
What actually changes when your consciousness increases?

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Watching Leos newest video about Teotl and the Aztec Non-dual teachings etc,and I'm getting stuck on an uncertainty I've had for a while.

what is it that dictates, represents or influences someone's level of consciousness and connection to Teotl/God/infinity?  I thought initially it might be to do with your mental ability such as focus, ability to quiet the mind, understanding of complex concepts like non duality etc, your level of intelligence and/or maybe the efficiency/ capability of your brain. It didn't take long for me to realise that just having more neurons or more brain power would not necessarily mean more connection to Teotl / higher consciousness. a neuroscientist might say that its more neurons or processing power but as far as I'm aware consciousness makes the brain and neurons etc not the other way round.

There does however seem to be some sort of link as most of the people who seem to have a higher consciousness also seem to be more intelligent, mentally gifted or experienced in controlling their mind etc (that could all just be a correlation though as there are plenty of seemingly unconscious intelligent/ mentally gifted people)

so what is actually changing when you become more conscious/ aware/ connected to truth?  is it nothing? were you always infinitely conscious and connected?

is it that you are removing delusion and discovering truth that was always within you? if so what allows the formation of illusion if not consciousness in the first place? 

I'd like to think that I've got myself a bit mixed up but I'm unsure. I'm trying to self verify what Leo says about the world being imbalanced and society being in the dark ages still, and that companies like Coca Cola are the antithesis of consciousness and connection to Teotl. Or that our suffering and problems come from lack of awareness and consciousness. Currently however when I contemplate these issues, trying to be as non bias as I can, they don't seem like issues with respect to Teotl/God.

A chubby, disease destined fat kid, on a Coca Cola Drip with no understanding of anything but Minecraft and masturbation may seem unconscious or disconnected (My intuition says so) but isn't the kid God, and just as connected to Teotl as you or I or Leo?  just another expression of infinity. Infinty has an infinite number of apparent problems, suffering, pain and delusion and they are all wonderful and all one even if they are illusions, or am I missing the point?

If everything is consciousness/ Teotl, what defines an unconscious/ disconnected person? If there are degrees of consciousness what are they measured in?  The fact that consciousness can have levels seems too rational and logical or symbolic to actually be based in Truth? if you are in an infinite field you can move an infinite distance and still be in the same place, the same infinite distance away from the edge so can trick yourself into thinking you are more conscious when really you've always been a constant variation of the same infinite consciousness? 

Someone can spend their whole life promoting spiritual growth and consciousness work, which is totally cool, but someone can also do the exact opposite and its also just as cool in the eyes of infinity?

If not, what is it that the spiritual person has or is that Cola Kid doesn't or isn't? what is the criteria, if there is one at all, for being on the right path/ connected? No path? No Grounding? (as Leo mentions in the video, the rooting in Teotl is rooting in nothing) How then can one point at society and say anything at all that isn't just a valid variation of infinity. If you want to have a problem with the way things are, great! go out and change it and shine your light. if you don't want to have a problem with it, also great, go out and be Cola Kid. Ultimately you may think you are rooting yourself in money, sex, family or some sort of objective good, but really it is all rooted in Teotl metaphysically speaking. If not where am I going wrong?

I also wondered what an animals connection to Teotl is like? are they deluded into thinking they are a Shark or a whale or a dinosaur and if they want truth, or to be balanced and spiritual they should really lick a few toads for some juicy 5meoDMT, or sign up for the 10 day Jurassic vipassana retreat? or are they actually very spiritual and at one with Teotl because they aren't so self deceptive?

I'm not attempting to deny the points that Leo made about the Life Lessons from the Aztecs, rather I'm trying to verify it for myself instead of just believing Leo (coz I know you don't want us to just take your word for it ). As far as I can see I'm all for people being more conscious, connected and spiritually balanced but in thinking that I realised I don't know how to explicitly differentiate between the consciousness of Cola Kid and Leo so I don't know how to say that one person is more or less conscious. being able to do that seems to imply a duality and a delusion in itself. 

