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What being aware means for me

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I used to struggle a lot with the idea of "being aware" or just "being".

Now with the help of great imagination, I can shut down the thought process and leave my "world made of thoughts".

I've learned this unintentionally through mindfulness gradually and I haven't taken any pcychedelic in my life.

What I do is imagine a world vividly and with details and just fool around in it for a little bit.

For example imagine a different possibility for your life or your future.

Then I use mindfulness to completely snapp out of this thought world and become Actual. (Leo's video help me A LOT here.)

Then I look around with clear vision and become aware of the big picture around me with its details.

I feel like this everytime I go outside.

The buildings, the sky, people and cars and specially the amazingly beautiful trees.

Then I carefully listen to all the sounds around me, no matter how they sound.

That gradual humming sound of silence is a true thought killer.

Then I go to the bodily feelings, the feeling of pressure under my feet and my clothes and maybe the wind touching my face. 

This process of looking mindfully and externally works like a total shut down for my thought process.

And when all the thoughts become transparent and soft, the I thought becomes soft as well.

In this state, I can look at things that are so normal and ordinary, but be amazed at how it looks, sounds, feels.

Like I can pick a cup and look at how beautiful the reflections are or how amazing it sounds when I hit it slowly with a pen.

For me, being aware makes this ordinary reality look very animated.

It's like a animation, or a video game, or even a mix of sensations and colors with sounds.

I hope to go deeper on my contemplation/inquiry using more of this vivid state.

What does being aware mean to you?

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being aware means being aware to me, the so called "process" that you think is occuring, you think the process is consciousness but really its just being aware itself. awareness aware of itself automatically is its very own nature

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@Aakash I have no idea what consciousness is. What I realized was that there are infinite processes to reach something which is not a process.

Also I tend to assume Awareness=Consciousness (in what they are reffering)

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@Pouya you can not know what consciousness is made out of, you can only know of it. 

anything you say this is what consciousness is, is apart of the puzzle itself, 

consciousness is therefore consciousness, it is your very being, and the fact you are aware is awareness and the truth. 

can you close your thoughts and realise you are aware? 

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@Pouya I don't know what being aware or just being means. 

There is always something in the awareness it could be thoughts feelings or body or the i feeling or the waking feeling. 

But none of them is awareness. They are objects in the awareness. 

So i dont know what being aware or just being or awareness aware of itself means. 

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@Aakash There is no choice to close the thoughts. Mindfulness becomes habitual so it happens on its own most of the times.

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@Pouya yes you have to realise the mind is an illusion also, a mind creating thoughts is basically 

a self deception machine, creating self deception 

once you get past this 

your in the clear to realise awareness

thats what all practices are tailored towards mainly, its the quieting of the mind 

whether you do: 

kriya yoga: intellectual understanding

hatha yoga: in action, non thinking being


do nothing:

but on the other hand: this was a great insight and hope you enjoyed your realisation! 



Edited by Aakash

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No one to be aware, just awareness being aware. Consciousness conscious of itself. If consciousness itself were to speak to itself or for itself, it would say I am God. The perfect word, the actual case. Absolute infinity gives it a mechanical meaning, not something intelligent and conscious. But no, it is intelligent and conscious - It is God! Actually, factually, undeniably.

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it would be saying 

i am aware of the words 

i am aware of the words i am 

i am aware that i am 

i am aware that i am god 

thats how long many awareness it takes the say that loool! 4X AWARENESS

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