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The Self is a luxurious block of jello

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With the mind calm and relaxed and the Self discerned, the mind is immersed in a kind of immense larder, a huge treasury of fat -- a subterranean store of rich provision, satisfaction.

It's like a borderless but breathable block of jello. You are a figure in that jello made from that very same jello. That jello is what is wanted, is what is desired. And you are surrounded on all sides by it, effortlessly. Realize your jello-ness!

It can simply rest there in that totality, that fullness, with "events" "happening" frictionlessly within it, mere images projected in that cool sweetness. Only it should not be tempted back by thoughts, various delectable offers to use the energy it now has towards one cause or effort or another. These are like Siren songs... "Should I do this? How about that? Oh that looks good/productive/tempting/wise/interesting." 

To all of these ideas it should remain relaxed, with its eyes "half-closed' mentally/figuratively speaking... unaffected, tranquil, simply resting in the richness of its environs. 

It is much like learning to carry a pot of water on your head wherever you go. Whatever happens, don't let the pot fall, don't let a drop of what's in it spill. Or in reality it's actually the kind of opposite of this, because carrying the pot is not a particular activity, it is a refraining from the activity of being diverted by various thoughts/goals/intentions/desires. Let them occur, if they occur, spontaneously and involuntarily. And if they occur, pay them no need, no mind, no attention. They do not require reprimand.

And if the bliss comes, refrain from comment on it. "I am enjoying this" <-- one is already out of it. And again, if that happens, no need for reprimand. Simply drop the thought.

This Self is the anchor in the changing environment, the one thing that is both “in the dream” and not of it. It's like something which appears in a dream but is actually in reality as well. On one side it's a dream object; on the other side it is not in the realm of objects at all. It's like some kind of anchor which one can hold by letting go of all other things.

And don't think about what's good thought or bad thought. That's a distracting thought in itself. That will lead you down a wild goose chase. Good and bad and should and should not are dangerous distractions.

Edited by winterknight

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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Yeah, it sounds like something I've heard before. It's good to be continuously reminded, so thanks for this post. Forgetfulness is a thing. I'm sure this post can help alongside with practice (obv gotta mention this).

Edited by Outer

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Are you saying I am a fuzzy slab of meat that has no clear boundary?

Edited by CreamCat

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5 hours ago, CreamCat said:

Are you saying I am a fuzzy slab of meat that has no clear boundary?

I think he is saying that you are a fuzzy blob of cream that looks like cat from outside :ph34r:

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Oh, and ha, given that my other thread is quoting from the Yoga Vasistha, it's funny that as I was reading it, I came across this quote:


Divine Spirit has the form of jelly-like mud (i.e., it is plastic in nature) showing all things, forms and colors, and the mind and all its functions also, upon its own mold of endless shapes and types beyond the comprehension of men.

Nothing new under the sun.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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