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Becoming More Comfortable With the Idea of Death

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Okay so I currently struggle a bit with death, I've had people close to me die, and thinking about what death is like, whether or not they know whats going on here. I change how I think about death person to person like some people I don't imagine looking down on me and others but with some I do. And I'm aware with the fact that even if I did now, it wouldnt create any real happiness in my life. So how do I become more comfortable with the idea of death? I also believe I think about it way too much, it doesn't make me sad per say but I just spend energy thinking about it and its neurotic I guess?

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@kindayellowWell nobody ever talks about death however we will all experience it at some undisclosed point- so it's not all that different from pondering about life.

I would ask why you want to get comfortable with it to begin with.

Also-- What exactly are you UNcomfortable about as far is death is concerned?

Then read about that specifically or google the crap out of it and see what comes up.

This is what I would do and have done to some extent. 

Perhaps you can share your findings with us.

I definitely feel that death of a loved one is an extremely sobering experience, worthwhile exploring.

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In my experience, I wasn't fully comfortable with death until I actually died. Now I see how beautiful it is. 

As long as it's just a concept in your head, yeah it'll seem like a foreign, scary thing. Short of taking psychedelics and meeting your death, or having an actual near-death-experience (not recommended), some things that can help are to really zoom out and take a universal perspective. Everything that is created gets destroyed. God taking Form=impermanence. Visualize stars being created and destroyed. Supernovas. Nothing escapes death, it is completely natural. In fact, consider that what makes something beautiful is in fact its impermanence (that insight may take some contemplation). Visualize nature here on earth. Everything is constantly dying and being created. The death of one creature or plant provides the life for the next. One form to the next. Notice that it is only the form that changes: matter itself is neither created nor destroyed. The spirit of the forest, of mother earth lives on. A forest is not diminished by death; it is the cycle of life that makes it so. 

When you get far enough in your spirituality, you will realize that life and death are actually the same thing! But anyway, toy around with these ideas for a while and see where they lead. And no, you're not crazy for contemplating death so much... It is a gift that's uniquely human, and it's one of the most powerful things someone can do.

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Recontextualize! Try to find ways it could be the most beautiful thing instead of grim and morbid. No more pain, stress, worry, anxiety etc. And imagine that your loved ones would be in this state of total freedom and be so fully at peace that nothing you could do or not do would disappoint or shame. One way to think about it is that it doesn't even make sense to fear death because once the brain stops functioning it can no longer produce that fear. But then again most people can't just reason their way out of fear so like Karla said, google the shit out of it and see what you can find. 

Also, think of it this way; if we lived forever without any chance of death, then eventually we would be begging to die just out of sheer boredom. 

I think this mortal anxiety you're facing will in time and with enough spiritual work, do a full 180 reverse such that it will become a source of joy and inspiration that will actually help you live a productive and fulfilling life.  

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