
Weight Loss and Enlightenment - Journal

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Im 17, in the next few weeks, i will have dropped of all the weight and in hopefully the following months i hope to have some sort of enlightenment experience. 

My strategy:

  • Weight Loss: for the first week i'm going on a fast then  I will eat a low crab, high vegetable unprocessed diet, and be moderately active.
  • Enlightenment: Daily meditation, combined with self inquiry, doing Leos no bullshit enlightenment guide, as well as reading enlightenment books.

Past experiences:

  • Weight Loss: I have successfully gone from 233 to 187 pounds but im still not happy with the way things are, i need another 20-30 pounds off.
  • Enlightenment: I haven't had any enlightenment experiences as of now, but  there were a few times where i would slightly  become conscious that i'm an illusion then my heart rate would rise, and i felt my identity become even stronger (defense mechanism). As a kid i was  fascinated by life, and had some sort of psychic ability where i would predict the in detail certain events, and i did this on multiple occasions,but  maybe they were coincidences who knows... 
Edited by Mezanti

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Day 1

Today and the next days (depending on how long i can go) im fasting, that means no food, just water and some vitamins and electrolytes. 

Weight: 85kg/187 pounds 

Enlightenment: Finished eckhart tolle's the power of now, meditated, did leos enlightenment exercise for 40 minutes, 


Edited by Mezanti

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