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The Paradox of ctrl/no ctrl (why you think there is no free will)

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A quick, spontaneous download is being received and expressed.

There is sense of relevance and usefulness. Progress and expansion are the main motivators; as always.

Liberation. Freedom. Peace.


What's stuck is a thought. A loop of thoughts. Not you.


You may not remember when exactly did you hop on the train. Nor for how long have you been on it. But you know the train is not stopping. It goes on forever. Heading nowhere; full throttle.

The train of thoughts travels fast. Has no destinations. The irony is, of course, that all the passengers ever think about is destinations. 

Sadly; that is an illusion. This train is not stopping. Nothing wrong with it though. It's just how the train is. It's flawless.

The passengers, however, refuse to accept this fact. Even though it is bluntly obvious. They are so desperate for arriving somewhere. After all; they have been on the train since forever. It cannot possibly be all for nothing...right?

For some, The Truth might have a bitter taste to it. Not all taste the sweetness of nothingness at first. 


Ultimate control does not equal liberation.


But liberation does equal ultimate control. 

Paradoxes are powerful. Beyond your comprehension. They are exactly how everything is and isn't.

The paradox of having free will and control is that one has to completely surrender all need for control and freedom. 

In order to experience absolute freedom, one must  transcend the trap of unconsciously imposing control over themselves and their circumstances, while simultaneously having a desire to experience no control ; freedom.

One cannot be free while traveling on the thought train; thinking about freedom, about destinations.

Absolute freedom will never come to you in thought form. Although thoughts are completely free and boundless, as well. But, they are merely thoughts. 

Do you have a true, authentic desire for direct experience of absolute freedom; or the absolute freedom of thinking?

Thoughts are direct experience as well, yes. But direct experience can be more directly experiental than pure imagination.

You gotta get off that train. You know that. You gotta jump. Drop the storyline. Have faith in nothing. Fear emptiness no more. You gotta trust your truth blindly. Undoubtedly. Passionately. Lovingly.


Freedom is out there. Nowhere. Waiting for no one. Waiting for you to jump off the train.


Off the train. Not in front of it. The train is imaginary. A thought form. That has to be obvious.

Death is not an escape. In fact; there is nothing to escape. Escape is impossible. What is possible is the illusion of escape. The experience of desperation. Struggle. Hitting the bottom hard. Feeling like the whole universe is against you. Or after you. 

Ironically and paradoxically; all of those experiences are possible because of absolute freedom and no control whatsoever. One just has to shift their perspective in order to see. To recognize the true nature of freedom and find eternal peace. To liberate.


Chasing freedom will never free you; either.


If you chase; you're back on the train. It's imaginary destination is freedom. And it will stay imaginary forever. Experiental only through that form. 


If you align action with thought. Or align thought with action. Thoughts are powerful, usefulness and necessary. But their true potential remains hidden until awareness shines through all.

Freedom is right here; right now. Always. No train can ever take you to it. There is no need to get anywhere; do anything.

You can, however, use your freedom to think of imaginary trains that lead to an imaginary destination. An imaginary freedom. Imaginary fulfilment. Imaginary peace. Imaginary anything, really.


You have 10 steps to take. You take 3 and then stop. Start thinking about your previous two and the next seven.

"Who is taking all of these steps? Where are they headed? Why do they vanish as soon as I take them? Will I be in control of my fourth and fifth step? What about the ninth and tenth? Are there steps beyond these 10? Who is in control of it all?"

YOU, dummy!

You started walking for no reason at all. You are heading nowhere. Doing nothing. Thinking about everything. That is how free you are. You are just incapable of believing it. 

For a good reason.

It is not meant to be believed. It is impossible for one to believe it. Only being it. Being aware of it. Expressing it eternally. Experiencing it directly.

Simply keep walking. Fearlessly. Your steps will occur effortlessly. They will be exact. Precise. Flawless.

Magic will work in your favour.


Be conscious of your freedom to think.


To choose thoughts. Or a train of thoughts. To jump on and off. To play; to imagine.

Recognize all of those for what they are. 

Align the inspired, momentary action with your imagination of freedom. Act as you think. Think as you act. Rest in absolute nothingness and emptiness. 

Give up the thought of control. Give up the control over thought. Give up control altogether. 


Surrender now. 


Willingly. Intentionally. Deliberately and on purpose. Consciously.

Be free right now. Choose freedom. Demonstrate freedom. Experience freedom. Be conscious of it's infinitude.


You will have plenty of time to think about whether you have free will or not in retrospect. 

Plenty of imaginary evidence for both sides of the same coin.

For no coin at all.

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