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The illusion of science

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The mistake that science is making is looking outside, thinking that matter exists and is in fact the most fundamental thing in reality. In fact, it is the formless who takes on all form. Form and the formless are identical, one and the same. So science is just chasing at nothing, an illusion. You are the fundamental ground of reality. You ARE Reality. You are the Truth. So fuck science. It tries to put reality in a box, it's trying to put you in a box. Never take science as authority over yourself. Never, ever.

Once you become conscious that you are Reality, that you are Consciousness, that you are God - all problems, doubts, seeking, questions disappears. There is no need to know or reason about anything. Knowing implies a knower which knows this and that. You are Reality. You are It. You don't need to know that you exist, you simply just exist. In the same way you don't need to know that which you are, you simply are it, being it. You are already it, always been and always will be. Can anyone doubt that they exist? Of course not. In the same way, only a fool can doubt that which he is.

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