I really appreciate the newest vid Leo, and thanks to anyone in advance for reading this and replying. I'm trying to consolidate my uncertainty, hence my question being a bit scatter brained. :)

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What actually changes when your consciousness increases?

from my experience nothing is changing except your own perception

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@Miavono Decreased activity of the posterior cingulate cortex = deeper non-symbolic experience

More coherence in the brain/ more unified mind = more vivid, clear and focused conscious experience


"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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44 minutes ago, Miavono said:

so what is actually changing when you become more conscious/ aware/ connected to truth?  is it nothing? were you always infinitely conscious and connected?

Yes. It just went unrealize before.

44 minutes ago, Miavono said:

is it that you are removing delusion and discovering truth that was always within you?



44 minutes ago, Miavono said:

Someone can spend their whole life promoting spiritual growth and consciousness work, which is totally cool, but someone can also do the exact opposite and its also just as cool in the eyes of infinity?

Yes. Infinity is all inclusive.


44 minutes ago, Miavono said:

There does however seem to be some sort of link as most of the people who seem to have a higher consciousness also seem to be more intelligent,

Not really. Intelligence could be just as much a hindrance as a help. Depends on how it is applied, by ego or universal intelligence.

44 minutes ago, Miavono said:

I don't know how to say that one person is more or less conscious. being able to do that seems to imply a duality and a delusion in itself. 

It is a duality. A seed is no different then a fully blooming flower.

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What changes? One way to put it is that you zoom out and start looking at things holistically. You start taking other perspectives seriously. A lot of changes can be summed up to this one principle. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@Miavono Every word tricks us. 

2 hours ago, Miavono said:

Watching Leos newest video about Teotl and the Aztec Non-dual teachings etc,and I'm getting stuck on an uncertainty I've had for a while.

what is it that dictates, represents or influences someone's level of consciousness and connection to Teotl/God/infinity ? 

I thought initially it might be to do with your mental ability such as focus, ability to quiet the mind, understanding of complex concepts like non duality etc, your level of intelligence and/or maybe the efficiency/ capability of your brain. It didn't take long for me to realise that just having more neurons or more brain power would not necessarily mean more connection to Teotl / higher consciousness. a neuroscientist might say that its more neurons or processing power but as far as I'm aware consciousness makes the brain and neurons etc not the other way round.

There does however seem to be some sort of link as most of the people who seem to have a higher consciousness also seem to be more intelligent, mentally gifted or experienced in controlling their mind etc (that could all just be a correlation though as there are plenty of seemingly unconscious intelligent/ mentally gifted people)

so what is actually changing when you become more conscious/ aware/ connected to truth?  is it nothing? were you always infinitely conscious and connected? is it that you are removing delusion and discovering truth that was always within you?

if so what allows the formation of illusion if not consciousness in the first place? 

I'd like to think that I've got myself a bit mixed up but I'm unsure. I'm trying to self verify what Leo says about the world being imbalanced and society being in the dark ages still, and that companies like Coca Cola are the antithesis of consciousness and connection to Teotl. Or that our suffering and problems come from lack of awareness and consciousness. Currently however when I contemplate these issues, trying to be as non bias as I can, they don't seem like issues with respect to Teotl/God.

A chubby, disease destined fat kid, on a Coca Cola Drip with no understanding of anything but Minecraft and masturbation may seem unconscious or disconnected (My intuition says so) but isn't the kid God, and just as connected to Teotl as you or I or Leo?  just another expression of infinity, Infinty has an infinite number of apparent problems, suffering, pain and delusion and they are all wonderful and all one even if they are illusions, or am  I  missing the point? 

If everything is consciousness/ Teotl, what defines an unconscious/ disconnected person? If there are degrees of consciousness what are they measured in?  The fact that consciousness can have levels seems too rational and logical or symbolic to actually be based in Truth? If you are in an infinite field you can move an infinite distance and still be in the same place, the same infinite distance away from the edge so can trick yourself into thinking you are more conscious when really you've always been a constant variation of the same infinite “consciousness”? 

