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How to manifest new realities

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Yet another download; yet another quick guide. 

A few conceptual steps in order to reach a higher understanding of magic. 


You are reality.


Should be apparent by now. There is no separation between anything at all. You are always having a direct experience of yourself. Always have been and will be. 

Each dream; each reality has it's own core frequency, from which everything is being expressed through infinite manifestations.

Awareness can become aware of this core frequency. It can change it. Readjust. Shift.

Awareness comes prior to frequency. Frequency is made of awareness; to put it that way.


If you don't like the movie; change the channel.


Don't complain about what's going on in the movie. It's perfect as it is. A perfect expression of that which it is supposed to represent. 

Would you expect to watch an action movie on The Discovery channel? Probably not.

You'd switch to another channel. A more appropriate one. You would shift to another station. Choose another frequency. 

There is little to no difference when it comes to reality. 

You would not expect the main character in the movie to change the entire movie for you to enjoy watching what you prefer. Does not go that way. 

You wanna watch something else? Experience something else? Shift to it. Stop running into brickwalls. Leave the character behind. Forget about the movie. They are what they are. Can be nothing else.

You have to detach from this movie not being what you expected it to be. Detached from the main character. You gotta switch to another channel.


Here's some practicality;


If you were to press the white key on a piano; would you do it by being focused on pressing the white key, or by being focused on not pressing the black one?

Sure; you must acknowledge there is a black key, as well. You must know there is a possibility for you to hit the black key. 

But you want to hit the white one, really. You want that particular note. That particular frequency. 

You cannot achieve what you wish to experience while being focused on what you do not.

And I am not pointing towards positive thinking and (forced) affirmation. Sure those have their place in the process of transformation. But...

I am pointing towards a rather powerful thing. A decision. Hard as a rock. A choice. Radical rearrangement. Massive shift. 

Decide you want to experience what you want to experience. Let go of that which is not the representation of your new, preferred reality. Ignore it all politely, with a smile on your face.

See only that which represent you newborn core frequency. Focus only on that which resonates. Which inspires, excites and motivates. Have that tunnel vision. See nothing but your preferred reality. Nothing but confirmations of your progress. 

Detach in love and peace. Say your goodbyes as many times as you feel like. You want to watch another movie. Nothing wrong with that. No crime committed.

It is your birthright to choose dreams and experiences. To imagine realities that will be the perfect expression of your true nature. Of your core frequency. Have no remorse. Have no regret. Change is natural. Necessary.


Align action with imagination.


This is the recipe for a successful shift and rearrangement. For effrotless manifestation. 

Imagination is a direct link between the channel where you currently are and the one you want to shift to. It's pure, infinite potential. All of imagination is directly experiental. 

There is literally no difference from the absolute point of view between manifesting a giant pile of money or a single penny. Or any thing else, for that matter. The universe knows no limitations. You impose them. You dictate what is possible and what impossible.

Become aware of those limitations. Focus on transcending them. Letting them go. Proving them nonsensical. You have to detach from all previously, unconsciously accepted misaligned beliefs. 

"The work" is (mostly) metaphysical. Happens nowhere; in nothingness. It is pure consciousness work, so to speak.


Be aware of the possibility of over-conceptualization pulling you back in terms of moving forward. Do not let imagination and expectations turn into a heavy burden which you carry around. Use imagination in alignment. Do not get lost in it. Act in alignment towards it. Let go of all outcome. Allow all possibilities. Let all come to you.


Let magic work. Creativity is key.


When in states of creativity and flow; no one is there to filter magic. To limit possibilities. 

The most incredible, unbelievable and miraculous things happen when one does not expect any outcome at all. When there are no limitations. No conceptual models of what and when should or should not happen. No imposition of any form of control over future. Only flow. Only allowance. Only emptiness. 

True, authentic joy and passion. 

Creativity will always find new, creative ways to blow your mind with absolute miracles. To get you closer to that which you wish to experience. To get you far beyond your expectations. And it will do it no time. You literally won't be able to believe it.


You deserve it all. You are worthy of it all.


Again; absolutely no difference in any experience you have. In any movie you watch.

You are the one thinking you are somehow bound to watching only one movie; over and over again. When clearly; it has gotten way too boring and predictable.

You are not chained to your current reality. Give that to yourself which will fulfill your whole being. Be the bringer of the change you'll be proud of seeing, experiencing. 

No one is depriving you of anything. No one is deprived of anything by you having it all. Those are stories; illusions. Created by those unwilling to let go of past. To transform. To grow and evolve. 

See through the limitations of those ideas. Laugh at them. 

You are limitless. No thought could ever stop you. 

 Createyour heaven. Step into it. Be it; experience it. Have no worries about a single thing. 


The past is an echo slowly being swallowed by nothingness. 


Edited by ivankiss

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The character (ego and person) has to go or transform. Your idea is true but not easy, your idea can become actual and real but is not easy. 

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@ivankiss It’s not easy because we live in a world of ego and personhood. Judgment, status, hatred, and all that shit which comes with the ego-mind. We live in a harsh world, not a world which is awake. But I know how to relate to that. Not by creating a new reality, altough a good frequency is vital. I immerse myself in it, I become it. I can live anothers reality, or we can share our two unique realities with each other. Connect, that is all that’s needed, it’s everything.

Connect so fully that you two become One. Play the mask consciously because the mask will be there no matter If you like it or not. No fear, no anxiety. I can turn anyone into a friend, I can take with me any girl home because I can. Not by creating my reality, by immersing myself in her reality, by creating unbound connection. Most are judgmental, angry, not so interested in human contact. Or are afraid, have social anxiety. 

