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Reality is like a giant mind- the infinite mind

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Reality is like a giant mind

a mind in which your mind resides in, want to know what others things resides in this mind? 

space, time, happiness, love, murder, human body, perception, energy, dualism, jackie chan, the brain, the trees,   basically anything that you can ever think of is included in this mind, EVERYTHING is a self-delusion, (note: everything states that there is more than one, there's not, there is only the one) The one its self is self-delusion. 

the infinite mind, sees no distinction of what humans create dualistic terms for, it is aware of itself because it is the only thing that exsist. but the way that the finite mind (human minds) percieves, the duality between exsistance and non exsistance is created, and so the definitions are not the same, they need to be recontextualised. the non dualistic term for exsist, is it the only that is real( exsist) period. 

consciousness/awareness/moksha/god/ allah/bhraman/ nothingness/emptiness is all that exsist, 

we can understand this in concept EASILY, but its not a conceptual thing, its A POINTER to how the infinite mind creates the illusion! YES illusion that ITSELF is a finite being, the way in which it does this is it has to identify or intentively create a seperate self by creating a boundary that does not exsist (thats where the word illusion really means). the finite beings created are us! TOM, DICK AND HARRY, the illusions are

A) these are three seperate beings 

B) harry head is bigger than harry so he must be different 

C) tom, well tom has blue eyes 

these are daily distinctions we make everyday because we take it for granted that we are the same consciousness, individuating into seperate selfs. 

the deceptions go on and on from the moment they started from the start of human history, 

THERE WAS NO HUMAN BEING IN THE FIRST PLACE IN HISTORY! there was only awareness and will always be only awareness, human being is a concept. there has never been anything such as a human being, but in this giant mind! it allows for every delusion to be created simulataneously. so while i'm sitting here writting on my laptop i can create 10 new delusions, and you who's reading can create 15 new delusions all you have to do is use your mind to create self-deceptions 

lets do an experiment 

1) wait 5 seconds and continue reading, how many thoughts have you created

each one of those are self-delusions. 

those 10 and 15 delusions you created are exactly the same as creating a delusion of seperate self's called tom, dick and harry. 

THE INFINITE MIND is infinite, like one giant mind, creating delusion after delusion. 

THEN when someone has truthed a delusion for themselves, another individual will believe it because it's been proofed. 

There is only one truth that can be absolute 

that truth is: all there is: is ..... [ insert word here] 

or the true self 

all other things are delusions because they create distinctions of any kind, this also includes how to live life in a certain way.. there is no way to correctly live life, but that doesn't stop you enjoying the illusion and creating a good life for yourself. 


The mechanism that things come into reality are by delusion of seperate self, and that includes perception of a seperate subject. which will either be the subject or object. perception comes from our five senses , our five sense hear,see,sound,etc, etc.. 


there is no seperate object to sense , it only seems that way because of the thoughts you have or knowledge, whats really happening is: 

the same awareness or consciousness is interacting with itself, its aware of itself, but not as any self, just the sentence ends at its aware of itself. 


The infinite mind can create literally anything, itself is has no form or internal design, the maya is none other than illusion but only as illusory as real can be 


Hope this clarifies some things for you, got any questions let me know.

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