bullshit lol. 

This may make you pause but let it in for a moment. If it’s true that nothing means anything but what our ego gives it. Then isn’t that itself a ego statement. A view which is nihilistic perhaps. 

Can you drop even that view. 

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@Ghauss There is ego need-based seeking. As you said, it is inherently meaningless and can only provide temporary states of relief.

There is also a deeper seeking energy that is not ego need based. It is post-egoic. It is a motivating desire to experience the magnificence of life.

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