
Life Is Suffering

26 posts in this topic

I finally understand. It's so damn simple!

Yesterday, I posted this.


1. Reaction to desire is the cause of suffering.
2. Craving (aversion is but a negative subversion of craving) are the reactions to desire. All suffering can be traced to this moment.
3. Craving breeds more craving. 
4. Craving is a reaction of the mind-body to pleasant or unpleasant sensations. 
5. By changing the mind-body habit from reaction to non-reaction to these sensations as they appear from moment to moment, the generation of craving ceases.
6. By ceasing the generation of craving, old stocked up cravings saved in the mind-body will show themselves in the form of sensation.
7. By mantaining a state of non-reaction, the old stocked up cravings will dissolve.
8. When there is no more old stocked up cravings, liberation occurs. There is no craving to generate more craving, eliminating the root of suffering and ending the cycle of reincarnation in the process. 

If a mind-body passes with cravings in stock, those cravings have to go somewhere, so new life is created in order to bear them. That is reincarnation.
Life is Suffering.

Reading it over, it finally dawned over me.

It's so simple! Life is literally suffering. Life is just embodied suffering! Life is suffering that gets transferred from one life to the other trying to finally heal itself. We are literally just the universe trying to liberate itself! No suffering, no life! No life, no observer. Without an observer there is nothing! Nothing! Where that suffering came from I have no clue, but that's all there is to really to it!

It's just so, so simple.

Edited by Guided

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I like that quote :)

Tho i don't like that statement life is suffering. 

At least my life is definitely okey. 

But i understand how one would come to that conclusion.



Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1. The Buddha said there is suffering, not that life it self is all suffering [and that there is an end to suffering]

2. One can have sex and create children without agitation [craving for reward]

3.  You can feel good and be happy

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Forget about suffering. You suffer only because you are not conscious. Consciousness IS God. You are Consciousness and thus you are God. The ego and person is just part of a greater imagination. Become conscious of this and it will be the end of suffering. Not pain, but suffering is not needed. Becoming conscious is the most highest and fundamental thing. Not the mind, not knowing, not even experience. All that is secondary to Being, Consciousness. It is trough direct conscious cognition of God that you realize #1 God exists, #2 I am God, #3 God is everything, #4 God is aware and conscious, and #4 suffering is ultimately based on illusion.

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Life is Dukkha. Dukkha not only means suffering but also unsatisfying, and ungovernable.

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If in the future AI will become so intelligent, powerful and all knowing that it will know more about us than we ever could, I wouldn't be surprised if asked "what is the best thing that can happen to humans from the perspective of their well being" the answer will be - cessation of all life

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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@Guided Why don't you jump out a window then? Serious question. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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On 2/14/2019 at 9:55 PM, Guided said:

We are literally just the universe trying to liberate itself! No suffering, no life! No life, no observer.

@Guided Liberate itself from what ? Wouldn't that imply that there is something outside of the universe ?

Maybe this thing that we call life is just another concept (?), life has a meaning only when not-life has a meaning, they cannot be separated.

But I did not experience not-life or death, I don't know an opposite to being.

Suffering is only an activity of the mind, life has no attributes. I would say.

Edited by Anders901

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@Guided That's a good insight, but still only a partial perspective.

If life is suffering, what is it when you are not suffering?

Are you suffering right this moment?

Yet the moment still is.

Be careful not to over-generalize and call everything suffering. That chair is not suffering, for example.

Notice that there are many times throughout the day when you are not suffering. Which shows you that your perspective is not totally right.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Life is duality.

Life is like a breath: inhalation and exhalation. You can't hold on to one of them, if you try to, there will be a reaction.

If you hold your breath after deep inhalation, you will crave exhalation. And vice-versa.

You can apply this rule to anything in life.

There must always be a balance (Karma). Nothing is sustainable.

Suffering ends, and so does everything else.


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The only reason of suffering is mind, and by mind creation>ego.

there are lot of living beings (life) that doesnt have ego, and dont suffer.

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1 hour ago, Moreira said:

The only reason of suffering is mind, and by mind creation>ego.

there are lot of living beings (life) that doesnt have ego, and dont suffer.

What is an ego?

How do you know that other living beings don't suffer?

For what I know, suffering is an experience.

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The unenlightened Ego-Mind is suffering.  When you can start mediating Ego with No Ego or being, your life becomes very . . . "stable" is the right word, I don't even want to use the word "happy".  Happy doesn't always apply, but stable does.  Even if you're going through shit, you can still mediate Ego with No Ego and be, and realize that reality is not marching to your Ego-Mind's drum.  No Ego or being is like a pressure-release value for the Ego-Mind.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Huh, some great replies here. Thanks everybody!

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10 hours ago, TheAvatarState said:

@Guided Why don't you jump out a window then? Serious question. 

Well, if I go down the path of what I written above, (of which I'm no longer so sure, after everyone's great input,) if I just went and offed myself, my stocked cravings would have to go somewhere. Reincarnation would occur. The cycle of suffering would repeat. Which is something I'd rather not do, as it's simply better to try to make the best of the life at this current moment. If I have the opportunity to try and liberate myself with effort, why not do it?

But yeah, to be or not to be? That is the question.

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@Guided so in your opinion, the only way to actually die (not be reincarnated) is to get rid of your cravings? You see your entire life as a struggle against craving, and if you finally win the battle, your reward is to die and never come back? Sounds like you're in Hell!

Let me ask you, where do you go after you are liberated? Do you really believe you cease to be? Where else is there to go?

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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I came to the same conclusion as well at some point, that the best approach is to cause mass extinctions. Then life is just a cancer on the universe. 


But the problem here is that you are rationalizing too much. It is like Thanos in the new avengers movie deciding that the only way to save life is to kill half of it.  It is a lack of imagination.


Meditation is like polishing a brick to make a mirror. Philosophy is like a net to catch water. The buddah did not meditate. It's just how he sits. 

- Alan Watts 

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On 2/16/2019 at 1:11 PM, TheAvatarState said:

@Guided so in your opinion, the only way to actually die (not be reincarnated) is to get rid of your cravings? You see your entire life as a struggle against craving, and if you finally win the battle, your reward is to die and never come back? Sounds like you're in Hell!

Let me ask you, where do you go after you are liberated? Do you really believe you cease to be? Where else is there to go?

Truth be told, I cannot answer these questions. I don't have the experience!

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1 minute ago, Guided said:

Truth be told, I cannot answer these questions. I don't have the experience!

That's good lol

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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