Average Investor

The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene

10 posts in this topic

I found this book very practical in business relations with other people. As well as protecting yourself from uses of power. Such as con-artists, cult leaders, and the like. The book is filled with many stories through history that will have you reflect on situations that you have been in.  Where you give away your power. As well as seeing other peoples grabs for power. 

Have you ever received something from a friend, then to later be at their whim for a favor? 

Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? 

Do you ever appeal to someones interests, when asking a favor? 

Power hides in many forms until you realize the source. The 48 laws will reign true in your day to day life. 

I found myself bored on some stories sometimes, but many were very interesting and memorable. Many major figures through history are in the book. From Nikolai Tesla to many great kings and war leaders. Very detailed and each law shows the law in act and the reversal to the law. 

I think this can be applied at really any level of spinal dynamics. I find myself in a more green area, but I bow to many powers from orange people. Using this book has already saved me money and relations with others. Using these laws in practice in a non-evil way can still be very beneficial. But beware though your taste for power may become more hungry.  

If you find yourself enjoying history or psychology, then this is the book for you. 

8/10 for reading enjoyment. 

7/10 for page layout for easy reading. 

10/10 for practical use and learning. 

10/10 for value. I bought this book for $10.50 on ebay. Using this laws should save me much more money in the long run and I already paid off the book. 

My favorite laws were:

Law 2: Never Put trust in friends, learn how to use enemies

Law 3: Conceal your intentions

Law 4: Always say less than Necessary (My most needed skill)

Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but take all the credit. (Me reflecting on selling out my business and not doing so was the best choice)

Law 9: Win through actions, never through argument. 

Law 10: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky. (my ex) 

Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor. 

Law 19: Know who you're dealing with-Do not offend the wrong person.

Law 20: Do not commit to anyone. (Or any side) 

Law 38: Think as you like, but behave like the others. 

Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect. 

Law 46: Never appear too perfect. 






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i wonder how this integrates with the ultimate power of spirituality? i like this book, too, but i think there is a more "conscious", not as blood-sucking form of power...

 @Nahm would like to have your two cents

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@clouffy Seems skeptical to cynical, some practical, and some short term egoic thinking. Cutthroat thinking could work for short term gains, but it does not make for long term happiness / self discovery. In business genuine relationships are more important than short term gains.  Power is conceptual. (I have not read the book though.)  



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@Nahm i see! i'd say this is more on the "survival" side of self-help, especially when working at lower stages, maybe stage orange businesses. to transcend this we may need calmer, inner-peace form of power. hmmmm 

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@Nahm Lots of the laws you can use to deflect power from lower stages. But power itself can be used for a lot of greed. I found it helpful in a few situations I had been contemplating. As well as some marketing and things to do with customers. Not really to gain power over them, but to simply watch myself from making a mistake or getting ripped off. It's a good read. I think you should give it a try. 

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this is a great book, but 100% work of ego

"social intelligence" as they call it

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