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Angelo John Gage

Aztec Human Sacrifices

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@Angelo John Gage I imagine it was similar to the Catholic Church in 15th century. They were not exactly the bastion of nonduality.

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@Anton Rogachevski All 3 of them were killed so that they would not be in charge any more!

The most ruthless Aztecs probably ate the wisest ones.

P.S. And JFK, Gandhi, and MKL were not the wisest people in our culture. Not even close. They were just relatively wise compared to average political leaders. Which is not a high bar. None of them were enlightened. The wisest people in the culture are so wise hardly anyone knows about them.

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@Leo Gura Why do you say that someone is enlightened and can still be in tier 1 of spiral dynamics? I thought enlightenment could uplift human development as well. Why isn't it the case?  

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