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Sell me on kriya yoga

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(tl;dr in bold)

Hey all, hope you've been doing well. Lately I've been a little off track with my consciousness work, and I feel like I need to find a way to look at things from a new perspective, and somehow integrate a physical component. I've been meaning to learn yoga forever now, and making excuses for why I haven't for just as long.

I've seen Leo's video(s) mentioning Kriya, and I also own his book list. I can't remember, but he was very opinionated about which books and teachers were legit, and which weren't. Can someone remind me what those were, or point me in the right direction to find that out again? I wouln't mind the input from those that have researched it themselves either.

My main gripe with kriya from a distance is that it seems very woo woo. I still don't quite understand all this business about chakras etc. and it is a little offputting without a direct experience of things. Reading about it seems like a second language, and archaic text doesn't really seem like the ideal way to spice things up.

Can someone briefly explain the principles or basics of kriya yoga (perhaps in comparison to westernized versions of yoga), and maybe share their experiences with it? Is this just another way to add a layer of concept to reality, or is there something else there? Thanks :)


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The books you need to read are on the book list. Read them and commit to doing the practice. Throw out all judgement for 3 months and be open minded

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