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About Karma

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Screenshot_20190217_231842.jpgScreenshot_20190217_231719.jpgi found this on Sadhgurus page lately as i pogress on my path fckd up things happen to me realy life fucks me with bad situations like never before... 

Do you have Experiences like that?? 

Edited by SriBhagwanYogi

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I listened to him say that like so many times in so many videos. There are videos where he goes into much more detail about this topic. this is such an advenced level of teaching.

He said once we initiate you into samyama, If you get into trouble every 6months now you'll get into trouble every 6h :D

"One of my foot is always in your life, it's on the throttle, and it's heavy (laughs)… Are you okey with it? :)

''Life on full throttle."

10 hours ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

Do you have Experiences like that?? 

When I got initiated into shambhavi i experienced my life began to change at a tremendous speed. I was facing intense situations everyday. I thought I'm going to lose my mind. However it was the most adventurous part of my life. I lived more in those 6months then I lived in 10years. (Exaggerating here) 

But it was super intense. Now i stopped doing shambhavi because i had to and my life stopped. For a few months I'm just sitting home. Doing nothing.

Sadhguru often talks about how if you activate your muladhara in a certain way your life will become very exuberent and vibrant. 

These are two dimensions of muladhara. It can be dormant, that means you'll be living a comfortable life without anything major happening to you. Or active and exuberent. That's when adventures start to happen.

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Wow thank you. I am doing Isha kriya for now really didnt belive in chakras and all that shit 

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I think vippassana has a similar effect. Basicly, whichever practice that hastens your dissolusion of karma will put your life a bit on fast forward :D

8 minutes ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

Wow thank you. I am doing Isha kriya for now really didnt belive in chakras and all that shit 

Lol :D

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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