Anton Rogachevski

The journey of my recovery

8 posts in this topic

My real spiritual quest began when I was 18, I just enlisted into the Israeli Army, and was training to become a warrior. A couple of months in I started to experience terrible panic attacks, anxiety, and depression, I was eventually released after a suicide attempt, while being diagnosed as a dependant personality. I had very little hope of ever being happy. I didn’t realize at the time that the episodes were in fact the beginning of a spiritual awakening.

At 20, I was on many different meds, trying to solve this externally. I haven't had a clue then, that what I experienced was actually a yearn for God. I didn’t even consider the possibility that spirituality was a viable solution and that it was actually the true cure. It was years before I found out.

5 years of meds didn’t work, so I tried medicating myself with drugs, alcohol and a long 3 and a half years of toxic and codependent relationship. I accepted my fate and had lived for years in a stable moderate depressive state.

To my incredible luck, 6 years ago I accidentally saw Leo’s video about curing depression. I remember that moment vividly when he said that when a person is in a deep meditative state he experiences bliss, therefore Bliss is the deeply buried basic emotion in each of us. This was a shocking discovery for me. In my total desperation and surrender, I was excited to try something new and different as a solution to my problem.

Very soon the effects of meditation started to come and I was truly hopeful for the first time in 6 years of absolute misery. I've committed to this journey completely, watched every video Leo’s got, and practiced all the incredible principles and practices as well as I could.

Following Leo’s radical open mindedness principle, I also found a 12 steps fellowship that deals specifically with Codependency, and it too was incredibly beneficial to my recovery. 12 steps is very simple and useful tool for shadow work and spiritual awakening. Nowadays, I’m coaching a new friend in recovery and it seems like there’s progress.

Today I experience happiness 90% of the time, and I’ve almost forgotten how depression and anxiety actually feel. I’m deeply passionate about personal development, and have a steady spiritual growth. I’m running a few blogs for different audiences. I enjoy every moment and see the magic of existence. It’s amazing when you start seeing your own happiness expanding outwards to the people around you.

Thank you for reading,

I hope to see more recovery stories from you too.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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On what points to elaborate? 

I started with intense meditation, and self inquiry. Gradually built to 5 hours per day, and 2 hours yoga. That was the peak in my monk mode, and from there gradually slowed down to 3 hour mediation/contemplation, and normal full time job. Once a week two groups of 12 steps.

You may visit my blog for more.

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