
Understanding Creativity

4 posts in this topic

Damn, last episodes about God was pretty good!

Now I'm able to get the deception (my own and all around me) with the proper respect! It's really genius and so simple. Understanding really feels like something about sexuality.

The Formless one experiencing itself through everything (forms) and if it'll be too easy to get the inner game God won't be able to experience it with all the depth. Now it's obvious for me why creativity is so valuable and satisfying - because You as a form serving to God in his understanding itself through inventing something (new form) which never existed before.

Edited by Ar_Senses

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I once heard that creativity is "the ability to join things together"

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How does the flashlight find itself in the dark?

What you are looking for is exactly what your actual experience right now is. The experience being within you is veiled, paper thin, via repetitions & identification. The more patterning the mind is, the more rigid or ‘form’ reality appears. This is an offset if you will, of holding one’s self to be ‘form’, ‘rigid’. 

Realizing the patterns = liberation = Being- what always isbehind” them...creativity (more-potentiality / less manifest) is revealed...continue in that direction of self inquiry....and ultimately formlessness is reached, though you never really left it. (I am creativity was never not the case.)

Patterns repeat the more they’re identified with, unknowingly, we perpetuate them in this way; I like this, I want this, I need this, I don’t like this, etc - not noticing the subtle identification underlying and attaching to all these thoughts which appear to identify the I. Notice everyone refers to the self as I, but doesn’t realize everyone else is doing this too. I is simply everyone / every One/ all one “ I “ / One / You. Simple & elusive, as I is undefinable (I defines). Attention is (unawarely) on the patterns, rather than the obvious unexplainability of the whole experience.

So put attention on what “you” think “you” know, in this case, it’s that I am able to get the deception (my own and all around me) with the proper respect! It’s really genius and so simple.”  Use the counter perspective to realize it is only a perspective, which has been identified with, by the I

Contemplate “I am unable to “get” deception - as there is no deception. I am that, I am.  This which is, right here, I am, undefinable, here & now. There is no distinction between ‘my own’ and ‘all around me’; rather I am attention on these thoughts: ‘me & around me’. I am awareness of this a priori distinction that this body / mind, is me. There is no respect. No separate me to respect, no separate ‘other’ to be respected or receive respect from. Respect is a concept, I am awareness of concepts.”


Also, “Understanding really feels like something about sexuality”.....try....I am understandness of sexuality, I am awareness of sexuality. 

Inquire within to the sexuality. The idea of it will dissolve in the inquiry - as I am that I am applies to all which could otherwise be referred to as, that. Apparently sexuality is offering your next clue, so to speak. 




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