
How long did it take you to fix your sleep cycle?

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For the past 4 days now, ive been going to bed between 9:40 and 10:10 pm and waking up between 7 and 7:40, in order to fix my circadian rhythm. IN the past, it would be soo easy, the first time would be hard to fall asleep but after that i slept like a baby. Now, its the 4th night and it still takes me an hour to fall asleep, and id wake up through the night like 3-4 times. Im also groggy and have the worst brain fog several hours throughout the day. Im still in my early twenties and i feel old since i cant fall asleep.

How long would you guys take to fall asleep when readjusting your cycle? Any tips or herbs that help you fall asleep faster? Except melatonin, i dont take it.

I feel like my brain is now hard-drived to fall asleep at 1am and sleep till 10.

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I have periods of success with sleep and periods of failure. I have been there

I use a 15lb weighted blanket at night and it makes a significant difference

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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@moon777light Get up at 6 am no matter what. Splash cold water on your face. Ideally, go outside asap and just see nature. It’s so beautiful and it’s all just for you. Meditate at 6:30am, and know meditation is just for you, to just be you. Perhaps subconsciously, but, what is deeply worth waking up for, is unknowingly worth falling asleep for. (You, are worth anything and everything!)



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Looking at the sky in the morning is great, while listening to some music. Ah, one of my favorite things

"Ah, everything looks shiny in the sun"

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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interestingly according to Matthew Walker who wrote "Why we Sleep?"  there are two types of sleepers:

1. Morning larks who go to bed the usual times and wake up like 7-8. 
2. Night owls who cannot fall asleep until late night and therefore prefer to wake up later. They are usually productive way later in the day. 

Walker says that unfortunate our society is not favourable to Night Owls and they are often considered lazy by our morning society. Whether you are 1 or 2 is genetically given and cannot be changed only repressed which causes you to "burn the candle both ends". They assume that this was so that in ancient times when people lived in tribes there would only be couple hours when entire group was sleeping and vulnerable and otherwise either one or the other part would be awake at any given time. If you think you are 2, trying to find a job that allows more flexible schedule could be helpful. 

That being said, sleeping problems could be related to adrenal weakness or general endocrine disbalance causing you random spikes in cortisol throughout the night. I would say herbal remedies are the best way to fix this so perhaps try speaking to a herbalist or a naturopath, they are the best bridge between modern and traditional medicines. 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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  On 2/12/2019 at 7:22 PM, Nahm said:

Get up at 6 am no matter what.

ill admit, ive been lazy with getting up at the same time every day, so ill stick with this, thanks :)

  On 2/12/2019 at 7:22 PM, Nahm said:

erhaps subconsciously, but, what is deeply worth waking up for, is unknowingly worth falling asleep for

its a mind twister but great words :D

@Michael569 thanks, i think its because of adrenal fatigue. I  have so much stress all day my adrenals are probably in overdrive. im not sure if i qualify for night owl, because in the past when i fixed my sleep cycle, my body would naturally get super sleepy at 9pm already

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Loving this idea of making my mornings beautiful and something to be enjoyed.

My sleep cycles are fucked right now while I am off work. I am like an owl. I am going to sleep at 5Am and waking up at 4/5pm. Struggling to even get up at that time because it just seems pointless to even begin my day so late. even as I write this I it is 4:30AM. I have decided I am going to drink a cup of coffee and just stay up intil the evening again and try go to sleep around 7pm to maybe have a chance of waking up in the morning and putting my cycle back on track. I have to go to work again next week and it needs sorting out!! haha


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  On 2/15/2019 at 1:23 PM, moon777light said:

thanks, i think its because of adrenal fatigue. I  have so much stress all day my adrenals are probably in overdrive. im not sure if i qualify for night owl, because in the past when i fixed my sleep cycle, my body would naturally get super sleepy at 9pm already

Most likely this is it. Is your blood pressure sub-optimal as well? Bellow 120/70. That's a good indication of adrenal; health. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 my blood pressure is sub-sub-sub optimal. "normal" bp for me ..on a good day.. is about 105/70. its not uncommon for it to be 90/60 and my absolute lowest (that was last year) was 88/49. 

what does that indicate, bad adrenals?

Edited by moon777light

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@moon777light That's very low indeed, and it is very common these days especially in females. It is a god indication of struggling adrenals as adrenal neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine control blood pressure as well as does aldosterone. Adrenals also secrete cortisol and when its out of balance you may get these sudden spikes. 

Do you also struggle with energy levels throughout the day and sugar cravings? 

I think you might benefit from a adrenal glandular tonic. This is usually a herbal tincture aimed to strenghten your adrenal glands, mainly containing licorice. Dr Morse has a few that I would probablygo for myself, I think he has 200 and 400. If you are in states, perhaps consider giving them a quick call to guide your choice. Or just chat to a good herbalist or functional doctor in your area and they may recommend something else. :) Avoiding stress and rigorous exercise during this treatment would probs. be a good idea. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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  On 2/18/2019 at 9:32 AM, Michael569 said:

Do you also struggle with energy levels throughout the day and sugar cravings? 

all. the. time. 

im not in the us, but i see that he included dandelion root/leaf extract in the list, i could start by taking dandelion tea and licorice tea. Im thinking of doing an elimination diet once and for all to see if im allergic to anything

  On 2/18/2019 at 9:32 AM, Michael569 said:

is a god indication of struggling adrenals as adrenal neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine control blood pressure as well as does aldosterone. Adrenals also secrete cortisol and when its out of balance you may get these sudden spikes. 

thanks for the info!

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Setting up an optimal environment

Setting up cooler and subtle environment helps in boosting the

Fixing your daytime habits to ensure good night-time sleep

A fixed slep patterns improves sleep and overall mental peace too

Creating a Sleep Promoting Evening

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Like  Nahm said get up early no matter what, you will go to bed early then if you didn't sleep enough.

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