Someone can spend their whole life promoting spiritual growth and consciousness work, which is totally cool, but someone can also do the exact opposite and its also just as cool in the eyes of infinity?


If not, what is it that the spiritual person has or is that Cola Kid doesn't or isn't? what is the criteria, if there is one at all, for being on the right path/ connected? No path? No Grounding? (as Leo mentions in the video, the rooting in Teotl is rooting in nothing) How then can one point at society and say anything at all that isn't just a valid variation of infinity, you want to have a problem with the way things are, great! go out and change it and shine your light, if you don't want to have a problem with it, also great, go out and be Cola Kid. Ultimately you may think you are rooting yourself in money, sex, family or some sort of objective good, but really it is all rooted in Teotl metaphysically speaking. If not where am I going wrong?

I  also wondered what an animals connection to Teotl is like? are they deluded in to thinking they are a Shark or a whale or a dinosaur and if they want truth, or to be balanced and spiritual they should really lick a few toads for some juicy 5meoDMT, or sign up for the 10 day Jurassic vipassana retreat? or are they actually very spiritual and at one with Teotl because they aren't so self deceptive?

I'm not attempting to deny the points that Leo made about the Life Lessons from the Aztecs, rather I'm trying to verify it for myself instead of just believing Leo (coz I know you don't want us to just take your word for it ). As far as I can see I'm all for people being more conscious, connected and spiritually balanced but in thinking that I realised I don't know how to explicitly differentiate between the consciousness of Cola Kid and Leo  so I don't know how to say that one person is more or less conscious being able to do that seems to imply a duality and a delusion in itself. 

I really appreciate the newest vid Leo, and thanks to anyone in advance for reading this and replying. I'm trying to consolidate my uncertainty, hence my question being a bit scatter brained. :)




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I have an intuition that when my consciousness expands, it allows me to receive higher-level knowledge/wisdom. That's why you suddenly have an insight, you just "get it" some idea that you previously didn't get it or you didn't even saw anything special about this "idea". It is a really nice feeling, you feel like you earned that piece of wisdom. 

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Thanks for the replies. I feel I do understand more than I let on but I'm trying to avoid deceiving myself into thinking I've got it sussed. I will continue doing the work and see what happens. The main thing I'm trying to establish is how you know genuine growth has happened, people talk about raising their consciousness or their consciousness expanding etc but how do you know that has actually happened other than just feeling like it? if you got severe brain damage and became very mentally retarded are you suddenly less spiritual? if consciousness comes first and creates all experience, then surely all experience is equally spiritual in it's own right?@Nahm @cetus56

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51 minutes ago, Miavono said:

how do you know that has actually happened other than just feeling like it?

love towards Life increases, which is basically Self-Love

52 minutes ago, Miavono said:

if you got severe brain damage and became very mentally retarded are you suddenly less spiritual?

no. every tiny fraction of Existence, which can be as tiny as you wish, is made out of Spirit.

53 minutes ago, Miavono said:

if consciousness comes first and creates all experience, then surely all experience is equally spiritual in it's own right?

yes. all experiences are spiritual experiences. the question is: how aware are you that you're living in a mystical realm throughout the day?

unborn Truth

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Consciousness is irreducible -- since it is the only thing there is. What changes is your degree of consciousness. You need to get an experiential hit on what degrees of consciousness are. Psychedelics are the easiest way to do that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura On one end some people say that everything there is is consciousness, on the other end some say the only thing there is is Nothingness. I'm a bit confused here, can you give a quick explanation?

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On 2/19/2019 at 0:04 PM, Miavono said:

what is it that dictates, represents or influences someone's level of consciousness and connection to Teotl/God/infinity?  I thought initially it might be to do with your mental ability such as focus, ability to quiet the mind, understanding of complex concepts like non duality etc, your level of intelligence and/or maybe the efficiency/ capability of your brain. It didn't take long for me to realise that just having more neurons or more brain power would not necessarily mean more connection to Teotl / higher consciousness. a neuroscientist might say that its more neurons or processing power but as far as I'm aware consciousness makes the brain and neurons etc not the other way round.

