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Tony 845

Ok has anyone on here become awakened

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Through This Ramaji guy via Skype or is this guy just pulling my chain? He legit or what? 

This isn’t a you’re guru is Better then my question post either, it’s a simple yes or no? If he’s legit. 

Asking for a friend ?‍♂️

Edited by Tony 845

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In the presence of an awakened human, one will start to awaken and heal etc. So in other words, this is how one can say about someone yes or no. 

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If you mean that he will look at you and you'll awaken, then probably no xD 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 minutes ago, Shiva said:

Awoken several times, but fallen back asleep over and over again.

I don't care so much about awakening. I just know that as long as I strike the right balance pursuing it my life keeps getting better and better. 

If one day I shall attain full awakening or whatever, so it shall be. If it won't happen, I'm not gonna be fine also.

That's really the greatest benefit I have gotten out of this work.

That makes too much sense, where is the neurotic need to awaken to solve all your problems ?

Are you sure you're ok, this is not spiritual at all xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shiva interesting, sounds like you are on the right track! Was it with psychedelics? 

@Tony 845 I had my sober awakening 4 years ago, it was life changing. fall asleep again after a few minutes. I dont think my nervous sytem was ready to embody it. I had no prior spiritual practice. Been asleep ever since :)

Edited by Moment

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Awakening has happened several times, both sober and high. Enlightment I don’t know, depends on how you define it. If it’s the direct clear conscious aware knowing of God and that God exists, then yes. If it is the direct clear conscious aware knowing that I am literally God completely and fully, then yes both has happened.

It has transformed the unconscious ego into an awake one, conscious one. The character (the person) has also tranformed. No more fear, I connect with anyone. I don’t give a fuck who you are, we are two human beings. In fact, we are each other. No judgment, I will accept, connect, and love you no matter who are. I don’t give a fuck about your personality or ego, or your history or how you look. I care only about You, and the ego and person is part of it all. And I love that part of you as well, that is what connects us, makes us two unique individuals.

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@Tony 845

Short version: yes.

Nuance is important though, so here for the long version:

I and some friends/acquaintances got transmissions from Ramaji around a year ago, a little more. Few of us went on to make forum posts about how we were enlightened, in a rather juvenile, what one might call zen-devily way. Here's what I gathered from my experience:

1) Yes, Ramaji's transmissions do have an effect and can in a number of times facilitate entry into a state of abiding non-dual awareness. What I mean by that is becoming consciousness of nothingness behind self and world, a falling a way of the normal contracted sense of being an observer sitting behind the eyes, as well as the doer of the body's actions. It personally took me 6 times iirc to experience what Ramaji refers to as 1k. Some people were told they reached 1k but didn't really experience anything. So it was varied. I've also heard that some people have had countless sessions over time without much progress, and it would seem as if the transmissions may be weaker nowadays.

2) 1k isn't by any means the highest state of enlightenment. I wouldn't call it enlightenment at all, although by this forum's general definition it is an enlightened/awakened state. There's many depths of enlightenment. Ramana Maharshi, who Ramaji considers 1k, was definitely nearer to enlightenment than Ramaji. It's not even a comparison. Likewise, the depth of enlightenment between Ramaji and people he awakened through transmissions, including other RASA givers and his wife Ananda Devi, is nowhere near the same. Ramaji has a four-decade plus journey behind him, people can't just get RASA and be as enlightened as him.

3) Ramaji has plenty of ego issues, as do other RASA givers. 

4) Ramaji could help you reach non-duality, perhaps, but it's important to point out the path doesn't end at that. You'll still have layers upon layers of karma, which could cause anything from a deep-down dissatisfaction with life to hard-to-bear suffering. If the suffering is more mild, being in non-duality will make it easier to be escapist and pretend like there's no I, life is perfect, etc. Someone who takes years or decades of contemplation to enter a non-dual state will have more perspective and maturity.

Hope some of that helps.

Edited by Markus

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@Tony 845

You're talking about awakening as if it's some kind of object.

I don't know about that, but I know I was more deluded before than I am today, if that helps.

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@Markus my kundalini awakend about 8 months ago, I’d like to know where I stand on his scale & if I’m even at the point  where he or any guru can help me. 

Ive only had one awakening & many kundalini side effects from it.  I’m also meeting Rupert Spira in 2 months for a Q & A session group meeting for 3 & a 1/2 hours (pretty pumped about that) 

this guys soul mate lady, what’s her deal? Is she enlightened?

where would these main stay guys Rupert? Exhart? Adyashanti? Shimzen young? Sadguru? Where would they be on this level list? 

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@Tony 845 From what I saw people's kundalini generally died down by the time they reached 1k. I had some kundalini stuff going on but it died down before I dealt with Ramaji's stuff. Ramaji's book has a list of where he places different teachers on the map, and a pretty decent description of what the states on his map look like. He puts Rupert at 1k, Shinzen and Adya in 700s (iirc), Eckhart in 600s.  I have no opinion on how accurate that assessment is. In my opinion his map for 600-1000 is quite accurate, however the phenomena of alternating between void and god keeps repeating several times past what he calls the end.

Ananda might be in a non-dual state, I wouldn't know, however it's apparent she has a lot of growing to do as a person.

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@Markus damn & exhart didn’t move from a park bench for like 5 months & he’s only around 600, I’ve heard before he’s not that deeply enlightened (whatever that means) damn I can only imagine what the 1,000’s feel like. 

You currently enlightened may I ask? 

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8 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Markus damn & exhart didn’t move from a park bench for like 5 months & he’s only around 600, I’ve heard before he’s not that deeply enlightened (whatever that means) damn I can only imagine what the 1,000’s feel like. 

You currently enlightened may I ask? 

People can have peaks of experience lasting for some hours, days, or months. Adyashanti speaks of what he calls the honeymoon period of awakening (or was it Rupert, can't remember). 

I do not consider myself enlightened, it makes more sense to me to reserve that term for the burning of all karma, the end of all craving. I am in an abiding non-dual state with plenty of issues to resolve. I'm not even at a point of having the mind quiet from surface level thoughts, let alone subconscious churning on deeper levels.

Edited by Markus

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@Tony 845 there are many levels to awakening. I'd say that most people on the forum have awakened to some level, but if you're talking about high levels of awakening/full embodiment of enlightenment, then there are few on the entire planet. A few thousand at most, perhaps. This is no small feat! 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@cetus56 That's just a realization , to become fully enlightened is another story .

3 hours ago, cetus56 said:

There is no one to become awakened. That realization is what awakening is.

Edited by tecladocasio

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Sometimes I think Enlightenment can be used as an Egoic distraction.  This whole idea that I get to become Enlightened is not quite right.  Oh when when do I get to become Enlightened!  Wouldn't that attainment be great.  Notice that word "attainment" too is kinda dodgy.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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 I  sometimes fall asleep into the dream of illusion just post here.

Edited by SOUL

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