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Living, Acting and Thinking Without Intentions

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Did you ever think of doing something without intending to do?

For example, I have written my question above intending to share my idea with you. Which sounded like a wise idea for me.

I was thinking about a problem in my life. A teacher in my school failed me in course by 3 points. I have been thinking about this since this morning. I thought that it would be good to go to her room and ask her why would she do something like that. Then suddenly I realized. What is my intention to ask her this question? I realized again, my intention was to show her I am concerned with my life and I am protecting it. But why do I ask a question to show her that? Why do I even showing someone if I am protecting or concerning about my life?

After this stream of consciousness, I realized again. My intentions are driving me to do complex set of actions to give a message. It is actually a small warning. "Don't play with me! I don't care if you're a teacher or not!" This passive aggressive action is sick! My intentions not only mine your intentions too rule you in an ill way. It makes you make a plan to give a message. We should be careful about our intentions.

You may ask, what about good intentions? They have a chance to lead you a fake series of actions to satisfy your ego or your needs.

Don't intend to do something. Do it without thinking. Only with your heart.

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Study enlightenment and you will realize the falsehood of "Do it with your hearth".

However you will do it, you still choose it based on past events.

There's no wiser case. Or maybe it is... go for your good. If you were there talking to your teacher with a differently formulated question like"Can you show me where did I was wrong." then mention that "...I want to know it the next time because I care about this topic."

Your teacher won't perceive any anger , but will notice your good intentions and interests into his/her class and treat you differently.

It's not about the ego. It's about making a difference and getting a higher gpa just so you can have a greater chance to the place you are dreaming of.


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