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How i stumbled across "Nothingness"

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Hi All,

I'm sure many of you have heard Leo or various other teachers discuss the "void" in which everything exists. Instinctively whenever I've heard this being referred to, I've always known that i wasn't quite getting it.. I would kind of just try to imagine nothingness.. darkness, the vacuum of space. Nothing really ever came to me as any kind of "realisation" and i could tell that i was just projecting concepts.

So a few months ago i was laying down in my backyard, looking up at the night sky. I was thinking about fast we are moving through space.

Earth spinning at 1,600km/h

its also circling around the sun at 107,000km/h

and then consider that the sun is also moving around the milky way galaxy at 720,000km/hr

Since there isn't really any kind of universal frame of reference, i began to imagine how we could potentially be moving through space at an infinite speed. I just entertained the idea.

Thats when i had an Oh My God moment.  It was a deep realisation that, even right now im unable to recapture in the way i did in that moment.

I imagined, a cubic meter of a "location" in space that is absolutely motionless.. Stars, Planets, Us.. all passing through it at unfathomable speed. Completely unaffected by it. Sometimes it is "filled" with the vacuum of space and sometimes it is filled with the center of a planet, or even something as dense as a neutron star. It is the nothingness that allows all things to exist within it. 

Just thought i would share how i came upon this realisation myself in case anyone else was in the same place as I was up until this insight. Coincidentally I heard Leo mention it in one of his more recent videos where he described an object (i think it was a hammer) in empty space as an example. I just thought that even though the way in which I came to my realisation is more convoluted, it might just be the thing that someone needs to get the insight :)








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