But those who are cool, a good conversation can happen, even friendship. Then we can share and do great things (experiences). And so on and so on.

Just my way of dealing with this world, don’t think that I’m being ego devil here. I don’t give a fuck what your mind thinks. But we all have our way, I’m sure your way works perfectly fine.

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@Highest "We live in a world that's like this and like that" is a story. Lock yourself in a silent, dark room. What's going on in your world right then?

Whatever you imagine.

You see signs of all that which you mentioned because you are attached to the idea of those. You focus upon them. Revisit them. Thus you may also have the experience of those.

Perhaps you are unable to detach. Or fully heal. 

Only you know.

You do not live in a world which you do not create. You do not experience that which you are not in alignment with. 

The world is only reflecting back. It is on you to recognize the reflection. See it's source. 

Change the core frequency and the reflection will follow. The world will change with you.

Easy or not easy; that is how it is.

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

If you don't like the movie; change the channel.

Who is not liking the movie ? How can a character of a movie change the movie ? And who is gonna change the channel


2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

You have to detach from this movie not being what you expected it to be. Detached from the main character. You gotta switch to another channel.

What you are saying is very superficial . tell me who is gonna change the channel and who's having the expectations ? Seems like you are a character watching television . 


All this you are talking is inside the illusions of the mind , nothing real . Reality is just reality , you cannot change it because you are part of it . You can imagine things , of course .

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@tecladocasio Why do you assume "you" is the main character here? 

I am clearly referring to that which is beyond the character. Beyond reality. Beyond all movies and illusions. 

Awareness. Consciousness.

That can shift. That can change the channel. 

That is "you".

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9 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

Who is not liking the movie ? How can a character of a movie change the movie ? And who is gonna change the channel

Oh but it can!


Does a charcter in a movie not take steps or make decisions within the plot of that movie?

That's what he means

If your character ends up following what's being said here, then it will change the plot accordingly

What exactly is "change" ?

When you got up this morning and decided to eat whatever you did, was that you "changing" anything about the movie?

Or is that just what happened next?



@ivankiss what have you yourself done in this regard? Any significant changes? Or a major shift?

Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei Indeed. 


One character can only do so much, be so much, accomplish so much. One character may be created and meant to be flying on a dragon's back. While the other one is meant to be a regular dentist. Be married and have three kids. Die of old age. Experience nothing extraordinary in his life.

At one point a total transcendence must occur.

I myself found my way to eternal peace, absolute freedom and unconditional love. My purpose is expressing those in infinite, creative ways.

Lately I have been putting together the final pieces of the puzzle of financial freedom.

Affirmation and confirmation of success grow rapidly.

What about you? What have you been up to?

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss I am detached but I can immerse myself in someone’s reality fully, then I will go back being conscious of God and that it’s all just God, my regular ordinary state of consciousness. The only thing I’m saying is that your reality and experience is not the only one. What I’m saying and what I do is connect and immerse myself in someone’s else reality, and fully connect. Maybe you understand me, maybe not. But it works for me. 

And with the world, I mean human beings. Human beings with their own unique ego, personality, experiences, history. You cannot deny that world.

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@Highest I do understand now. Did not come through clearly enough at first. Cool :)


@ajasatya Precisely!

What if you never blink though? B|

Edited by ivankiss

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36 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Or is that just what happened next?

@SoonHei Is just what happens next . I'm not changing anything in reality . Yes , i'm changing things relatively speaking , if that's what you guys are saying , i think i understood .

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@tecladocasio You identify with the character if you are changing things relatively.

The change I refer to is not done through the character or physical action. 

No identification whatsoever. Especially not with the character.

The change is eternal already. What will it change into depends on awareness, solely. The character will merely be the experiencer of change. An inseparable part of the overall expression.

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I can manifest a new reality by doing a WILD (lucid dream) Best part is, meditation is a pre-requisite so lots of people on here could learn to do it. When you master it, you can manifest as many new realities per day as you wish 

But I know that's not what you mean :P


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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12 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

The change I refer to is not done through the character or physical action. 

@ivankiss So how it is done ? I'm curious . Mental action ? 

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@seeking_brilliance Wrong. 

That's also, totally what I mean.

But I mean not only that :P

I myself am exploring lucid dreaming and working towards making them experiental more clearly and sharply. Even more lucidly and vividly. 

Very cool stuff.

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1 hour ago, tecladocasio said:

@ivankiss So how it is done ? I'm curious . Mental action ? 

A mind would call it mental, yes.

But it is trans-mental really. Post-rational. Post-logical. Metaphysical. 

It is done in stillness. In nothingness. In silence. Through direct awareness.

The only work there ever is, is consciousness work. It happens beyond all realms. Prior to all appearance. Prior to all action. Prior to all illusion. Prior to existence itself.

If you do not know how exactly; an ongoing process of healing or self-transcendence is taking place.

Physical action is secondary. And it is not physical, really. It is a byproduct of consciousness work. A play-out. An experience. It is supported by passion and love. Will and dedication. Vision.

Meditate some more. Breathe deeper. Keep expanding.

Edited by ivankiss

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@seeking_brilliance Wrong. 

That's also, totally what I mean.

But I mean not only that :P

I myself am exploring lucid dreaming and working towards making them experiental more clearly and sharply. Even more lucidly and vividly. 

Very cool stuff.

Oh wow I got something right by getting something wrong! Pat me on the back.....

There's a very active and informative lucid dreaming group on Facebook, if you aren't already a member I can help you find it

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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