
law of attraction questions

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I started purposefully focusing on positive energies and was able to almost completely change my life

then one thing after another happened and I wasn't able to stay positive, now I'm just all messed up

so what is this? is this just life or am I really creating this by the way I think?

details: I was in mental and physical pain every day, hated waking up in the morning, could barely walk, suffering financially as well, couldn't take it anymore, found hope in "law of attraction" type videos, started doing it, turned everything around, was pain free, started making money

found deeper stuff, eckart tolle, rupert spira, watched them every day, started meditating every day, had a profound mystical experience

then my narcissistic mother showed up and told me none of the horrific abuse of my childhood happened and that I am actually the bad one not her

then doctors told me I might have a brain tumor, had to go through 2 months of tests and not knowing, turns out I'm fine but I still have symptoms and they don't know why

then one of my room mates moved out and the other one had a mental break down so I've been spending my savings on rent, now my savings is going fast and we don't have enough money coming in to cover the rent

so I've learned that my happiness doesn't depend on anything outside myself but come on...I don't want it to be this challenging, this is too much, what do I do?


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It's easier said than done, but you need to learn how to become detached. Actually, suffering is a great opportunity for you to learn that.

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I'm no expert myself but I watched enough videos tu suggest that it might be your shadow lurking out, it is not gone just because you are thinking positive thought, now it's below the surface and sending its own vibration. It's best to work on all aspects, not just what you'd rather have.

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21 hours ago, isabel said:

then one thing after another happened and I wasn't able to stay positive,

I would really question this. It sounds like you awakened to some degree and prescribed to the Law of Attraction at a fundamental level, yet your description of you descent sounds like the opposite, like you reverted your beliefs and succumbed to a victim mentality. You want to take ownership of the good things, yet when bad things happen you retreat; all of a sudden the universe happens to you. Well, it's tough pill to swallow that it's a 2-way street. All of the physical woes you think are happening to you are manifestations of something within. I invite you to go there with complete self-honesty. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@isabel The psychological self tend to live in insecurity and focus on the negative. Focusing on the positive can relax the person and allow for a more pleasant mind-body experience. You mentioned tolle and spira - yet I see them as post-personal teachers. Imo, Lisa Cairns is the best at integrating awakening and personal development. She is very heart-centered and often talks about how to develop a loving, healthy personal self as we awaken.

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I’ve recently been facing similar challengers of the spiral down effect @isabel

it’s very hard not to simply revert back to normal ways of identification judgement critizing analyzing worrying...but when negative thoughts and emotions arise “let them be” and see if you can become conscious of it all just as you were when you turned your life around. 

weather the storm, you must. It is all happening for a reason and It is possible to be in a places where you are no longer attached to outcome. Give yourself a break, breath and feel the pain, surrender ?

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ugh! thanks you guys!

do enlightened people have challenges like this arising?

do they live a life of ease?

and if they do is it because they are not attached to the outcome or is it because hard challenges just don't arise?

I was wondering if these thoughts are correct: things will never stop "going wrong" I have no control over anything

just subscribed to lisa cairns, she's beautiful, can't wait to listen...



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Everyone has challenges in life, imagine a life without them? ?

once you start to see yourself in everyone, your enlightenment may be showing ;) 

This video will give you some good clues to understanding ego 

Edited by DrewNows

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4 hours ago, isabel said:

I was wondering if these thoughts are correct: things will never stop "going wrong" I have no control over anything


You never had control.

Infinite Intelligence is working through you, with you, and for you.

Just relax and do what you gotta do.

With infinite intelligence, there's no fear anything can ever go wrong.

Everything is gonna be alright. Embrace the moment and let go of the future and the past.

Here's the takeaway: No plan is immune like being present.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@DrewNows wow that video is amazing, it's all right there at the end, it explains everything, of course I don't understand it but it is right there, seems to be exactly what I'm doing, so I'll just listen to it a few more times and see what happens, who knows someday it might sink in 

@Truth Addict you'd think it would be terrifying but it's not, it's the opposite...


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glad you liked it @isabel. it probably wont sink in over night. It's quite deep!

It was years ago i listened to Alan (for the first time) and when i returned, it was as if i was finally (really) hearing him for the first time

You (ego) will always be the best teacher


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Not wanting it to “be this challenging”, is resistant thinking.  What is “challenging”?  What does that mean to you?  Your experience is paramount to all aspects, and it is defined by you.  Who could tell you “how challenging” it is? No one.  It’s your interpretation. Choose a better feeling thought about it, whatever it is.

See what others do not. See that which inspires you. Whatever arises, love that. 


 See what Source sees....

  The Buddha said given the choice between going to heaven or hell, he’d choose hell. 

  Bartender: Alright Jesus, I gotta cut you off. Just water for you for the rest of the night.

  Jesus. : Ya.... That’ll do. 



do enlightened people have challenges like this arising? The difference is found in identity.

do they live a life of ease? Yes. Again,... identity is the difference. 

and if they do is it because they are not attached to the outcome or is it because hard challenges just don't arise? Because they are the only One. 

I was wondering if these thoughts are correct: things will never stop "going wrong" I have no control over anything

Those perspectives are accurate to you, because you believe them. You don’t have to though. You get to pick any perspective you want. Perspectives are like condoms; use them as needed, and don’t try to use the same one over and over. (It won’t go well)

just subscribed to lisa cairns, she's beautiful, can't wait to listen

Check out Abraham Hicks too. ?



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@Nahm thank you, I love what you said


and thank you for mentioning abraham hicks too, it's funny because I love her but I have been wondering if she was authentic so you answered another question that I didn't even ask...

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