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Angelo John Gage

Life Questions Help

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A few years ago I got my Master Certification for Neuro Linguistic Programming at the Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis located in NYC. It was there that I learned the power of NLP in regards to helping people overcome their personal issues.

NLP can be summarized as various techniques using guided visualizations and suggestive questions to help the person break through any barriers the ego has put forward (defense mechanisms). The NLP practitioner knows that they do not have the answers, but the client does; thus their job is to probe around unti lthey find what they think is the issue and suggest it rather than tell it to them as a fact. In this way, the client will come to their own conclusion that the said issue is in fact the barrier. If it is not, the practitioner will continue probing until they find what it truly is.

I've helped a lot of clients when I used to do this, but there is no one to help me. Recently I have been feeling "stuck" in life; even after all this spirituality research and application, I feel like I have no 'purpose,' and that even such a purpose, is meaningless since I will die.

So I am asking you folks to can come up with a few profound questions which I can compile on a sheet and have my wife ask me them as I lay on a couch. It is much different than me sitting here asking myself questions or writing them down; it will be more effective if my wife reads them to me and if they come from others, so it will mimic an NLP session. 

So if anyone wishes to help, please provide any profound questions that helped you find your purpose in your life.


Edited by Angelo John Gage

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What am I passionate about? why?

What makes me happy to do? why?

What do I look forward to doing? why?

If money was not an issue, what would I do? why?

what kind of people do I admire for what they do? why?

Who am I? 

Who do I want to be?

What can I do with myself?

The purpose is to just Be. Realize the walls is self-created!


Edited by SgtPepper

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@Angelo John Gage Excellent idea & attitude man. Without hearing your answers as we go, it’s difficult to know what the next question should be, but here goes. Don’t read ahead! Just let her read it or it won’t be of any help!............................Here are questions she could ask, along with answer trees:



Breathe deeply and relax your mouth, jaw, stomach, let your shoulders sink.  Breathe slowly and deeply from your stomach.   Are you comfortable?  

(Mrs. Gage: pause much longer than ‘normal’ after each answer, and don’t skip any questions!)

Are you relaxed?

Do you know what you want?

(No): Do you know what you don’t want?      Why don’t you want that?       So what do you want, then?         Why do you want that?   

(Yes): Why do you want it?

(Because I will feel better)

When that comes or happens, you’ll be happy / happier?

Think about a time when you were young, maybe when you got your first car, and you were really happy. And maybe later....when we met, and you were really happy. 

Feel for that feeling,... happiness.    Do you see, that it is the same feeling? The events and things changed, but it is the same feeling - happiness....can you see this? Do you recognize this  feeling  ,too? 

(Yes): And when is it,  - when happiness is felt?     When is happiness experienced?   When does happiness really exist? 

(No): Tell me about things that have happened in life which you felt happy about, and things you felt happy for other people for, as well. Now, are you seeing,  that feeling  - Happiness - was always the same, known, familiar feeling

That Happiness is always “here”, always present. It has never left. It can’t “leave”, it is you, and it is me.  It is what all this is taking place in. “It”, is  “all this”. “Here”, comes through you - You never move.

Want a beejer after we’re done with all this overthinking?

See? Do you see it?

Do you sense the difference,  in happiness you feel from thinking of a memory - a thought about the past -  in comparison to direct experiencing of happinessnow (The Self - You!)

Yes, the thought of happiness does not compare at all to the experience of Happiness, Now. 

So let these thoughts go. 

Go be alone, Alone with The One, Alone as The One...The Happiness. 

And when you return, know the covanent. 

Follow The Happiness. What you want, is what You want. 

You can trust this within yourself. It will never fail you. 



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So I had my wife do these questions and what kept coming up is that I enjoy telling the 'truth', waking people up and helping them become better human beings.

When I talk about where I see myself, I've always had this vision of me on a stage speaking to thousands of people: I don't know however, if this stage is a life-coaching seminar of some kind, or a political scenario.

So ultimately, I still don't know what to do with myself, but I know what not to do with myself, and that ended up me giving up many vices and bad habits.

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