Be aware that there are two contexts in which "consciousness" is used on the forum. Absolute consciousness is one/everything/nothing. It is irreducible. There is no thing outside of absolute consciousness. Relative consciousness has levels (e.g. more or less). For example, we might say Yellow is at a higher consciousness than Orange. Or we could say a collective consciousness is more expansive than a personal consciousness. As soon as you say "someone's level of consciousness" you are using the term in a relative sense (that there is a separate "someone" and various levels of consciousness).

There does however seem to be some sort of link as most of the people who seem to have a higher consciousness also seem to be more intelligent, mentally gifted or experienced in controlling their mind etc (that could all just be a correlation though as there are plenty of seemingly unconscious intelligent/ mentally gifted people)

I would agree that someone with a relative higher level of consciousness would have more expansive abilities. Imagine yourself drunk with lowered consciousness. How are your abilities performing? Imagine you just found out a family member died and your mind is in a hyper-contracted mindset and there are nonstop thoughts about this person. How are your abilities doing?. . . I would be careful about defining intelligence and gifts. I used to have narrow definitions about gifts and was closed off to a lot of frequencies. For example, I used to think Reiki masters were "whoo whoo" scammers. I've now become in tune with a broader range of energy frequencies and have connected with people that have gifts I never knew existed.

so what is actually changing when you become more conscious/ aware/ connected to truth?  is it nothing? were you always infinitely conscious and connected?

Again, you are using consciousness in a relative context. So, ask yourself: what changes about your consciousness when you are drunk? Asleep? Worrying about a job interview you will have in an hour? Now imagine seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time and standing speechless in awe. Imagine moments of love with someone that the two of you melt and there is only love. Imagine playing a sport and being in "the zone". Imagine dancing at a concert and losing sense of yourself and experiencing the collective consciousness - as if you are a giant amoeba of people dancing. These are all different conscious states/levels.

is it that you are removing delusion and discovering truth that was always within you? if so what allows the formation of illusion if not consciousness in the first place? 

You are conflating absolute consciousness and relative consciousness here. At the absolute level, there is one everything consciousness. So yes, illusions are absolute consciousness, yet so is everything. Regarding "delusions", imagine watching a movie and believing that everything in the movie is actually real. Then you realize the movie images are actually two dimensional on a flat movie screen. It is a profound realization, yet the movie goes on. . . 

A chubby, disease destined fat kid, on a Coca Cola Drip with no understanding of anything but Minecraft and masturbation may seem unconscious or disconnected (My intuition says so) but isn't the kid God, and just as connected to Teotl as you or I or Leo?  just another expression of infinity. Infinty has an infinite number of apparent problems, suffering, pain and delusion and they are all wonderful and all one even if they are illusions, or am I missing the point?

Again, you are conflating absolute Consciousness/God/Infinity/Everything/Nothing with the relative. Yes, kid is the absolute God, yet so is everything. Rocks, fart, clouds, sex, torture, laughter, pain, thoughts and on and on. There is no escape. It's everything. As soon as you add in separation and values - you have entered the relative. Nothing wrong with that, we do it all the time. Just be aware of the distinction. A mind-body needs to understand the distinction between absolute/nondual and relative/dual before it can integrate the two. Human mind-bodies are conditioned to see the world as an objective external reality - so it is a big jump in awareness to understand the relative, then it is another big jump to understand absolute - then another big jump to integrate the two.

If everything is consciousness/ Teotl, what defines an unconscious/ disconnected person? If there are degrees of consciousness what are they measured in?  The fact that consciousness can have levels seems too rational and logical or symbolic to actually be based in Truth? if you are in an infinite field you can move an infinite distance and still be in the same place, the same infinite distance away from the edge so can trick yourself into thinking you are more conscious when really you've always been a constant variation of the same infinite consciousness? 

