Average Investor

I want to jog 5 miles

22 posts in this topic

I currently can walk the 5 miles pretty easily. But come spring time I want to be able to jog the entire thing. Any tips on getting to that level? I walk it 3-5 times a week currently. 

Edited by Average Investor

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Take it slow, but be consistent.

If I may, I will share with you my running experience.
For the past 3 years, at the start of summer, I've been compelled to start running because the weather is so nice.
 I initially start slow, and run short distances. Over the weeks I start to get faster and run longer. Within 8 weeks I am back to running 5km's fairly consistently, and I gain overconfidence in my abilities. Without fail, every year, I become inpatient and try and run a 10km when my body isn't ready. Every year I achieve that goal, but in doing so compromise my running form and injure myself. This injury puts me out of running for the next few weeks, and by the time I am healthy enough to run again, all my confidence and ambition to run is gone.

Don't be like me. Don't let your ego get ahead of your abilities. Take it slow and progress even slower. 

Progress should look like a sharp increase followed by a long plateau. You need to love the plateau and not get too far ahead of yourself. If you listen to your body, it will prompt you when its ready to take it up another level.

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@Knock Yeah, had a few patches I fell off the walking a little, but I keep it pretty consistent. I love doing it and makes me feel like a accomplished something when I am done. I have only been into it maybe 4-6 months or so. But to be fair I hadn't had much physical activity since like 2014 and lost just a pound or two shy from 40lbs. And you're right I will just try to add a bit of jogging here and there with it until it feels right. 

Edited by Average Investor

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@Soulbass I have a German Shepard that will get me to go. She actually just opened my door and looked at me wanting to go on a walk. I don't really know anyone who exercises much to be honest. The GS just needs to get better on the leash and won't have any issues making that distance. 

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Setup specific destination during which you will run. Such as from this tree to that or from this bench to this. 

Start by setting up let's say 5 of these in length of 100-300 meters. Based on how you feel at the end of each segment, you'll know if you have improved and may potentially either add more segments or stretch the existing ones. Pace yourself at your own speed, there are benefits to run-buddy but they can make you burn-yourself up to match speeds,  just as many idiot trainers in the gym do who push people beyond their natural limits which may cause more harm than good to untrained individuals. 

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Is jogging good for your spine. Would it be better to sprint sections, get the crap out, then give the engine a rest. Try and nudge up your max speed, interval training? What do athletes do?

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@Average Investor

Back in the day when i just began running after giving birth to my daughter. I bought this app ´Zombie run´ let me tell you its the only app I haver ever bought.    NOW ITS FOR FREE 

anyways... its like a story on your headphones while you run.. it helped me a lot... iot was so fun to run because i had a goal and that was complete my mission and save My town... and the story kept me motivated the whole way.. 

Now I run marathons and obstacle runs 


But that app is great for startes runners... give it a go ... it for free and you got nothing to lose... let me know if u liked it ;)



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15 hours ago, Sahil Pandit said:

Do 5 mins jogging and 1 minute walking, and work your way up to more jogging and less walking :)

^ this!

And as @Knock said, be consistent.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@Average Investor Eliptical, wireless earbuds, Ipad.  This morning I ran 8.5 miles before I checked to see how far. (Distraction can be used too. )Also, with an elliptical you are potentially saving yourself from many joint problems down the road. If you feel short winded, or like you can’t go on, just stop for about one minute and wait. You’ll notice through feeling, that a body in motion does tend to stay in motion, regardless of the mind.



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I was able to train myself to run from 0 to 13,1 miles during 4-5 month using the following steps:

1. Go to the sports shoes shop and ask the staff to find long run shoes for you (my Nike costs 130$).

2. Install https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.c10kforpink&hl=en free app. Train by using this app from 0K to 10K.

3. Buy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fitness22.running&hl=en for 15$. Train by using this app from 10K to 22K.

Good luck.

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@kira I might give it a shot, but I usually just go to a set destination, so not sure if it would work like that. It looks cool though! 

@Nahm I may get something like that eventually. I find it very peaceful where I walk and get a lot of time for contemplation. 

@Maximus I'm getting there set by step. Maybe jogged one of 5 miles today. 

@Sahil Pandit Getting there! It will take some time though. Hate the weather right now, but I will push through it. 

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@Sahil Pandit For a few days there I went when it said snow would come down and that was amazing and no one was out walking. But true that. I remember in the summer I thought to myself I may not be able to keep it up in the winter. But here I am haha. 

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What? You want to destroy Muladhara in the long run? :) It is your decision. I speak by experience of driving a tricycle rickshaw and running 10km a day in the past. All of that was not beneficial, if i could go back in time and tell myself stop, i would. Because it takes many years to recover. Even if you are doing it for money as i did 2-5k a month still not worth it. 


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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