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Questions for Leo about his last three Videos.

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Hey Leo, I have watched your God part 1 and Aztec Nonduality video fully and yet to finish seeing God part 2 video fully (currently on the middle of the road). What i have discovered is that many of your talking seems to be very complex and difficult to understand for me. Many times i struggled to grasp what you are saying, i am familar with English language but when you were talking, it sounded to me like i am hearing language of aliens. In your Aztek video, you have added quotation from the article, many of those quotations were really very difficult for understanding. In your God part 2 video, when you are answering some questions about God's nature, i have noticed that many things u said just flown over the head of mine.

Is it for that these things are very hard to explain through language, that's why they sound very complex, or am i not just conscious enough to understand what you were saying?

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Well I'm not Leo, but here are my thoughts on it. Many of the quotes from the Aztec video come from a very academic and advanced paper. Even I had trouble understanding some of it. So don't feel bad. Do you understand the core of what was being said though? That's what is important. If not, you may have to watch it a second and 3rd time and take notes. It would be well worth your time  :)

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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What Leo seems to be saying is that solipsism is true. That's what I have picked up from the videos and it has had a serious negative effect on me. Basically, I am the only person who is conscious and nobody else actually exists.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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I agree.

I was going to make a post about this issue.

The stuff that Leo is teaching is very advanced, I have been following his content for almost 3 years now, and I still struggle to catch up with him.

Okay, maybe we can relate a little bit, but what about others?

Everyday, new people start following, most of them are not even interested in God, they may need to watch at least 50 hours to get to the point where they can be open to God, let alone trying to understand it, let alone working towards it.

Also, I think that a lot of followers are already convinced of God, so why spend a lot of time sharing ideas (although always interesting) while work is all we need? Doesn't that make just another belief system?

Leo promised a variety of topics, even though I think that "Godly" topics are important, but I also think that there should be some interval between them, and that's where other topics should fit perfectly.

@Leo Gura what do you think? I know it's your content, but I think we might have some perspective.

Edited by Truth Addict

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8 hours ago, Shaun said:

What Leo seems to be saying is that solipsism is true. That's what I have picked up from the videos and it has had a serious negative effect on me. Basically, I am the only person who is conscious and nobody else actually exists.

What Leo is saying is more nuanced than that.

"As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist." - Wiki on solipsism.

 It's more like saying, nobody exists not even you (ego), at least not in the long-term, besides awareness/God and God plays everybody, including everyone mind, almost like a puppeteer master. In addition, you have to understand that you are not separate from God, you are also God itself and so is everyone, but that means there is only one being and that being is you.

The whole world is you playing with yourself. It's difficult to explain, but you'll know it when you see it. 

.... lol on a side note, Leo may need to make a video explaining the difference between solipsism and non duality. 

@anonymous I think you just need to find what Leo is pointing to with his language. 


Edited by SgtPepper

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Well I think these recent videos are way too advanced!

As Leo has mentioned somewhere, stressing yourself out for why I can't understand all this won't take you anywhere. If you don't understand it now, probably you'll understand it later, and that's absolutely fine! None knows advanced Mathematics in grade1..and in fact many people don't know it their whole life, and that doesn't make them any lesser! But if you really want to understand Advanced Mathematics, you need to learn addition subtraction, need to take up advanced maths as a subject in higher grades or so, you need to practice advanced Maths problem solving etc. Even then you can't learn all of it. Even the best Mathematicians don't know it all!

Similarly, (While my analogy is embarrassingly poor to relate to the topics like non duality, but couldn't come up with a better simplistic explanation)for realizing the stuff Leo has mentioned in here, you need to do the basic work necessary, like Mindfulness, meditation. I think these practices make you more aware of the reality.. not how you perceive the things otherwise. But how it actually is. This helps you step out of your egotistical self, which is the basis of all duality. Now once you can see the duality your mind was creating all these years, you can open yourself to the possibility of oneness, non-duality. So these practices, the work mostly improve your chances of realizing God, but ain't necessarily the means to realize God, as there can't be any set process to it. I think I'm digressing..

The point I'm trying to make is, you can't understand Advanced Maths by watching videos, or wondering what integration means, while you haven't studied and practiced basic maths. God is a way too advanced topic.

While I have understood & relate to most of the content, it's not necessarily a step towards me realizing God!

Note : Personally, I respect both a Grade 1 student and any scientist / mathematician equally, and so it's nowhere I'm trying to put anyone down here. I hope my analogy isn't misunderstood in that context..

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