
What supplements to detoxify from heavy metals ?

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Because of my work/life purpose, I'm exposed to heavy metals. Of course I keep it to an absolute minimum, but I can't 100% eliminate exposure. What are some good supplements to detoxify from heavy metals ? I've heard of chlorella, but basically I don't know anything.

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N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of amino acid Cysteine and makes 30% of glutathione, body's most potent antioxidant that among many other things helps detoxify heavy metals. So by raising NAC you may increase glutathione production so supplementation could be helpful. Not sure about correct amounts though, do a bit of research on it just to be safe. 

Prevention as much as possible is the key though. Not sure what sort of exposure you get but make sure to buy respirator and protective clothing 

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spirulina! its another seaweed. Read a little about it. Also linseed is an excelent heavy metal sequestrant.

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Watch out with Spirulina, only taken in periods, 2-3 weeks, 1 month pause per example. 

Why? It accumulated in the Liver and becomes toxic. I did it, can affect the nervous system greatly in the long run. 

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22 hours ago, Hellspeed said:

Watch out with Spirulina, only taken in periods, 2-3 weeks, 1 month pause per example. 

Why? It accumulated in the Liver and becomes toxic. I did it, can affect the nervous system greatly in the long run. 

agreed, there is some solid evidence on toxic properties or spirulina and damage to central nervous system. Chlorella from pure controlled environment is way way better option. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 I rely on good air flow, but a respirator is better (protective clothing I have).

Apart from that chlorella seems the most safe and reliable choice.

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check out Dr. Jess on instagram, she has a protocol for detoxing from heavy metals and bad stealth infections called "KILL, BIND, SWEAT". 1.) KILL You take a supplement that kills mold, EBV (bad viruses), and bad bacterial infections like candida (she sells one, but you can find any parasite bacterial killer that contains important herbs (like black walnut hull and oregano))

2.) BIND: THEN ONE HOUR AFTER you take a heavy metal binder, again she has one, theres another cheaper one by G.I. detox binder, basically make sure it has a combination of charcoal/chlorella/cilantro-especially cilantro very very very important). you have to take this an hour or so AFTER your meal and "kill" supplement because binders bind EVERYTHING, including nutrients, not just bas stuff. so if oyu take it directly, it will take out all the good stuff you just ingested.

3.) SWEAT. sweat daily for 30 minutes whether its through a sauna or exercise. Sweat will get out the bacteria/metals out quicker. Lymph massages help as well. The purpose of exercise is also to fuel lymph movement which is veryyyy important to detox!!!

You do this for 30 days, 2x a day (breakfast and dinner) and sweat once a day. 

there's another therapy to for heavy metals known as "MMS" thats supposed ot create chlorine dioxide( a good carrier for oxygen) the red cross used it to heal malaria cases. Its REALLY cheap, 20$ for a few months worth but beware there are small amounts of research on this. 


What line of work do you do?

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cilantro is supposed to help a lot to activate the release out of the tissues. it will then flush in your blood and from there into digestive system and organs - where it has to be bound by chlorella or ramsons. 

if you detox from aluminium it’s important to have a good magnesium supplementation.

it‘s difficult to say as there are different substances that chelate or flush different substances each in a special biochemical/biodynamic way. the process has to be seen on a body level. usually it’s one herb for the separation process and one to sponge the metals up so they can’t sediment somewhere else. flushing heavy metals off the tissues can lead to intoxication symptoms if you don’t have a proper sponge/chelate to transport it out of the body.

in ayurveda they also use massage technique during cleansing process to activate release from the tissues.

Edited by now is forever

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Maybe not the removal side but today I found a product that is great for prevention: D-lead

It removes heavy metals from the skin helping to prevent absorption (comes handy for me since I am a range instructor)

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@RiseAbove that sounds interesting, but most heavy metals are taken up by food or air pollution - of course if you handle dangerous things you should prevent them from entering your tissues and that includes the hands if they are in contact with glues lacquers etc. but in that case wearing an additional mask might be more effective... also aluminium for example is in deodorant, so proper prevention is using aluminium free deodorant (even though that doesn’t mean to not use any at all there are working alternatives). i mean if you want to prevent from taking up bad substances, you need to exchange almost everything you use in cosmetics and detergents and foods into organic to be a hundred percent sure.

i love this, though i don’t know how it already works in the us, but the more people use it the better it will get:

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Drink 1 tbsp of diatomaceous earth with water everyday 1 hour before your first meal

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@Vipassana it contains aluminium oxide. are you sure?

it‘s an insecticide... you could use it on a carpet to get rid of dust mites and spiders etc. but then you would also breath it in.... ♥️

maybe you are talking about zeolite or bentonite in food quality?;)

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@now is forever Food Grade Diatomaceous seems to be safe within my own experience and a large number of anecdotal evidence. I haven't done much scientific research but I definitely feel the benefits. I and my family have been using daily for almost a month. 

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@Vipassana so does it contain aluminium oxid or not? you‘ll feel that not directly - but aluminium is supposedly connected to dementia and alzheimer’s. that‘s why i‘m telling you!

so don’t buy into things others tell you is good without researching what’s inside! alone the possibility would keep me away. it might contain from what you try to detox...

you know you need to research that for yourself - hope for your family you do. - i mean i got asked by the dentist himself if i want an amalgam filling. it contains mercury. this guy is supposed to be a doctor.

they also sell you cosmetics containing aluminium - so well i‘d research that thoroughly.

if it’s used as a insecticide or pesticide...holy molly i‘d research thrice as deep before i’d put that into my body.

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so i did a little research on aluminium in different medicinal clays and found out it depends on the resorption ability of the silicate in the clay if the aluminium gets resorped or not - and there is definitely a difference in silica and silica and the diatomaceous seems not to be reliable in that sense because it is bound in a different form than other silica.

1.picture is silica earth

2.picture is diatomaceous 



so i’d go probably with bentonite. also i would certainly make sure to  take magnesium during that time to minimize the probability further.

Edited by now is forever

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