
Is lamb of God about atlas bone

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The question is if lamb of god in bible is about atlas bone. The lamb of God takes away sins of the world. "to take away" in some languages is " to polish". Atlas is supporting the globe (the world, Greek mythogy) and polishing the skull in a sense. In the skull there is brain that produces sins:) 33 years of jesus are 33 vertebraes of the spine, Golgota means skull in hebrew, sacral bone we know that is, 30 teeths (silvercoins - betraying body with words may give you health problems), 12 ribs pairs (apostels). Jesus pains - a lot of pains that may happens to people doing meditation stuff. Fascia is the fascial web - Jesus is fisherman. There is circulation of fluids discovered last year (Jesus walks the water). During breathing exercises we trigger this circulation to flow and we have sometimes sensations like tingling or something flows in feet (Jesus washes feet)



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Too complicated I think.

The idea of the lamb taking away the sins has it's roots in ancient practices of sacrifice - animals (and especially lambs in the fertile crescent) were sacrificed to the gods in order to make them happy, take away disease, make the crops work. By giving something up (the lamb) to the gods, the sins that displease the gods were cleansed. A transactional arrangement with the gods.

Then Jesus came along and died on the cross for all our sins, so the transaction became sublimated, abstract. Nowadays we don't have to sacrifice actual children or lambs anymore, we just have to ask Jesus to forgive our sins or something like that. It was a bit step forward for humanity to be able to put blood sacrifice behind us! Something we don't appreciate much these days...

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