
Gross Wealth Inequality and The Charade of Changing the World

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I'm confused where this thread might appropriately belong, so I'd leave it to the mods to decide

I've watched this video before and but today this part especially caught me again. From 2:51:46 to 2:54:35

The 64-67 people in the world who own more wealth than the rest of the population combined, if they really wanted then the face of the earth could change in 24 hours. But alas! such a fantasy. The charade of changing the world. 

It made me question why is it like this from time immemorial. Why should a 'finite' wealth be under such massive inequality? Is that the only way this thing can work?

Then immediately I remembered how in global MMORPG games, depending on the popularity of that game, only 100-200 maniacs basically own that game based on game rep and stats. Is it because ''money and wealth'' being a conceptual construct and thus it is supposed to only work in this fashion? 

But on the other hand, when it comes to 'natural' wealth or resources, no one individual or a small group of people can exclusively monopolize over it. Like no one can monopolize on the amount of air we breathe or the amount of appetite we have for food and biological urges etc.

Can there ever be 'equality' in a conceptual finite wealth or is it just a contradiction in terms?

It seems that the only way conceptual wealth like money or MMORPG game stats can work if this gross inequality works as it's mechanism. 

Take away that inequality and the whole thing crashes and burns by losing 'significance'.

Would love to hear your thoughts about this issue 9_9

Edited by Preetom

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inqeuality is a misconception

its assuming that first there was a chance of things being equally distributed to everyone

secondly, that all invididuals will distribute their possessions to everyone without a need for leveraging anything against it. 

even if you equally distribute everything out, eventually it will still run out and the whole system will crash again and go back to how it is now

so the question is the best way to distribute the resouces 

and currently that is by accumulating most of it for yourselves to survive. 

i see only two options 

transcend the whole model or remain within the model itself, 

transcending being everything is fine , regardless of the situation. 

This is the exact reason british economy has decided to grow at 2% a year because there is no way it can keep up with demands of the changing environment where they want control of all aspects and be equal at the same time, and has lead to the right staying in power for the majority of term. therefore equality nor our current system will never sustain the world and we are slowly reaching the end of democracy, and so inequality will never be solved. equality is not the solution either. but it is a higher conscious one. 

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1 hour ago, Aakash said:

inqeuality is a misconception

its assuming that first there was a chance of things being equally distributed to everyone

secondly, that all invididuals will distribute their possessions to everyone without a need for leveraging anything against it. 

even if you equally distribute everything out, eventually it will still run out and the whole system will crash again and go back to how it is now

so the question is the best way to distribute the resouces 

and currently that is by accumulating most of it for yourselves to survive. 

That's exactly what I'm questioning here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there never was a situation where this gross wealth hoarding wasn't prevalent.

It's not like the conceptual reality of wealth functions in a cyclic manner from inequality to equality and back..

It seems like this system can ONLY function on gross inequality or not function at all

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

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yeah because of our current level of development in spiral chain, we are red/ blue developing into orange and green. so our problems are now becoming about equality and thats why inequality has become common amongst people for the past 20 -30 years. it's just natural progression. the answers that will really solve things are halocratic answers, 

like only giving resources to people who need the actual resources 

which is what the system currently does but it values it against currencies which is a concept and therefore fails against the truth. 

you need some other form of measurement system that is possibly only findable with people who detach from the system in turquoise mode. otherwise how will they know, they aren't decieving themselves 


the ironic thing is that non duality can never solve the issue but turqouise thinking will, non duality will increase the level of compassion for the resources and respect for its use and the benefits of the overall system as  whole. but it's not integratable into the systems. i would expect that a nonduality system is reducing the number of misconceptions and illusions and then you'll see a whole field of people of meditation ahahah and doing nothing all day and those that want to work can work looooooooooooooooooooool! its actually so interesting thinking about it, think about it, if everything was an illusion, what is the best way for all of us people to live? 

Edited by Aakash

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