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Weed - Clear consciousness of the non-dual One

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Gradually, I felt it's presence stronger and stronger. At one point, it all just clicked and I became fully conscious. I became conscious, directly, very clearly in an instant, in a flash, in a blink of an eye that everything that exists is It. Or rather It became fully conscious of itself trough itself. No magical experience or magical state of consciousness. Just pure clear consciousness . It was so obvious, so clear, so illuminating. I was all Alone, only I Alone as all of reality. I was in metaphysical bliss.

I'm writing this to enqurage people here. After first becoming conscious of the non-dual One (God) about 7-8 months ago, it has only increased. Weed for me increases and intensifies this non-dual state, and lately I have had some interesting experiences with it. I choose to write about the ones worth writting about. Not just to enqurage, also to expand consciousness here. Others may have different experiences and may not relate to what I'm talking about, and that's cool.


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@Highest If you liked that you'll LOVE 5-MeO-DMT ;)

Good work!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Jkris said:

weed means canabis Or weed is different? 

He aint smokin' dandelions ;)

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@Leo Gura Indeed, that would be the ultimate. But first lsd , then I will get my hands on 5meo.

thanks by the way

.@JkrisThere are some differences. I smoked weed, two big hits in a bowl right after each other. Strong, very fresh and potent stuff.

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@seeking_brilliance Used to smoke everyday a couple of years ago, indeed it came with a price. Now I smoke 2-4 times in a week. I do it alone now only for non-dual consciousness work.

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1 minute ago, Highest said:

I do it alone now only for non-dual consciousness work.

same here. 

or at least i tell myself that


initially, weed began as randomn fun for me... eating was really fun while high. food tasted 100x better but now can't really tell difference... maybe because i did a lot and now used to it


anyhow. i , like you, do it for non-dual work

i find it easier to contemplate and apporach non-dual work while high too


i do have things i want to stop using weed for as well - some traps i think which are there.... and hopefully my ego isnt fronting the whole usage and continued planned usage for this non-dual work when deep down my body is just addictied


anyways. mind over matter >

Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei haha yes, it was just fun in the begininng. Food tastes better, you have a great high and some fun experiences with fellow stoners. Music is better, stuff are just funny without meaning. Now after years, it’s not that way anymore.

I’m glad you find it easier to contemplate etc non-dual work when you smoke. But remember do the work when not smoking, meditate, self-inquire, contemplate, whatever works for you. Then when smoking, it will intensify your work, reflect it. 

Keep smoking alone and do the work. Much love :)

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