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experiencing death

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i think i experienced the complete death of myself a year and  a half ago, before i knew about the spiritual path etc. 

so what is the death you guys are trying to kill? 

what does ego death feel like 

when i experienced my complete death, everything i knew about the world was untrue, literally everything, there was nothing left of me that i could call "i" 

is this the death you are talking about? 

i'm not really sure i can kill myself further , so i'm a bit confused when someone says they're trying to kill themselves .

ofcourse this will naturally lead me to say, the i that is trying to kill myself is also an illusion 

at all times you are the awarness behind everything so death is an illusion also. 

death was the scariest moment of my life i experienced, i grounded myself back in awareness after realising the spiritual path. 

i wonder if i've just been backtracking to the truth this whole time. 

abit like eckhart tolle my death was 

i don't think the spirtual path i've taken was linear,  

Edited by Aakash

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I think you had the no-self realization, while still having not experiencing the conceptual death.

I don't know if that's possible, but you keep talking about death as if you don't know what that is.

Your own words «I'm not really sure I can kill me further», I think you would knew 100% if that happened.

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@Shin what would you define as no-self realisation? 

I definately don't know what killing myself is because i already consider my self dead, there is no I which i consider myself, just the i that is already present. 

there's no ego which i'm trying to kill, everything already is an illusion to me, there is only being which is eternal 

so i'm 100% not on this death notion because its already an illusion

i didn't know about the spritual path so i can accept that i didn't know what it is. 


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 I have gone through this whole thing, looool! i think i've already had the experience i didn't know it. i just didn't know what awareness was what i was which is why i was trying to find my true self. 

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if what i experienced was ego death, then good luck getting there because you have to give up everything you know. that includes enlightenment itself. i think if your consciously trying to kill yourself then that is the hardest thing in life. 

if that was enlightenment then the you have to give up your whole identity. WOW this all makes sense why i was encouraged to find out what the truth was in life. and why i've tracked up the path so fast in terms of understanding. 

i can no longer make anything i say into an i, it just doesn't hold anymore. 


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@Aakash There's a lot to be said for throwing away.

I once knew what God was but it was thrown away.

I once knew what enlightenment was but it was thrown away.

 I once knew who I was but I was thrown away.

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@cetus56 yeah i'm with you, i threw away everything and started again with my understanding, don't think it can happen twice. so i'm just giving up on seeking lol, i don't even know what it means to kill myself, i'm guessing if i had a sense of self in the first place, i would kill it no problemo consciously lol. i think the secret sauce is throwing everything away. but i'm telling you, that death was the craziest thing i've been through lol good luck 

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all thoughts are delusions, any time you engage in thoughts, you can be sure that you are on the wrong path. 

when your mind stops, and you see it as an illusion 

you remain in silence 

and when this happens 

you'll realise, you yourself are awareness, there is still awareness happening and this is the true self

as far as i'm aware

don't ask me about death because i don't know if that means if you've killed the mind, if thats death. 

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9 minutes ago, Aakash said:

all thoughts are delusions, any time you engage in thoughts, you can be sure that you are on the wrong path. 

no matter what you think - rest assure that's not it.

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Once you climb a ladder to a higher level, the ladder is no longer useful. Yet, the beat goes on. . . 


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15 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Aakash is stopping thoughts completely during meditation a must for enlightenment? ?


That's a byproduct.

Never heard any spiritual teacher says it was necessary, some even says it's the work of a lifetime (to have a blank mind).


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@Serotoninluv agreed life goes on, just going to soak in the beauty and the peacefulness of life. i don't even consider myself the doer, so its consciousness just being consiousness xD, might start sniffing some bedsheets for the fun of it, 

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There is I-mind-body,transcendence,in which there is a separation,going beyond the physical boundary of the body-mind. You are simultaneously in the body and outside the body at the same time. All pervading,formless,infinite,fully awake and aware. This experience of awakening given here by a lady named Suzanne  Segal is the closest description, and very much similar,to my own awakening. She was at a bus stop, I was walking to my living room,and that's about the only difference.


"I lifted my right foot to step up into the bus and collided head-on with an invisible force that entered my awareness like a silently exploding stick of dynamite, blowing the door of my usual consciousness open and off its hinges, splitting me in two. In the gaping space that appeared, what I had previously called 'me' was forcefully pushed out of its usual location inside me into a new location that was approximately a foot behind and to the left of my head. 'I' was now behind my body looking out at the world without using the body's eyes."

The bold type is exactly the same in my own experience. When I read this,It was like I was reading the story of my own awakening.O.o


She described it as if her "...body, mind, speech, thoughts, and emotions were all empty; they had no ownership, no person behind them. I was utterly bereft of all my previous notions of reality"

This lasted about 4 hrs,for me before assuming the body fully again. Although,upon the  re-assuming of the body again,there was, and still remains a space or emptiness that was not there prior. "Utterly bereft of all my previous notions of reality",  very much describes the same result of such awakening.

As for her,she never fully regained the body again and kept expanding until she physically died a few years later.:(

Edited by who chit

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"The infinite emptiness I knew myself to be was now apparent as the infinite substance of everything I saw
I was nowhere because I was everywhere already".


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