
Unbound Telesis

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Unbound Telesis: a primordial realm of infocognitive potential free of informational constraint. In CTMU cosmogony, “nothingness” is informationally defined as zero constraint or pure freedom (unbound telesis or UBT), and the apparent construction of the universe is explained as a self-restriction of this potential. In a realm of unbound ontological potential, defining a constraint is not as simple as merely writing it down; because constraints act restrictively on content, constraint and content must be defined simultaneously in a unified syntax-state relationship.

Some other short videos with a new perspective (I don't agree with much, but they are well made). The CTMU is too complex for me to understand. Taking the raisins out of the oatmeal.

Documentary about this guy:


Edited by Outer

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Basically correct. Except I still detect subtle duality in his descriptions. It sounds like he has not accessed total nonduality.

Still, pretty good for a nerdy scientist type.

This kind of stuff is the future of science, philosophy, and cosmology.

But just the fact that this guy is bragging about his IQ score already makes him not the smartest guy in the world.

If he was a genius he should have known that mankind has understood the Absolute Truth for at least 5000 years before him.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah. I suppose you can email him at chris (at) ctmu.org if you want. I found it at the end of one of his papers, which was good, though there was some jargon I didn't understand.


I got the text from: http://hology.org/ The CTMU paper is there as well which I gave up reading after some pages.

Edited by Outer

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There's a series of essays of his, available for Amazon kindle. I found them interesting to read, I basically agreed with all of the train of thinking, had similar ideas.

I would like to try and understand the CTMU, the paper is not that long, so perhaps a question of trying to break it down, understanding the terminology and go from there.

I had looked for Christopher Langan fairly recent on the forum search. Came up with something like 3 results, on a certain result that one of the mods wasn't sure if he was stage "turquoise" or "yellow". Going to hazard a guess that after presumably she read he was a Trump supporter on Wikipedia, that precluded him from turquoise.

He's the highest I.Q public intellectual I've ever seen, perhaps there is higher, if so who?

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One can't accurately measure IQ to those levels, the max is like 1 in 10,000 which is basically SMPY.


3 hours ago, RichardY said:

I would like to try and understand the CTMU, the paper is not that long, so perhaps a question of trying to break it down, understanding the terminology and go from there.

Yeah I think you can study it in the detail, like a churchgoer studies the Bible or a Hindu studies the Gita. It might give you something. At least the accomplishment of understanding something novel which defines new terms and uses new words. In the CTMU FAQ someone brought up a saying from Alan Watts and Chris basically said that what Alan said predicted the CTMU. Many things are def. legit.

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I've always thought of things being more like a Geiger counter. Not really interested in an accurate reading, I could always be at fault. More like hot, hot, cold. Dissect and see where things overlap.

See how true it is, if so then be more open minded. If not true cross-reference, compare to previous actions stretching back a few years. Establish whether; lies or human error, relax and be more closed minded. 

Exactly, see where they overlap and go from there, if consistently wrong or becoming irrelevant discard. I don't think I'd study the CTMU as such, just try and establish how consistent it is and whether there are more consistent theories or models. With something like the Bible still read other literature to become familiar with patterns, not really aiming to remember word for word. With something like a Gita view it more as a movie, lest end up like some kind of eastern version of Don Quixote. Or Avatar.

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6 hours ago, RichardY said:

he was a Trump supporter on Wikipedia

Oh good God!

Humanity is doomed.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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