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hi everyone 

Im singing up for my first vipassana 10 days retreat.. does anyone here as experinces  in this field? how was it ? how did you like ? how can I prepare the best? what to expect? what to watch out for ?

All your info is highly appriciated 

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be sure your focusing on the sensation of the air passing through the nostrils and be careful that your not focusing on an image in your mind, of the air passing through the nostrils 

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Really make an intention before the start to do your best and follow the rules. It's a good system, they know what they are doing.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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@kira Go with an open mind no expectations nothing. The problem for me was sitting in vajrasana for long duration. It was painful. 

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Vippassana is a really good path. I only realized it after a long long time. Most likely you will have not understand the significance of what you're doing there but its a legit Bhuddha path.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Yeah they are really good. Go in with an open mind and try not to expect anything. I would say to prepare for it, one month before the retreat start doing one hour determination sittings, then two weeks before try and do two sessions of one hour determination sits. if you can do more then great, the main problem most people face is the pain from sitting for long periods so if you can get some experience sitting before you go in it will help a lot. Also two weeks before start getting up early and going to bed early, also you only eat two proper meals, breakfast and lunch. If its your first time you will get some fruit also at 5pm so it might be worth eating slightly less food then you normally do maybe a week before. Also leading up to the course try and not over indulge in bad habits etc. 

One trap people fall into also there is the course is designed to send you on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, one moment you could of just had an amazing meditation session then two hours later you have one of the worst sessions and this confuses and discourages people. The whole point is to not get attached to the good or the bad and remain in equanimity. So try not to get to attached to the high and low moments in there and realises they are all temporary.  

Its a great opportunity to spend focusing on your spiritual development for ten days and everything like food and accommodation is taken care for you. Good luck and I hope the course is helpful :) 

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@noselfnofun @Salvijus 

59 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Most likely you will have not understand the significance of what you're doing there

care to explain what you mean ? Im interested :D


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I mean they will give you instructions what to do. And give you a basic understanding of what is happening. But after some time you'll think what the hell am I doing? What is supposed to happen here? :D

Then when I become more spiritualy educated, especially when I learned all about karma and what it does etc. Then it really hit me that vippassana was actually a very legit path.

Before I couldn't understand the signifiance of what i was doing so I stopped doing it. The same thing happens to many who go to vippassana. Because it doesn't offer you any nondual experiences it just dissolves karma. And untill you clearly understand what it means to dissolve karma you will think what the hell am I doing here :D what's the point of all this :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus  I understand :D  i am pretty sure I will be questioning my decicion more than once during those 10 days, i can already hear my monkey mind coming up with millions of things i SHOULD be doing instead... 


Be with your family/childeren they miss 

you should be studying 

you waisting your time 


Im doing it !! I am lucking forward to it ;) 

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19 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I mean they will give you instructions what to do. And give you a basic understanding of what is happening. But after some time you'll think what the hell am I doing? What is supposed to happen here? :D

Then when I become more spiritualy educated, especially when I learned all about karma and what it does etc. Then it really hit me that vippassana was actually a very legit path.

Before I couldn't understand the signifiance of what i was doing so I stopped doing it. The same thing happens to many who go to vippassana. Because it doesn't offer you any nondual experiences it just dissolves karma. And untill you clearly understand what it means to dissolve karma you will think what the hell am I doing here :D what's the point of all this :D


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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One thing.

No matter what your mind tells your or how well it justifies it...



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@Kensho I am going there with that mindset  yes.. I am quite excited  ready to face the chalange 

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