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Extreme Shaking - Weed

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I have had this before but yesterday, tried some new strain and ended up spending roughly 20-30 mins after smoking in hardcore uncontrollable shaking and vibration in my body.

i have had this before, so i wasn't panicking from it. i usually allow this to happen as i feel this is undoing some tension in my body and opening and releasing some energy

is this generally good? and should i adopt a posture which allows more of vibration to occur and happen easily?

unsure if i should do yoga to amplify its effects during the high - i generally do some stretching and crack my bones... feels goord man

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I get this sometimes. Really bad when I tried an edible. I think yoga (stretching) will help keep your energy lines free and clear, you probably have some blockages 

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@seeking_brilliance thanks for reply


yeah, i suspect blockages or just trapped energy which is releasing

in short, nothing to "worry" about per say... allow the shaking to happen knowing it's just trapped energy releasing and is good for the body?

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5 hours ago, SoonHei said:

i have had this before, so i wasn't panicking from it. i usually allow this to happen as i feel this is undoing some tension in my body and opening and releasing some energy


You already know the answer :) In my opinion, this shaking is great, is a way for the body to get rid of old stored emotions. Your body is superintelligent, it knows what to do and will point you to the direction, if it is asking for free self-expression, just let it have it's moment. I have this shaking and extreme uneasiness when i use psychedelics, gets worse with higher doses, it's like lots of emotions get loose and the body is trying to let them go, it is common for me to perform asanas, mudras and pranayamas spontaneously. With high doses of ayahuasca, shrooms or lsd is like i am performing some kind of exorcism. Hatha yoga is perfect for this! Look it up at youtube, you will be greatly benefited. 

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@Recursoinominado hmmm

thank you for that. yeah, i remeber having read about that, but couldnt find where. thanks

i dont really have emotions which arise along with it

i remain calm now rather than 1st time it happened i was all like DA EFF IS THIS SHIT 

but now, its like i have a poker face on and body is shaking like it's japan during like 9.0 earthquake


god bless

hopefully emotions are silently being snucked out during this process too

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2 hours ago, SoonHei said:


hopefully emotions are silently being snucked out during this process too

For sure it is, just remain present and they will be liberated, as you are already doing. Those emotions can be super subtle to identify, can be some sort of uneasiness, anxiety (I have every time I smoke weed or take some psychedelics. I noticed that I became fidgeting and hurrying up on everything, it took a while to notice this, now when I see I just remain present, slow down and I immediately feel better, this process alone can allow the body to purge emotions :)

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Got this reaction a lot from weed. Idk I just didnt thought about it much. I think it comes from feeling cold, so make sure to put sth on or turn up the heater.

Maybe take a bit less next time.

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Psychedelics significantly stimulate vibrational frequency. Learn how to ground yourself.


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I'd recommend dancing. If the shakes are in fact rooted in emotional/energetic blockages it should be immensely helpful.

Any exercise should be helpful but dancing is different. It's like the most free and expressive form of movement. So if you do it, don't worry about what looks cool or not.

Turn on your favorite high energy music, move about in every which way and toss yourself around like a madman. Don't limit yourself but also be careful not to injure.

Then of course you could do slow dancing or Thai chi style movements. 



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21 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I'd recommend dancing. If the shakes are in fact rooted in emotional/energetic blockages it should be immensely helpful.

Any exercise should be helpful but dancing is different. It's like the most free and expressive form of movement. So if you do it, don't worry about what looks cool or not.

Turn on your favorite high energy music, move about in every which way and toss yourself around like a madman. Don't limit yourself but also be careful not to injure.

Then of course you could do slow dancing or Thai chi style movements. 



This is actually a great idea, i don't even know how i didn't think about it before even though my body was screaming to dance his way out of pain.

That's why i love rave partys, love electronic music, i feel like a monkey in the jungle, jumping like crazy with powerful vibrations of sound hitting my body into an almost orgasmic feeling of letting go and vibrations.

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23 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

This is actually a great idea, i don't even know how i didn't think about it before even though my body was screaming to dance his way out of pain.

That's why i love rave partys, love electronic music, i feel like a monkey in the jungle, jumping like crazy with powerful vibrations of sound hitting my body into an almost orgasmic feeling of letting go and vibrations.

Well said. When I'm able to push through all the self judgement bullshit and get that pulse to match the beat, it's pure magic! I'll find more stamina than I realized too. The trick is to not take yourself too seriously yet seriously enough to continue long enough to find your "zone"

They made a documentary about this stuff called Electronic Awakening. It shows and describes the process of people using music festivals and dance alone to reach higher states of consciousness.

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3 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Well said. When I'm able to push through all the self judgement bullshit and get that pulse to match the beat, it's pure magic! I'll find more stamina than I realized too. The trick is to not take yourself too seriously yet seriously enough to continue long enough to find your "zone"

They made a documentary about this stuff called Electronic Awakening. It shows and describes the process of people using music festivals and dance alone to reach higher states of consciousness.

That's really awesome! I think a huge electronic festival i went 4 years ago was the catalyst of my spiritual awakening, it was a huge reality check for me and i started to question everything that i knew, i was even an atheist and know i am a firm believer in god. 

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I get this too if I end up smoking a lot of weed.

I just attributed it to weed being very stimulating for me so I ignore it.

Usually feels like a shiver like when you are cold but hardly controllable. I just watch TV or something and let it happen.

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