I'm seeing a pattern here. I think your fundamental source of confusion is conflating absolute with relative. The term consciousness can be used in both contexts. If you can't see this distinction, it will cause all sorts of confusion. Above, I described the distinction with several examples. Notice how you set the stage for absolute/everything, yet then add in relativism on top of it. The absolute/everything is everything. It is any definition you can imagine and it is also the opposite of that definition. It's everything. As well, there is no separate person in the absolute. There is no separate thing. Regarding relative conscious levels - it's relative. We observe, experience and try to explain it with words and actions. For example, we could say there is a personal conscious level and a collective conscious level. 

Someone can spend their whole life promoting spiritual growth and consciousness work, which is totally cool, but someone can also do the exact opposite and its also just as cool in the eyes of infinity?

If not, what is it that the spiritual person has or is that Cola Kid doesn't or isn't? what is the criteria, if there is one at all, for being on the right path/ connected? No path? No Grounding? (as Leo mentions in the video, the rooting in Teotl is rooting in nothing) How then can one point at society and say anything at all that isn't just a valid variation of infinity. If you want to have a problem with the way things are, great! go out and change it and shine your light. if you don't want to have a problem with it, also great, go out and be Cola Kid. Ultimately you may think you are rooting yourself in money, sex, family or some sort of objective good, but really it is all rooted in Teotl metaphysically speaking. If not where am I going wrong?

Again, this is all boiling down to a misunderstanding of absolute and relative. Absolute includes any idea you can create about what is "cool" or what is a "problem". Well, absolute includes everything. You can spend your whole life trying to escape the absolute if you want, or accept it. Once you enter the relative - well sure, now we can discuss what might be considered "cool" or a "problem" in relative terms. Fun stuff.

I'm not attempting to deny the points that Leo made about the Life Lessons from the Aztecs, rather I'm trying to verify it for myself instead of just believing Leo (coz I know you don't want us to just take your word for it ). As far as I can see I'm all for people being more conscious, connected and spiritually balanced but in thinking that I realised I don't know how to explicitly differentiate between the consciousness of Cola Kid and Leo so I don't know how to say that one person is more or less conscious. being able to do that seems to imply a duality and a delusion in itself. 

When a mind-body is learning about nonduality, it can go to an extreme and consider duality to be "bad" or "lesser". Many mind-body's go through a ridiculous nonduality stage in which they just want to communicate from the "higher" nondual perspective. I drove my gf crazy as I went through this stage. Remember, as soon as you say "more conscious" you are using the term in a relative context. That's totally cool, I do it myself everyday. Yet, just be aware of absolute and relative contexts. Regarding how to determine relative conscious levels, it's a bit tricky because. . . it's relative!!! We can create models of conscious levels with something like Spiral Dynamics. 

One thing to be mindful of. . . a psychological self will add value to conscious levels. A psychological self may try to portray it self as being a higher conscious level. The self may get offended if someone says it is at a lower conscious level. A self takes things personally. So when communicating at the personal level, I try to avoid using the phrase "higher/lower level consciousness" or "more or less consciousness" because a self will often personalize it, which can be a distraction. Rather, I find it more helpful to help people become aware of a psychological dynamic playing in the mind (without making judgement like "you are at a low conscious level". 

In terms of being able to sense and see these psychological dynamics in others. . . after you work through the dynamic in your own mind-body, it becomes easy to see in others. Yet when it is pointed out, a self often gets highly defensive.

I think absolute consciousness is so simple and straightforward that it is impossible for a thinking mind to grasp. One word is too many and a million words not enough. 


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1 hour ago, FredFred said:

@Leo Gura On one end some people say that everything there is is consciousness, on the other end some say the only thing there is is Nothingness. I'm a bit confused here, can you give a quick explanation?

Consciousness = Nothingness = Everything

But the question is, how conscious are you?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness = Nothingness = Everything

But the question is, how conscious are you?

I now understand that it's one of those things that simply cannot be understood.

I've entered the mindfuck zone, there's no coming back.

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