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John West

Facing fear you dont want to face

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How do you face fears you really dont want to face. Like if I fear that my friend is going to die, I could face it by killing him. Obviously I dont want to do that. How can you still face that fear, without physically going through the scenario in the so called "external world"?

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notice that your fear is an attachment you hold to your friend, which your own very survival hinges on the survival of your friend

i don't mean that its wrong the like the person, just its more than that for you and your underlying psychee, if you really went deep into yourself and your thinking you will understand why

Edited by Aakash

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It depends on the type of fear. The example you gave is fear mixed with harm anxiety.  That is a very different dynamic than something like fear of public speaking.

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I started to practice the Sedona method. Just a few days and it feels like it works. I suppose you can just release the fear using this method.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@John West You face it seeing throught it , you will not face your fear killing your friend , your fear is a illusion , you only fear something that treathens you , the '' real scenario '' that you are saying is just a excuse that your ego is making to make sure you don't realize your fear is about a illusion .

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1 hour ago, John West said:

How do you face fears you really dont want to face. Like if I fear that my friend is going to die, I could face it by killing him

 Facing the fear would be excepting all things as they come without resistance or control.

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